Chapter 125
The old man showed embarrassment on his face. He was just a little old man who helped the Zhushan League to watch the gate. This rule existed like a mountain, and he did not have the right to violate it.He had no choice but to say, "Young man, it's not that I'm making things difficult for you, it's just that every village has its own rules. If you violate this rule, I really can't afford the consequences!"

Because the strength of Lin Ye and his group can be said to be the strongest among the supernatural beings who entered Baidi City in the past few months. For the city, the Zhushan League has the final say.

Just when the two were at a stalemate, a woman's voice came from inside the city wall. "Old man Ma, this mutant beast is fine, let them bring it in!"

After the woman's voice finished speaking, the old head nodded repeatedly as if the emperor had ordered it.The two werewolves got out of the way wisely, and Mantou ran over with a whoosh.

"I don't know who you are, but Lin Ye thanked you here!" Seeing that the woman didn't speak any more, Lin Ye turned around and walked inside without stopping.

Everyone walked towards the inside of Baidi City. It was completely different from the bright and beautiful exterior. This place looked like a slum.

After entering, everyone saw that the city was messy like a garbage dump. The streets were full of shriveled and emaciated children, and some beggars lying on the ground had many wounds and pus. They had no choice but to rely on this method to get rid of them. to survive.

Lin Ye saw the familiar scene in front of him. He also lived in an area in his previous life. The real good things and good houses were all enjoyed by the supernatural beings. All ordinary human beings can only exchange for a little bit of money through continuous labor with their hands. Food, groveling but what can be done, all people are just fighting for survival, compared with the miserable scene here, Tianshui County looks like a rich countryside, not a poor and backward city here.

After walking for a long time, there are countless plastic greenhouses and green rice everywhere. This city has a population of more than 400 million, all of which are self-sufficient, and the survivors outside are still a steady stream of Baidi The city rushed over, thinking that this was heaven.

After walking for a while, everyone found themselves back in the city.

The outside of Baidi City looks like a fully armed basalt, but inside it looks like a Suzaku. Although the internal organs are small, they have everything, including poverty and injustice, cruelty and arrogance.

From basic necessities of life to food, drink and entertainment, the highly developed economy here is like China in the 21st century.

The people who come and go are wearing modern clothes. Although there are no cars, the neat rows of bicycles also prove the health of Baidi City.The size and diameter of Baidi City is about several miles in the past, and everything from agriculture to service industry is available here.From Tianshui County to standing here in Baidi City, everyone felt as if they entered the city from the countryside.

Although everyone's clothes are said to be cleaned every day, they are somewhat worn out compared to the people in front of them.Especially the two women Xuewu and Jiang Yuxin in this team.When I see the clean and beautiful clothes in the window, I can't walk.

If it weren't for the countless zombies raging throughout China outside Baidi City, this place would simply be a paradise for human beings. Seeing everyone's happy faces, Lin Ye had complicated expressions on his face.I brought a group of people to Baidi City not for pleasure, but to have my own territory and power. You must know that Baidi City like this will be stepped on by zombies that have evolved to a certain level in a few years. Underfoot, all human beings become blood supply machines, and the supernatural beings will use the most tragic way to obtain the final glory!

A strong man, if he does not change his fate against the sky, what is the difference between him and an ant?
After a while.Everyone came to their resting place. Looking from the outside, it was a towering tall building with a slanted design and the walls were completely black.Compared with other ordinary survivors' residential areas, this high-rise building is full of Gothic post-modern art.

This high-rise building full of post-modern artistic sense turned out to be a place used by Zhushanmeng to entertain people with supernatural powers. When everyone walked into the hall, they found that there was no one there.

At this moment, a robot wobbled over from the side, and Mantou wanted to bite after seeing it, but Li Jie stopped it loudly.

"Hello, team of supernatural beings. I'm very glad that you have come to Baidi City to protect this homeland together. Welcome." The snow-white robotic voice said mechanically.

"Hello, please show me the way! Take us to the resting place." Lin Ye said lightly. It seems that there are no humans in this building, only robots shuttle here to help the supernatural beings provide services.

The snow-white robot nodded towards Lin Ye as if it was human, and walked in front of him tremblingly.Show them the way.

I don't know why, but there is no sign of a supernatural person in the whole building. Could it be that today is the once-a-month "Corpse Gate?"

Eight people and one dog took the elevator to the eighteenth floor. After the robot opened the elevator door, it made another mechanical sound. "Mr. Lin Ye, the [-]th floor is the resting place for your team, please rest as much as you like."

Lin Ye glanced at the robot, and it pressed the elevator down.

It turned out that the Zhushan League had such a strong strength at the beginning, not to mention the construction cost of this high-rise building, these high-tech robots alone are not small, this is just an ordinary robot, if those for military use Robot, what kind of scene will it be, high-speed laser scanning?Undead war machine?Zombie Harvester!

Although it is said that in the last days of the previous life, Baidi City came to an end under the rule of the Zhushan League, but in those few years, no large-scale zombies were able to enter Baidi City. It seems that this Zhushan League is in private Still got a lot done!Lin Ye's feelings towards the Zhushan League gradually changed in his heart.But it was hard to make him feel good about this faction. As long as he thought of the child's face and the severely injured and screaming disabled human beings, he would feel an anger that was difficult to calm down.

Under the ground of Baidi City, there is a huge high-tech console. A woman in a red windbreaker looks at the lives of the survivors in Baidi City that appear on the screen. She switches her hands a few times. The camera also cuts accordingly, stopping at the east gate of Baidi City.

(End of this chapter)

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