Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 133 Exercising Lonely Sky

Chapter 133 Exercising Lonely Sky
At this time, the ice curtain that blocked all the bee mutants collapsed, leaving only a pile of debris scattered under the feet of the two of them.Lin Yeyun's indifferent eyes are full of confidence and meaninglessness. In fact, these hundreds of Bronze Level [-] mutant bees can be wiped out by himself with a single shot of water arrows, but what he wants to do is to train Gutian. Can you really dare to draw a knife in front of a really big life threat!

Although the poisonous stings of these mutant bee beasts pierced his body, at most it would only bulge a small bag, but an ordinary person like Gu Tian would undoubtedly kill him half of his life. In the process, he always pays attention to the situation on his side,

And the fog slowly dissipated, and Lin Ye gradually saw the whole picture of this place.This place turned out to be one forest after another, and the ground was slowly filled with bones. Lin Ye recognized several corpses that were obviously different from humans. , obviously a mutated zombie.In the case of a normal death, it takes one to two years to turn into bones. These bones on the ground were obviously eaten by mutant beasts that like to eat rotten things, but these mutant bee beasts in front of them are very Obviously not the initiator of these bones on the ground.

"Could it be that there are other mutant beast corpses here! Or is it that the beast king of this group of bee mutant beasts has become a carrion beast king?"

Gu Tian's upper body was bare, revealing his bare upper body. Although he had never fought with these different zombies and mutant beasts, after studying the corpses of many mutant beasts and zombies, he was far more adaptable to these creatures than he was. Human in general.

I saw him yelling in the pile of bees holding the powerful ice skate in an unskilled posture, "Three forms in the world, explode!" In the wind, more than 100 bees fell to the ground at once.

On the other side, Lin Ye calmly waved the ice hunting knife in his hand. The mutant bee beasts that launched suicide attacks at him were like mosquitoes that Lin Ye had knocked down with an electric mosquito swatter.Most of Lin Ye's attention was not on the mutant bees in front of him.He was observing the strangeness of this forest.

The gate of space outside the sky is a space that does not exist on the earth, but most of the space and features are the original state on the earth, but this place seems to have been cleaned up by something, except for a few lonely big trees growing in the sky. The branches and leaves are thicker, and the others are low saplings and weeds.What is even more puzzling is that there are no other creatures in this place except for these low-level bee mutants, but these bones in the ground told Lin Ye that things are by no means as simple as he thought.

Although there were a lot of bees, they couldn't resist the two people consciously dealing with them like this. After a while, Gu Tian was panting heavily on the ground. The ice blade in his hand was already too short because it didn't have the ability to recreate ice. Halfway through, there were still a few mutated bees flying in the air, but they couldn't form a fire.

"Engong, this mutated beast is not that difficult to deal with!" Gu Tian said confidently looking at the pile of bee mutated beasts that he knocked down on the ground.

Lin Ye felt a chill in his heart. This guy actually said such a thing without shame. You must know that the Three Forms of the Human World is a martial skill that all human survivors have acquired after years of struggling against zombies and mutant beasts.He actually thought it was his two blows that could resist it.

Just when the two of them relaxed their vigilance, the buzzing of mountain bikes sounded all around again, and Lin Ye clearly judged from these sounds that there were more than a dozen mutant bee beasts of the silver rank.

"Gu Tian, ​​continue!" Lin Ye threw an ice skate straight to Gu Tian, ​​"We may have encountered some troubles now!"

Hearing the buzzing sound all around, Gu Tian remembered again, and let out a long sigh. "It's still here!"

Lin Ye didn't dare to take it lightly this time. He even directly used the power of ice to blast these mutated bee beasts into ice slag, because those silver-ranked beast kings might kill Gu Tian directly.He didn't want Gu Tian to die here.

The general level of these mutated bees turned out to be the second level of bronze. Compared with the mutated bees that were easily eliminated by the two before, the lethality of these guys is obviously much greater than that just now.

"Engong, these bees are so perverted. No matter how the three forms in the world can't kill them!" Gu Tian yelled somewhere, and after suffering a wave of shock, he panicked.

"Don't panic, you are approaching me!" At this moment in the misty valley, the fog has receded.The surrounding light is not very sufficient. Compared with being in the fog, the visibility at this time is already very high.

"Okay!" At this time, Gutian felt a sense of life crisis, because among these lurking mutant bee beasts, some of them were like Xiaoqiang who couldn't be killed, and they could even see clearly how many legs they had on their bodies. , and fine vellus hairs.

Those silver-rank mutant bee beasts had already developed spiritual consciousness. They gave up being a powerful enemy and turned to attack Gutian, an ordinary human being.

Lin Ye was anxious, "It seems that this can't go on!"

His figure flashed to Gutian's side in an instant, and there were many fine ice footprints left by the grass.Lin Ye stood beside him and shouted. "When I say 123, you squat down!!"

"Okay! Boss, you, kill these guys quickly!" Gu Tian was so happy that he was speechless when he saw Lin Ye standing beside him.

There was no wind and waves on Lin Ye's body, and the shocking chill that emanated made Gu Tian start to sway slightly.Teeth chattering. "Grandpa, it's so cold!"

At this time, Lin Ye penetrated and controlled the surrounding water molecules, like a drop of morning dew slowly evaporating under the sunlight, but the water was all attached to the bodies of those mutant bees.Lin Ye drank violently. "1.2.3!"

The ice ability in the body poured out, and Gu Tian squatted down, those ordinary bee mutants with poisonous stings on their tails.And those silver-ranked Beastmasters who felt the danger at that moment but had no time to escape, all after Lin Ye roared out.Turned into frozen corpses.

Two ice blades appeared in Lin Ye's left and right hands.A pair of feet sank slightly to the ground, the wrists flipped, and the ice blade shot.At the moment of the shot, the word "Explosion!" came out of Linye's mouth lightly.A sentence like a mosquito babbling blasted all the frozen bee mutants into blood flowers.

Gu Tian held his head in his hands and felt mottled ice falling from his body. When he looked up, red snowflakes began to fall in the sky.It also smelled like a mutant bee.

(End of this chapter)

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