Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 14 Pig Village

Chapter 14 Pig Village
Lin Ye found the map in his backpack and opened it, looked at it twice, and compared it with the surroundings. At this time, Xuewu also came up. He pointed to a point on the map and said: "The pig village is nearby. Let's start tonight. Go to Pig Village to rest."


Lin Ye and Xue Wu arrived at Pig Village together, the whole village was very quiet, the houses were arranged in a patchwork order, there was no smoke from the kitchen at dusk, and there was no human voice, as if it had been swept away by something, the silence was eerily eerie.

In particular, the rancid smell permeating the village also proves that the village has not escaped the baptism of the end times.

Lin Ye felt it for a while, and came to a conclusion: "This village doesn't feel very dangerous, but it always feels a little strange. In theory, there should be some villager zombies wandering around this kind of village, but there is nothing now, too It's quiet."

Xue Wu answered, "Could someone have been here, or the zombies have been lured away."

"Probably, but no matter what, we have to find a room to rest." After Lin Ye finished speaking, he walked towards the village with his backpack in one hand.

Xuewu followed closely.


In a hidden forest in the distance, an obese man held a toothpick in his mouth, next to him was a pig that was three times fatter than him, and a wretched man with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks walked away from the fat man in horror. Pigs are a little farther away.

The wretched man swallowed his saliva, smiled obsequiously, and was about to approach the fat man when the fat pig beside him raised his head and stared at the wretched man fiercely.

Seeing this, the wretched man's face was full of fear, his body trembled, his legs gave way and he almost fell down.

At this time, the fat man on the side patted the fat pig and said, "My dear boy, this meat is not tasty, there will be better ones later."

The wretched man heard this and said in panic: "Yes, yes, yes, fat man, big brother, my meat is terrible, but the two newcomers taste good."

The fat man turned his head and stared fixedly at Xuewu who was walking into the distance, his saliva flowed out, his eyes gleamed with gloom: "Hey, not bad, not bad, this little baby is very suitable for me, I have something to play with tonight." Alright. Thin man, you did a good job this time, tell me, what reward do you want."

"Fatty, it's my honor to serve you. I don't dare to ask for rewards." The thin man said seriously, and immediately rubbed his hands again, "But I feel bitter, I don't have a mistress in my 27, I hope I can always help fat Master is doing business, and he wants that student girl from the city to be his concubine, you see..."

"Huh?" The fat man groaned softly, and the thin man collapsed on the ground in fright, his intestines were green with regret, because the student girl had seen the fat man play with his own eyes, so...

But what the fat man said next made him extremely excited.

"I didn't expect you to have such a hobby. I like women who have been played by others, haha. Well, it suits my taste. Not bad, I will give it to you." There will be no loss of your benefits."

"Thank you, thank you Fat Master. I will do my best for you. You are my uncle."



Lin Ye and Xuewu entered the village, taking advantage of the twilight, before the sun went down, he found a one-story house nearby, with a concrete structure and an iron door, which was solid.

Lin Ye directly twisted a wire a few times, compared the lock, reached in and fiddled with it a few times, and the door opened with a bang.

Xue Wu was dumbfounded looking outside. She never knew that Lin Ye had the ability to pick locks with wire, but she knew that she might not be able to see through the man in front of her for the rest of her life...

Except for his body and appearance, all of Lin Ye's personality has changed. His former enthusiasm has been buried, and he has put on a ruthless cloak. Is his calm thinking and superb skills just the changes brought about by the end of the world and supernatural powers?
Certainly not, because she is also experiencing the apocalypse, and she is also a supernatural being, but she has nothing and depends on him.

Lin Ye, what kind of man is he?
Lin Ye didn't know what Xuewu thought of him, so he opened the door a little and took a look. The room was very dark and there was no movement, but it didn't mean there was no potential danger.

Lin Ye pushed the door open, stepped in carefully, and called in front of the door, "Is anyone there?"

This sound is to attract the zombies who instinctively hide in the dark, and to see if there are any living people.Compared with zombies, Lin Ye was more worried about the living. The living knew how to lurk and cheat, and they were much more terrifying than reckless zombies.

As for mutant beasts?Once you enter its territory, it will jump out to fight you, so if it comes out early in the morning, beasts are dozens of times more sensitive than humans and zombies.

After a while, there was no response from inside the house. Lin Ye asked Xuewu to stay where he was, and strode into the house. After a thorough sweep, he was sure that there was nothing suspicious, so he came out and said to Xuewu, "There is no danger inside, you Live here first."

"What about you?" Xuewu asked worriedly.

Lin Ye smiled: "I have to go and see what food and medicines are available in this village. There must be a medical center in such a big village, right?"

Xue Wu wanted to say something else, but Lin Ye didn't give her a chance, "Don't worry, I won't leave you alone. Remember, don't open the door to any stranger, even if he is about to die, don't open the door. People in the last days are the most scary."

After finishing speaking, Lin Ye walked out and entered the night without looking back.

Lin Ye could barely see in the night, not because of anything else, but because he used a well-known assassin skill before his rebirth: invisibility.

In the last days, apart from some special invisibility abilities, there are three attributes in the natural system that can achieve invisibility, namely: light invisibility, dark invisibility, and water invisibility.

What Lin Ye used was one of them, water concealment. It only needs to mobilize a certain amount of water molecules to cover the body surface and blend with the surrounding scenery to achieve the invisible effect. Since Lin Ye obtained the water system ability from the beginning, he has experimented with it from time to time. So, now that his strength has improved a lot, he has become more proficient in the amount and use of water abilities. This time, after an experiment, he was able to cover his whole body and achieve a state of complete invisibility.

Although this small skill is useless against mutant beasts and zombies that rely on their sense of smell to prey on them, it is still a powerful tool when fighting against humans.

Of course, there is still a certain amount of pressure on Lin Ye to use this skill now. Not being able to get distracted is the first problem, and the second is that the ability cannot support him to continue to consume like this. It took half of his abilities in 10 minutes.

Lin Ye sighed, it was still a matter of level with too few abilities.

No longer thinking about it, Lin Ye put away his stealth skills and began to explore the entire village.

Walking around and observing, Lin Ye found that the doors of several houses had been broken into a large hole. Based on the caliber and the scope of the damage, Lin Ye felt that some beast had forcibly knocked it open.

After Lin Ye went in to observe, he found that the smell of blood was extremely strong in all the houses that had been knocked out of the big hole, and the damage inside the house was also serious, especially all the food resources were robbed.

(End of this chapter)

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