Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 128 Medical Talents

Chapter 128 Medical Talents
"Are you a student at that school? What does the old Chinese medicine man in Pig Village have to do with you?" Even though he didn't know the contents of the letter, Lin Ye's vigilance didn't decrease at all. If this guy couldn't give the correct answer , turned around and left.

"I'm a student of Huaxia Medical University, the old man of Zhucun Chinese medicine you are talking about?" This person's eyes lit up when Lin Ye mentioned Zhucun. "That's my grandpa, do you know the whereabouts of my grandpa? How are the people in the pig village? Is the old man okay, can he still help those people in the village to see a doctor?" Said the corner of the young man's eye. tears,

Seeing him like this, Lin Ye was sure in his heart that this was the lonely sky he was looking for. If so, let's call the thing into his hands!
"This is something your grandfather gave you before he died. The old man died normally and was not infected by zombies. He also troubled me to hand over this half of the book to you!"

Lin Ye took out the well-preserved letter and the half of the medical technique that had been preserved along the way.Pat the guy on the shoulder, turn around and walk away.

"Great benefactor, thank you!" Lin Ye heard a plop from behind, and this guy fell to his knees to salute himself, Lin Ye frowned.Started and walked again, and heard a kowtow sound from behind.

Lin Ye turned around and stood in front of Gutian, "The man has gold under his knees, I just do something for your grandfather, you don't need to do such a big ceremony."

Gu Tian still buried his head on the ground, and said with a choked voice: "My parents died when I was a child, and my grandfather raised me up alone. Later, I was admitted to university, and I left my hometown to go to university in G City. In the end, the world ended. Countless human beings turned into zombies overnight, and then ran to Baidi City with those who escaped. The most worrying thing in the past few months is the whereabouts of grandpa. Today, Mr. Eunuch brought news of grandpa and Personal letter, I really have nothing to repay. I will go wherever benefactor goes in the future!"

Lin Ye thought that this guy was just an ordinary human, and most of his team were supernatural beings. Even if he was brought with him, when he went to kill zombies to upgrade his equipment in the future, he would still die.

"Get up, I'm a supernatural being," Lin Ye said lightly, hoping to use his identity to make this guy quit.As a result, when he finished speaking, a frenzied light flashed in Gutian's eyes.

"Engong, you, are you saying that you are a supernatural being?"

"One, don't call me benefactor, my name is Lin Ye, and two, I am a supernatural being who is going to kill zombies, so I can't take you with me!" Lin Ye felt like he was stuck in a stick of chewing gum. He stepped down, and just turned around to leave after speaking, this guy actually hugged his trouser leg, looking like a rascal.

"Release me." Lin Ye was slightly annoyed at this moment, does this guy not want to live?
"I will not let go, benefactor, no, benefactor Lin Ye, even if you beat me to death, I will not let go!"

Of course, Lin Ye wouldn't really kill the guy in front of him, but just slightly adjusted the ice power in his body, and the trouser leg that guy was holding him was suddenly terribly cold, and the temperature dropped suddenly.

And this Gutian is still talking happily. "It turns out that Lin Ye's benefactor is a strong man with ice abilities!" Before he finished speaking, his body began to tremble, and the hands holding Lin Ye began to freeze.

Ten seconds passed.
20 seconds passed
In less than half a minute, this guy was about to freeze into a popsicle, and he still hugged Lin Ye's trouser legs tightly.Lin Ye smiled wryly in his heart, is he really going to bring this guy into his team?
This Gutian fainted on the ground, Lin Ye had no choice but to carry him into the room.This guy's room is completely bare, as if thieves wouldn't come here.And some of them are the remains of some zombies and the corpses of mutant beasts. There are bursts of white and red smoke from several large glass tanks.This guy will do experiments?
Lin Ye suppressed the doubts in his heart, and stood on the second floor of the duplex building, waiting for this guy to wake up. If this Gutian is really a medical student who can do experiments, then he needs such a talent at all, maybe in In the near future, I will be able to have a team of potion users.

At that time, they will have the power to confront Zhushanmeng head-on!
Right now, this guy is just an ordinary college student who likes to mess around with these things. He has the strength and level to make an improvement potion that makes all human beings ecstatic.However, this is the beginning of the end, and everything is still in the beginning.

Gu Tian shuddered on the bed, and subconsciously pulled the quilt towards himself.He felt extremely cold.It turns out that there is really a world of difference between supernatural beings and human beings, an insurmountable gap.

stranger?Lin Ye is benevolent.Gu Tian bounced off the bed. "Benefactor won't leave me and leave!"

Wrapped in a quilt, he rushed to the door and saw Lin Ye's back looking into the distance, he was as happy as a fat man of two hundred catties.

"Benege, are you still proud!?" Hearing Gu Tian greasy call his benefactor, three black lines appeared on Lin Ye's head.

"What are you studying?" Lin Ye turned his head and looked at Gu Tian lightly.

"Ah, these, these are the remains of mutant beasts and zombies that I picked up at the edge of the city wall and outside of Baidi City. In order to study the composition of their bodies, I brought these back home for experiments? Interested?"

Lin Ye's heart skipped a beat. This guy is actually doing these things.

"Did you find anything special?" There was a trace of warmth in Lin Ye's eyes.

"The nails of mutated lizards and the flesh of berserk zombies will explode. The large pliers of the terrifying apocalypse scythe reaper can be used as knives, but it is not easy to polish them. Faji's hair can be cultivated and grown through the flesh of zombies, but there is no consciousness."

This Gutian experimented with all the things he could use about mutants. He talked nonstop for more than ten minutes. After hearing the end, Lin Ye was almost happy and wanted to report to this guy. Hold up, though.He still resisted the urge.

"So that means, as long as you put something in your hands, you can regenerate, or mutate and split into new things?" Lin Ye asked a bold question after listening, if this guy can answer it in one go If so, then my ice and snow empire will develop many steps forward quickly, and what I want is to save time and prepare everything to resist the last catastrophe of the doomsday?

(End of this chapter)

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