Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 127 Finding Lonely Sky

Chapter 127 Finding Lonely Sky
After walking out of the area where the supernatural beings lived, he found that the human beings on the street looked at him strangely, because he was wearing the clothes of the Zhushan League at this time, and the people in the Zhushan League were all supernatural beings. From a human point of view, superhumans and zombies are the same existence in their eyes, and they no longer belong to the category of human beings.

"Isn't this kind of envious and jealous look exactly the same as when I looked at those supernatural beings in my previous life?" Lin Ye said in his heart. "But every human being is not an ordinary human being. You can all become supernatural beings!"

What Lin Ye thinks in his mind is based on his experience of survival in the apocalypse of his previous life.Because of the rampage of the supernatural beings, the leader of the imperial capital finally decided to frustrate the prestige of these supernatural beings.You can't let these guys mess around.So in the third year of the doomsday, he ordered the biological scientists and geneticists on the land of China to dissect the bodies of the supernatural beings.

Finally, after two years of experimentation, he discovered the secret inside the supernatural being.As a result, a group of drug users led by himself turned out to be an ordinary human being able to obtain such a powerful ability in a short period of time.Even at the cost of life, this is something worth doing, and those with potion abilities really need human beings to sacrifice their lives to obtain a powerful source of power in a short period of time.To obtain the silver level is one year of life, gold is five years, and above platinum is multiplied.When an ant looks up at the giant's body for too long, he will also want to try what the world looks like in the giant's eyes.

And these are all hearsay from the apocalypse of the previous life, as for himself, he has never really seen a person with potion abilities.

Hidden in the pocket of Lin Ye's jacket was a letter to be handed over to a man named Gutian, and there was also a stick figure of the Heavenly Gate outside Baidi City. He wanted to verify himself alone today. A thought in the heart.

Is the time for the appearance of the Heavenly Space Gate earlier than in the previous life? If all of them have been earlier, then the turmoil of the last century catastrophe will be earlier with this butterfly effect!
And the butterfly that flapped its wings in the southern hemisphere and caused the ice and snow in the Arctic Ocean to melt is likely to be the reborn man himself. "It seems that the difficulty of this doomsday has increased a lot!"

Yesterday, a group of people walked from Baidi City to Heilou, because only with their feet on the ground can they understand the complete appearance of this city.

At the entrance of the well-equipped subway station, Lin Ye saw the flow of ordinary human beings.They are humans who crawled out of hell.Gather together to build a fire to keep warm.The moment Lin Ye went down the sliding elevator from the subway above and passed those people, Lin Ye had an illusion, as if he had returned to G City before he was infected.These guys in front of them were talking and laughing.The couple still held hands and showed their affection as if no one was around.Single mother holding crying toddler.A middle-aged man with a broken arm looks at the ground indifferently
These ordinary human beings make up the world one after another. In this human-centered world, one day, when all the zombies on the earth disappear in an instant, these supernatural beings will also become the replacements of the zombies in their eyes. After all, they are all just timid and gloomy human beings whose emotions and desires will never disappear!

Lin Ye restrained the coercion on his body. Being able to control the coercion of his supernatural powers freely in the silver class is already commendable, not to mention that he still has dual supernatural powers.This time he took the subway to an unremarkable corner of Baidi City.

He wants to give the letter in his hand to a man named Gutian. This is the envelope he got from the old doctor's house in Zhucun. At the same time, there is half a medical book with this envelope. Lin Ye himself flipped through it in his free time, but because the contents inside were too obscure, he had no choice but to give up.

According to the combination of his past doomsday experience and his experience of living in the human world for so many years, this is a divine book that can save people from life and death.In the crowded subway car, Lin Ye broke away from the squeeze of the crowd and got out of the car.He looked up at the stop sign above his head. "Shuiyue Xiaocang"

The letter stated that this brother Gutian lives here.Lin Ye walked out of the subway entrance, the heavy rain outside was still pouring down, and what caught his eye was a piece of low and dilapidated bungalows.Looking a little farther from the bungalow is a multi-storey second-floor building.

Lin Ye walked towards the building intuitively. When he walked past the low bungalows, the people living inside were like moles living underground, with a timid look in their eyes looking at the people in their clothes. The glamorous Lin Ye walked over their heads.

In my past life, I lived in the middle-level human living area of ​​Baidi City. I was busy with some ordinary things every day to maintain my life. Other than that, I devoted myself to researching supernatural beings and zombies.That's why I learned so much about zombies and supernatural beings.

Lin Ye spent a full 10 minutes walking through the low-rise bungalows where poor humans distribute things to keep them alive.

When he reached the duplex building, he went up to the first building and politely knocked on the door of this family. The person who opened the door was an ordinary female figure who was fat, and her husband was inside like a pig. Snoring loudly.

"Excuse me, do you know a boy in his 20s named Gu Tian?"

"I don't know." Seeing that it was a stranger, the woman slammed the door shut.

Seeing this situation, Lin Ye had no choice but to go to the second house. The door of the second house was opened by an old man, obviously not the recipient of this letter.

In this way, when Lin Ye walked to the fifth house, he was about to knock on the door when he heard an explosion not far away.A man in a dirty white coat ran out of the room with an afro on his head.

"Damn it, the fingers of the zombie and the tail of the mutant lizard can produce chemical components and explode!" the man muttered to himself.

When Lin Ye saw this man, his eyes lit up.There was a feeling that it was him, and he turned over and went downstairs towards the sound of the explosion.

When he saw Lin Ye standing at the door, the man looked at him in bewilderment.

"Are you lonely?"

"Yeah, how do you know my name!"

Lin Ye looked around his body and saw that the room was full of experimental equipment for chemistry. He felt a little puzzled in his heart. Isn't this Gutian a student who graduated from a medical university?
(End of this chapter)

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