Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 131 Subterranean mutant beast

Chapter 131 Subterranean mutant beast

At this time, Lin Ye was no longer a junior supernatural being who fought life and death with mutant rats in the sewers of G City. During this period of time, Lin Ye would be crazy for a while. Practice, the degree of perception of danger is not the same as before.A dozen weasels stepped on his own ice, and he had already locked in on the figures of all these guys.

When the weasel that fell from the sky appeared on top of Lin Ye's head, Lin Ye just flipped his left hand, and an ice blade was like a knife that blows hair and cuts hair, slashing through the sneak attack weasel beast with extremely high IQ!

Blood sprayed from the top of his head, Lin Ye frowned, the blood would fall on his head.A thin layer of ice mist floated in the air, blocking the corrosive blood that was about to rain on him.

The rest of the weasel beasts saw that their smartest companion also died tragically by Lin Ye's hands, so they began to retreat one after another, preferring to bear the wrath of the weasel beast king rather than confront this terrifying human being.

All the weasel beasts turned around and ran away. Seeing this, Lin Ye pressed his hands to the ground and let out a soft drink. "Beast, want to run?" Then eight or nine ice thorns drilled out from the ground, piercing those weasel beasts that turned around and ran for their lives.

At this time, Gutian suddenly screamed, "Gongong! I'm going to die!"

"Oh, this guy!" Lin Ye cursed secretly in his heart, his figure rioted, and he flew straight forward.

The second-rank silver weasel beast king saw all the weasels under him die tragically under Lin Ye's hands for a while, and felt a huge fear of this human being, but he could no longer retreat, because if he retreated, he had already arrived In the nest, and in the nest there are also their own cubs.

When Lin Ye stood in front of the Beastmaster, he saw the Beastmaster covered with black hair standing up and pressing his sharp claws against Gutian's neck. Maybe Gutian would die on the spot.

Just when Lin Ye was in a dilemma, the beast king actually made a gesture of admitting his mistake like a human being. It bent its head towards Lin Ye several times, as if saying that, begging him to let him go.

But Lin Ye remained unmoved, which was most likely a trick of the Beastmaster.

Then the behavior of the Beastmaster was beyond the expectations of Lin Ye and Gu Tian. It pushed Gu Tian towards Lin Ye, and he turned into a black shadow and flew back!Lin Ye took Gu Tian and put him on the side against the wall.The weasel's escaped figure was incomparably vigorous, and it was more than twice as happy as those little weasels just now.Lin Ye's eyes followed its body, and the long knife in his hand melted into an ice blade, and he flung it out!




Lin Ye flew out three ice blades, and the first two hit the stone, making the sound of iron spears colliding with each other.And at the end, it was directly inserted into the head of the beast king. Lin Ye went up and dug out the different core from his brain and put it in his pocket.

At this time, Gu Tian, ​​who had walked through the ghost gate once, was still in shock.After Lin Ye took out the different cores of the weasel beasts on the ground, he threw one into his hand. "This is the heteronucleus of a mutant beast, you can take it back and experiment!"

Gu Tian took the slightly fishy-smelling heteronucleus and couldn't help but want to vomit again! "Grandpa, aren't we going to kill zombies?"

"Going out from here, we will reach the outskirts of Baidi City. These weasel beasts are just an appetizer. The zombies we are going to kill today are the real blood and horror. Don't tell me that this is the only thing we can't accept! "Lin Ye asked jokingly.

Gu Tianqiang put on a fearless expression, and said angrily: "How is it possible, how could the little mutant beast scare me! I'm not afraid even if zombies come!"

Lin Ye just smiled slightly, and thought in his heart: "I hope you don't pee your pants in fear when you see a zombie later!"

The two started to turn back, and when they passed the pile of weasel beast corpses, Gu Tian closed his eyes not to look at them!

The two returned to their original positions. Lin Ye stretched out his hand and patted the wall. Finally, he found a handle that could be twisted. After holding it with both hands, he opened the iron door with all his strength.

Suddenly, the outside light shone strongly on the eyes, and both of them couldn't help squinting their eyes at the same time, and a trace of bloody rainwater floated in from this small gap!
When the two of them came out of the underground river, the rain was already drizzle and drizzled in the air.Lin Ye put the black umbrella in the place where the two of them came out. This place is really too hidden, there is no sign at all, just piles of desolate boulders exposed in the rain.There is not a single grass plant on the ground, and this place was originally used as a backup base for the expansion of Baidi City.Later, the plan was aborted due to the arrival of the end.

"Benevolence! Where are we going?" Standing in the rain, Gu Tian had already had a faint expectation for the zombies that hadn't arrived yet.

"Tianwai Kongmen, we have arrived!" Lin Ye said, looking at the piles of stones in front of him.

"Ah? Already here? There are no zombies here!" Gu Tian looked around and asked Lin Ye in bewilderment.

Lin Ye turned his head to look at him, and said something lightly. "If a big zombie catches you later, don't panic! Use the tricks I taught you!"

Based on Gutian's physical fitness, Lin Ye taught him the basic three human poses. Is this guy's understanding the highest among so many people he has met? Lin Ye was very pleased with the power.

The reason why he took Gu Tian to Tianwai Kongmen for training today is for.Let him and himself have some intimacy between fighting partners, and the second is to see if this guy is a worthy partner in front of real zombies. These two points are very important for Lonely Sky in his entire team is of vital importance.

And there is another shocking secret, that is, the attribute of the Heavenly Space Gate has not been completely released. If I get there first at this time and leave my mark on all the more than [-] Heavenly Space Gates in Baidi City, then I will do my best to my team. The development of China will be an immeasurable change.

The attribute of the space gate outside the sky is to release corresponding mutant zombies according to the strength and abilities of the opener. Every space gate outside the sky will only accept the mark of one master. Otherwise, it would be difficult to forcibly break in to practice, but there is a way, that is, when the master of the outer sky gate dies, the mark will disappear!
(End of this chapter)

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