Chapter 134 Piranha

Immediately after reacting, he was ecstatically holding Lin Ye's hand and asked. "Engong, you killed all these things! You are too powerful!"

At this moment, Lin Ye felt a murderous intent, which could make him feel threatened by a dual-element powerhouse who has stepped into gold with one foot in silver. Is there anything else here that makes it difficult for me to deal with it? The mutated beast corpse?
Gu Tian looked at Lin Ye with a dignified expression, and asked anxiously, "What's the matter, is there anything else?"

As a result, before Gutian finished speaking, an extremely soft long tongue tentacles rolled up and pulled him back in an instant. All this happened in a fraction of a second. Lin Ye felt this guy's move, But there is still no way to stop it.It was too fast.

He now has some remorse in his heart, because he brought Gutian here, and now being caught by this unknown monster is probably a bad luck.

"No matter what monster you are, if you dare to touch my partner, I will let you die without a place to bury you!" After Lin Ye finished speaking, a monstrous murderous intent filled his body, and the cold air was so strong that it was about to materialize.

A thick ice armor condensed from Lin Ye's body, and slowly condensed into a "Dragon Slaying" ice sword in his hand.He believed that this guy was a mutated creature with spiritual knowledge for a long time. Judging from the bones in the ground, there were zombies here, but they were all killed by this guy later.

Lin Ye's right hand transformed into a blade of ice, and shot towards the place where the tentacles had been retracted just now, but an old tree that looked like a big tree suddenly turned around.On the other side of the tree was a piranha with its bloody mouth wide open.But Gutian was bound by the tentacles on its body, and his whole body was about to be deformed.As long as Gutian is stuffed into its mouth.Then this life cannot be saved no matter what!

Lin Ye was very anxious at this time. This guy is not eating an ordinary human being, and he will most likely be the savior of human beings.The research and development product person of the medicine ability user.At this moment, Gutian was tightly trapped by the piranha, and he could no longer make a sound in his throat.The brain is starved of oxygen, and it feels like the body is about to be crushed.A second before he completely lost consciousness, he saw Lin Ye rushing towards him or this guy like an angry dragon from the ice and snow.

When Gutian woke up from the coma, the piranha mutant beast with a bloody mouth that he wanted to stuff into his stomach had disappeared, leaving only a huge puddle of sticky snow water on his body. There is also a white transparent unknown liquid covered, and a red glowing heteronucleus glows in the distance.And his benefactor Lin Ye was lying on the grass in the distance.

Gu Tian, ​​who finally broke free from the mucus, staggered to Lin Ye with the alien nucleus in his hand, and he saw Lin Ye lying on the ground with a pale face.The chest has stopped breathing, and there is an astonishing red on the chest.Lin Ye was seriously injured at this moment.Passed out.

Gu Tian seemed to have lost his heart at the moment, no matter how stupid he was, he knew it was to save himself, Lin Ye harvested such a big injury.Although he is a talented student who graduated from a medical university, he is powerless at this moment.The bodies of supernatural beings are several times stronger than ordinary people.Even if there is really an operating table here, I might not dare to operate on Lin Ye.

Gu Tian sat beside Lin Ye and began to cry, like a child who lost his favorite toy, "Grandpa, why are you doing this before I have time to repay you?"

After Gu Tian howled, the alien nucleus in his hand began to emit a faint light, and he remembered the way Lin Ye put the alien nucleus into his mouth when he was in the underground river. , "It seems that this heterogeneous core is of great help to the supernatural beings."

Gu Tian held the heterogeneous nucleus in front of his eyes and took a closer look. The red bamboo was shiny all over, and the pattern on it vaguely looked like a piranha.You can't really see it unless you look closely. "It seems that a dead horse can only be used as a living horse doctor!"

Gu Tian slowly raised Lin Ye's head with one hand, and put the alien core of the piranha mutant beast into Lin Ye's mouth.But Lin Ye didn't react at all, looking at the fog that was slowly gathering around him.Only now does Gu Tian realize that the distance between life and death is not too great.

After a quarter of an hour, Lin Ye opened his eyes.

When Lin Ye saw that Gu Tian was about to be swallowed by the piranha mutant beast, Lin Ye returned to the water pool to practice the ice blade in an instant.Bing Ren threw it out like he didn't want money.And that piranha actually had dozens of tentacles that were as quick as lightning blocking the bloody mouth.

Lin Ye, who was getting faster and faster, felt that the supernatural powers and water molecules in his body were being lost crazily, and the piranha on the opposite side seemed to easily block all the attacks of the ice blade. Although he had no power to fight back, this If the situation continues, it will only remain unfavorable to oneself.

Lin Ye rioted, trying to increase the damage by using the gap between himself and the mutated piranha.This piranha seemed to have grown legs in the ground, and Lin Ye couldn't catch up with it while moving so fast.

At this time, Lin Ye was exhausted, and there were only a few supernatural powers left in his body. If he didn't end the battle in a short time, then he might end up like Gu Tian.

Lin Ye stopped the ice blade offensive in his hand, and his feet seemed to be stepping on the grass. With a light tap of his toes, the figure was thrown away by tens of meters.In the end, he even rushed in front of it.

A slender antennae with poisonous thorns pierced straight towards Lin Ye's chest, and at this moment, all the antennae of this mutant piranha were in a relaxed state.But if he escapes this blow, he may be stabbed in his body by this guy, but if he is not allowed to succeed, Gu Tian's life will be hard to save.

In this situation, Lin Ye transformed into ice blades with both hands, and the piercing slash under his feet has reached a peak.He rushed straight towards the piranha mutant beast.Such an approach is the approach of the same end.

Probably did not expect that this tiny human being in front of him would not retreat but advance.The piranha mutated beast believed too much in its own poisonous thorn, and its entire defense was relaxed.It was already ready to strike again with the second one, but it never expected that this human being was forcefully stricken by this poisonous sting!

Lin Ye's whole body seemed to be flying in the air. The poisonous thorn had penetrated his body, and he had to endure great pain every time he advanced. His entire chest was completely destroyed by the poisonous thorn. live.

(End of this chapter)

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