Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 129 Take You to Kill Zombies

Chapter 129 Take You to Kill Zombies
"From a theoretical point of view, Engong, you are not wrong when you say this. But you can also see that I only have some simple chemical preparations and experimental equipment. And the raw materials are not enough. If..."

"I can give you everything you want in the near future!" Lin Ye stared at him with a burning expression, it seemed that he had found a treasure this time!

At this time, Gu Tian showed a bit of embarrassment, "Engong is joking again, now the Zhushan League in Baidi City is the largest alliance, and their alliance does not recruit ordinary humans. It's a shame."

Seeing the indescribable expression on Gutian's face, Lin Ye seemed to understand something. It seemed that he must have gone to the people of the Zhushan League, but he was looked down upon by those supernatural beings. In this era, an ordinary human needs so many resources to do a pair of useless experimental results.What's the use of you!

It seems that he has hit a wall and hit a wall.

"Who said they want to join the Zhushan League? This Baidi City doesn't seem to have their names written on it! Now, those supernatural beings in the Zhushan League have not yet formed a group. The branches and factions are intricate. The reason why they are willing to be in Zhushan Under the League, it is just under the big tree to enjoy the shade. The power of Baidi City will be reshuffled soon!" Lin Ye was determined to draw this lonely sky into his team.It doesn't matter if you let him know these words.

After listening to Lin Ye's words, Gutian opened his mouth as if he could stuff an egg. "Well, benefactor, the military defense of Baidi City is in the hands of the Zhushan League, and their leader, Ao Baitian, is a Platinum-level powerhouse."

It turned out that this guy was worried that the Zhushan League was too powerful. "You haven't met my people yet, so how do you know that I have no possibility of competing with the Zhushan League. You just said that you will follow me even if you die. Is it a lie?" Lin Ye didn't want his own If there is a subordinate who retreats and fears the enemy, if so, he would rather let this guy spend his whole life in the slums of Baidi City.

"Lin Ye's benefactor," Gu Tian seemed to have been greatly humiliated after hearing Lin Ye's words. "My last obsession in this world has also been let go. What I just said to you is all from the bottom of my heart. If I really want to fight against the Zhushan League, I have to think long-term."

Lin Ye immediately realized that the lonely sky in front of him was not simple. Those words just now were a deliberate trap for him to say those words.This guy's EQ and IQ can't be underestimated, and I just fell in his way.It seemed that in order for him to be completely convinced by him, he had to go through life and death together, so that he dared to hand over his back to him.It's like he trusts the group of people under him unconditionally.

After he finished speaking, Lin Ye pretended to be deep in thought for a long time. "You're right. These things really need to be considered in the long run. I don't know what kind of ideas you have, so that these people in Baidi City can live a good life."

After Lin Ye finished speaking, Gu Tian turned around and entered the room, and put on a pair of gold-framed eyes, the eyes were flushed with enthusiasm.Lin Ye noticed that he was still holding a picture scroll in his hand, "Grandfather Lin Ye, this is a topographical map drawn by me through observation and measurement during the time I was in Baidi City. On this, the slums of Baidi City , the civilian area. The wealthy area. I couldn’t get into any part of the supernatural beings, so..." Speaking of this, Gu Tian pushed the frame on the nose.

This seemingly careful action rang out in Lin Ye's heart. He had done this in his previous life, and when the exact same scene appeared, Lin Ye was beyond shocked.I was stunned for a while.

"Grandpa, what's the matter with you?"

"Oh, I'm fine, don't call me benefactor from now on, you can call me Lin Ye or boss!" Lin Ye recovered.

"Okay, then I'll call you Boss from now on, Boss, look, this is the Baidi City I drew."

Lin Ye took the scroll and glanced at it. The place marked by this guy is not much different from his previous Doomsday painting.A thought suddenly rose in Lin Ye's mind,
"Gutian, I'll take you out of the city to kill zombies later!"

Hearing that Lin Ye actually said that he would take him to kill zombies.Gutian's mouth is wide enough to stuff an egg. "Engong, are you serious?" He asked cautiously and tentatively, knowing that he was just an unarmed ordinary human being, and after a zombie bit him, he would be easily infected.

However, Lin Ye stared at him with firm eyes like water and nodded. "Of course, I will take you away later!"

The rain is still falling, and the wind is quiet.The sky is still dull as if it is about to fall.

Before Gutian left, he was carrying a bunch of experimental equipment and tools, but was stopped by Lin Ye. In fact, he was not going to kill zombies to do experiments, so Gutian reluctantly put down the tools in his hand.

In the heavy rain, under the two black umbrellas, he was happily chirping like a bird that just took flight. Then Lin Ye thought of Li Jie, the ADHD patient, "It seems that if we can put this guy By absorbing it into our own organization, we can find a partner for Li Jie."

"Grandpa, haven't the zombies outside Baidi City been wiped out by the Zhushan League? What kind of zombies are we going to kill?"

"The zombies that are produced when the space is torn apart by different dimensions."

"Tearing in another dimension, will we also become zombies if we go in?"

"No..." Lin Ye's words are always short, his voice is calm as if he is talking to a stranger, but this Gutian is full of enthusiasm. He asked questions from ordinary zombies to mutant zombies along the way. He also asked about the situation of the supernatural beings. Before entering Lin Ye's team, Gu Tian had already made a general outline of Xue Wu and Hu Fei's group from their appearance to their characteristics.

The two took the subway and walked for a long time. Finally, the two of them came to a very remote place. Why is it called a remote place? Because the domestic garbage and industrial waste in the entire Baidi City are piled up here. See Gu Tian was dumbfounded when he saw the piles of garbage piled up like mountains.

Seeing him like this, Lin Ye secretly smiled and said, "You have never been to this place before!"

In the end, Gu Tian didn’t think about it, after watching it for a while, Gu Tian said silently: “Grandpa, is there any zombies you mentioned in this place? I didn’t find anything strange when I wandered here last week!”

(End of this chapter)

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