Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 15 Beast Tamer

Chapter 15 Beast Tamer

It is conceivable that wild beasts break into houses and eat people, but wild beasts will certainly not snatch items.

The only explanation is that someone brought wild beasts to attack the village, and a word appeared in Lin Ye's mind: "beast trainer."

Beast trainers are divided into two categories, one is called manipulative beast masters, and the other is called natal beast masters. Manipulative beast masters use supernatural powers to train and manipulate beasts. The advantage is that they can manipulate a variety of beasts, and powerful ones can even form Alien Beast Corps.

In Lin Ye's memory, there was an army of alien beasts controlled by a man named Beastmaster. The animal tide caused by a specific method, so not many people dare to provoke him.Of course, there are people he can't afford to offend, such as Lin Ye's target: the Ice Demon!
The disadvantage of being a beast manipulator is that it is easy to be backlashed, and it needs to be trained from time to time, and once the beast dies, it will also suffer a certain amount of damage.

And a natal beast master is a person who has been close to one or a few, or even dozens of wild beasts from the very beginning. Lin Ye also has a famous person in his memory, called the dog king. It is rumored that he has been adopting stray dogs. After the end of the world, all 107 stray dogs in the family were alienated and obeyed him.

Contrary to the Beastmaster, this man was too kind-hearted, and he only wanted to save the weak human beings who were in trouble, so he forged enmity with many insidious people, and finally died under the attack of many lunatics, and died with him. There are also 107 loyal stray dogs.

Thinking of this, Lin Ye couldn't help but sigh.He admires the dog king very much, and it is really rare to be able to maintain a benevolent heart in the last days.But the world has changed, and in the last days, benevolence will only bring many burdens.

However, Lin Ye thought that the Dog King didn't have much to regret. He saved many people and was later listed in the Tomb of the Benevolent by the Human Alliance. Those who besieged him were either killed by some lone rangers or by humans. Alliance expelled, hunted down.

This can be regarded as good rewards for good people, right?

But Lin Ye didn't understand, what else could he have after he died?If he has such a huge strength in the early stage, he will definitely aim to form the largest alliance of mankind. Only in this way can he maximize the actual benefits of turning his ability into reality.

Lin Ye didn't think that the dog king's idea was wrong, nor did he think that he was wrong. It's just that people pursue different dreams and use different methods.

No more thinking, looking at the big hole, Lin Ye decided to quickly find the medicine and food, and then quickly join Xuewu, and leave after spending the night. He feels that this place is not safe.

After looking through a few houses, Lin Ye found a separate hospital. Through the moonlight, he saw a red cross on the wall, which probably was a clinic.

The clinic was not destroyed. Lin Ye stepped on the courtyard wall and turned over easily. At this moment, he felt a strong wind blowing under his feet, and he was startled.

Avoiding the strong wind, Lin Ye exhaled, and in front of him was a skinny old zombie wearing a doctor's attire. He was probably the owner of this medical clinic, but he didn't expect that there would be a zombie lurking at the door.

The old zombie rushed forward with a roar, Lin Ye raised his ax and chopped it off. Now his strength is twice that of an ordinary person, and he directly split the old zombie's head.

Lin Ye took out the heteronucleus and swallowed it. After all, no matter how small a mosquito is, it is still meat.

After dealing with the old zombie, Lin Ye entered the medical hall to check that there was no danger. He rummaged through the medical hall and found that there were not only medicines used by humans, but also veterinary medicines.

However, Lin Ye only selected the most commonly used medicines for disinfection and sterilization, and was just about to turn around and leave when a book on the table caught his attention.

Lin Ye stepped forward to take a look, the book was very old, the pages were yellowed and slightly curled, Lin Ye carefully looked at the big crooked characters on it, which were a few symbols, but it shocked Lin Ye, the whole My heart is hot, and my breathing is a little short.

"This ancient legacy!"

Ancient writings, it is said that there were human beings ten thousand years ago. Their civilization was close to that of gods. The age of gods was destroyed by something, but some civilizations were left behind. This civilization is recorded in a kind of obscure text, called Ancient legacy.

All the things recorded in the ancient characters are priceless treasures. Few people can understand the ancient characters, and they were discovered by human beings only a few years after the end of the day.

At that time, this thing was worth at least one amethyst heterocore!If it is a powerful martial art or skill type, the value can reach the extraordinary core.

Lin Ye didn't expect to find ancient writings in this small village, so he went forward and opened the book. There are words, pictures, and even annotations in the book.

This is a medical book.

It turns out that the flags in this medical hall are all real, and it all depends on this book. Although the annotations on it are intermittent, they can also provide a great defense value.

Lin Ye looked at the dead old zombie in the courtyard through the door, shook his head and sighed, if the old man didn't turn into a zombie and was discovered by him early, then he would definitely protect him and become a rare help for him in the future , but there is no if in life, let alone in the last days.

Lin Ye tucked the book into his trouser waist, found a shovel and came to the old man: "If you take your things, you won't be allowed to die in the wilderness."

Lin Ye dug a big hole, put all the banners in the house inside, and moved the old zombie, when a letter fell out.

Lin Ye first put the old zombies into the pit, recovered the soil, then picked up the yellow leather letter, and wrote the letter: Received by Gutian, Baidi City.

Lin Ye frowned, the lonely sky of Baidi City?He didn't know him, but he also wanted to go to Baidi City, "Forget it, old man, I'll help you look for it, and if I find it, I'll hand it over to Gu Tian for you. It's really a strange name."


Lin Ye walked back, always feeling a little strange in his heart, why the old doctor's clinic was not tampered with or forcibly broken into, you must know that medical supplies are also a rare resource, after much deliberation he could only come up with one answer, that is, the other party put Past the old hospital.

Who would let go of resources at their fingertips?That must be someone who is kind to him, and has a lot of kindness!The chance of an outsider meeting a benefactor in a village is very small. The greatest probability is that the one who destroyed the village is a local, and the old doctor was spared because of his kindness in saving his life.

Thinking of this, Lin Ye was startled: "Xuewu!"

Lin Ye hurried back. It is said that he should have noticed something abnormal, but he didn't find any problems during the period.

Lin Ye came outside the house, but there was no sign of damage to the whole house.

Just as Lin Ye was about to open the door, his nostrils moved slightly, and he smelled a strange fragrance, which was pungent and made him feel slightly drowsy.

Mixiang again!


"Xuewu." Lin Ye opened the door and called twice, but there was no movement in the empty room, and no one entered the room.

Lin Ye punched the bed, and the wooden bed snapped in two.

Those who dare to touch him must be prepared to bear this anger.

(End of this chapter)

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