Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 130 The Underground River

Chapter 130 The Underground River
"Uh, you'll know this when you come with me." The rain from the sky exuded a bloody smell, which successfully covered the rotten smell of garbage here.After Gutian arrived here, he stopped asking questions and began to observe carefully.

"The defense system of the entire Baidi City, the paper scroll you drew is not even one-tenth of it. You just recorded what you can see with your eyes, but you don't know, the entire Baidi City was destroyed at the beginning. During the construction process, all the thermal weapons were placed underneath. It can be said that the Baidi City we live in is a nuclear bomb that can be ignited at any time. Once it explodes, all living things in a radius of ten thousand miles will be wiped out in an instant." Lin Ye's tone was as calm as if he had gone to the vegetable market to buy an egg.

In Gutian's mind, there was a shocking thunder. "Gen Gong, is the right to fire the defense system that Baidi City relies on in the hands of the Zhushan League?"

Lin Ye led Gu Tian to avoid these garbage dumps and walked to a hidden grassland.Lin Ye pointed to the piece of grass, "I can't tell you about your problem, but this place is where we are going."

"Grass?" Gu Tian looked confused.Lin Ye went straight to the grass, stepped on it with his feet, and poked the sharp crampons on the fingers of his hands to the grass, and pulled hard, a closed underground passage was blocked by Lin Ye. yup open.

Lin Ye winked at the lonely angel, telling him to jump down first.Gu Tian hesitated for a moment, put his hands on the iron gate and jumped down.Lin Ye put his feet under the door and slowly pulled the iron door closer, as if nothing had happened.

"Engong, it's so dark!" Then he heard a snap, and a strong flashlight shone in front of him. At this moment, Gu Tian could clearly see the scene in front of him, a bottomless river that was endlessly long and ten meters wide. Flowing silently.

And he just vomited after taking a look, because this is a dark river of human excrement, and the entire underground space is filled with an indescribable stench. "Engong, are you bringing me here to observe the health status of the millions of people in Baidi City?"

Even if Lin Ye stayed in the pile of zombies, he still couldn't bear it, because in the memory of the doomsday of the previous life, there was a clear dark river below, but the mutated piranhas in the water were the only ones he knew that could change from white to white. The only passage from the imperial city to the outside world without being discovered, the only person who knows this passage may be the architect who built the city in the first place.The appearance in front of him at this time is completely different from the previous life, which makes Lin Ye a little dizzy.

"Have you forgotten what my ability is?" Lin Ye said calmly to Gu Tian.Wave your hands forward.A bright and clean ice bridge appeared in front of his eyes.Lin Ye said, "We have to pass here quickly, this bridge consumes too much of my ability. I give you 15 seconds, go!"

After Lin Ye finished speaking, he kicked Gutian's ass. He didn't lie, he could only release the ice bridge floating on the excrement for 30 seconds.

Gu Tian was caught off guard and kicked out by Lin Ye. He let out a scream, and then slid out while sitting on his buttocks on the thick ice.But what was waiting for him on the opposite side was an unexpected little surprise.

Lin Ye strode forward with both feet.After kicking out of Gutian, he also strode forward with both feet on the ice bridge like a leopard in the jungle. It only took two seconds from one end to the other, and he arrived in an instant.

However, when Lin Ye passed by, the ice bridge slowly melted, and Gu Tian disappeared.

He shone the flashlight on his waist and found a dozen pairs of red eyes approaching him in the distance.Gutian's voice calling for help also came from there.Lin Ye didn't bring Tulong with him when he went out today.

He smiled wryly in his heart. "Looks like it's only going to be hard!"

This narrow path is only about two meters away. The group of creatures did not charge blindly at themselves, so the possibility of being zombies can be ruled out. They can live in such an environment below, and they are still gregarious creatures. .It seems that this is the only one.

Lin Ye's right hand was icy, and an ice knife in the shape of a hunting knife was transformed by him with ice power. "These little guys, you can deal with them with this knife!"

The group of mutated beasts with red eyes on the opposite side was recognized by Lin Ye when he was about ten meters away from them. This group of alienated weasels lived on human excrement in this dark river. When Gutian and Gutian appeared, the second-rank silver weasel leader showed his fangs on the opposite bank.

"Grandpa, save me! These mutated beasts stink too much!" According to the habits of weasels, they would not hunt and kill food on the spot, but would only eat after bringing the food back to their lair.It was this habit of the weasel that saved Gu Tian's life.

The murderous aura and cold aura on Lin Ye's body slowly dissipated from his body, and the ice skate in his hand resembled a knife flower. Since it is a weapon transformed by his own ability, it is even more handy to use!
The dozen or so mutated weasels that approached Lin Ye started to retreat after feeling the monstrous murderous aura on Lin Ye's body approaching them.And the leader Beastmaster who stood behind those weasels stood up straight like a human being and made a low muffled sound. He was warning those weasels that anyone who dared to retreat would be thrown into the dark river.

Worried that Gutian would be in danger, ice formed under Lin Ye's feet, and he made an empty step. Those weasels who were supervised by the beast king had no way to escape, and the group hissed.A group of weasels walked along the gaps in the walls and the mottled stone bricks on the ground, looking as fast as a group of birds flying out of a cage.

Lin Ye also felt a bit of astonishment in his heart when he saw these weasels whose figures were so fast that people could not believe them. "Unexpectedly, in such an environment, you can still exercise such speed. It seems that the Beastmaster himself can't take it lightly!"

In the blink of an eye, Lin Ye stretched out his hand and covered the road ahead with shards of ice, and the figures of those mutated weasel beasts galloping at a gallop all of a sudden slowed down.While Lin Ye was swaying, an ice skate was already filled with the blood of the weasel beast, and the green corrosive blood slowly melted on the ice skate, and then slowly gathered together again!
A weasel that bypassed Lin Ye's back from the wall descended from the sky, and pierced Lin Ye's forehead with a pair of sharp claws. If it succeeded, Lin Ye would be killed on the spot.

(End of this chapter)

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