Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 16 The price of blood

Chapter 16 The price of blood

Lin Ye's eyes swept around, there was no trace of fighting, no smell of blood, the only remnant was the pungent scent.

He must have been kidnapped.

Lin Ye, who had analyzed the best result, heaved a sigh of relief. If Xuewu was killed, he would definitely make the other party pay back in a thousand times and ten thousand times.

Lin Ye climbed up to the roof and looked into the distance, and his eyes fell on a small villa-style house in the west of the village, because it was the only house with lights on in the whole village.

Lin Ye narrowed his eyes slightly, with murderous intent flickering in his eyes.


In the dead of night, the entire Pig Village was plunged into darkness and silence.

But a villa on the west side had flickering lights, which looked very strange in the vast darkness.

A figure quickly came to the side of the villa, the moonlight imprinted on the man's resolute cheeks, under the eyebrow-length hair, a pair of pupils radiated a cold light like a poisonous snake, it was Lin Ye.

There were two strong men guarding the gate of the villa with sticks.

One of them was already leaning against the iron gate and dozing off, the other was nodding his head and was about to fall asleep.

At this time, a strong wind flashed across his neck, and he finally had a chance to rest completely.

After Lin Ye knocked them out, he turned over and entered the villa.

As soon as he arrived in the villa, Lin Ye could smell the male hormones, which made him even more angry, but in order not to startle the snake, he first suppressed the murderous intention, and lightly stuck it on the wall, following the drainage of the villa. Pipeline, climbing up.

The villas all have window sills, which also facilitates Lin Ye's actions. He jumped directly onto the window sill along the drainage pipe, stretched his head to look into the room through the gap between the curtains, and found a fat man eagerly waddling left and right, looking at him from time to time. On the side of the bed, there was a glint in the eyes.

After a while, a wretched man pushed open the door and walked in, leading two tied women behind him.

A gorgeous woman in a cheongsam and brocade dress, with a graceful figure, she can be seen as a noble lady from her attire.The other girl was dressed plainly, disheveled, and had vacant eyes.

The wretched man came in and said with a sinister smile, "Fatty, someone brought it here."

"Okay, I'll fuck this slut and the new woman I brought today, and you'll fuck the school girl next to me, tsk tsk!" The fat man pointed to the beautiful woman, and then looked at the bed in the room.After speaking, the saliva flowed out unconsciously.

When the beautiful woman heard what the fat man said, she cursed: "Fatty, you ungrateful thing! Forgot how I saved you in the first place?"

Hearing this, the fat man's eyes flickered coldly, and he stepped forward and slapped the woman on the face: "What kind of grace did I forget? You thought you were the one who saved me? If it wasn't for the old doctor, you would make me recover? How did I beg for it? Yours. Kneeling, you told me to meow like a pig, to do whatever you asked me to do, and I did everything. Later, you sent me a small amount of money. If it weren’t for the old doctor, I would have died. Not only did you show no kindness to me , and deep hatred."

After the fat man finished speaking, he tore off the woman's cheongsam, revealing the woman's snow-white shoulders all the way to half of her chest. The woman screamed and backed away repeatedly.

The wretched man next to him hugged the woman, rubbed his hands dishonestly on the woman's waist, and pressed his body against her.

Lin Ye analyzed between the lines that the "new woman" Fatty was talking about should be Xuewu.

After confirming everything, Lin Ye directly punched open the window and stepped into the room.


Hearing the movement, the fat man turned his head in a panic and screamed.

The wretched man kept backing away in a panic, and the guy who was upright also turned off the fire.

"Who tied her here?" Lin Ye asked coldly without answering.

The wretched man was originally very sexual, but Lin Ye's breaking in immediately scared him to sleep, and he didn't know if there would be any sequelae. Feeling very aggrieved, he immediately yelled: "Who the hell are you, I don't know this It's Lord Pig's house, you're looking for death..."

Lin Ye threw out an ice arrow without hesitation, and instantly shot the wretched man in one eye, blood splashed out, the wretched man covered his eyes with both hands, and let out a heart-piercing scream, "Ah, my Eyes, my eyes."

Lin Ye took a step nonchalantly, his voice still cold: "I don't want to listen to nonsense, tell me, which one of you tied her up, and what do you want to do to her?"

"'s him, he tied it up, he did it all." After seeing Lin Ye's weird attack and ruthless methods, the fat on his face began to shake, and he hurriedly pushed all responsibility away To the wretched man.

After hearing this, the wretched man's screams became quieter, and he said in fear, "No, no, it's all..."

Before he finished speaking, the fat man next to him rolled his eyes, and suddenly drew out a dagger and stabbed it at the waist of the wretched man.

The wretched man only had time to say: "You..."

Then he spat out a few mouthfuls of blood, tilted his head, and lost his life.

"Brother...Brother, he did it all. I killed him for you. Please let me go." The fat man drew out his dagger and threw it out, showing a gesture of surrender.

Lin Ye stared at the fat man with sharp eyes.

"is it?"

Raise your hand and throw a Frostbolt! .

But the fat man seemed to have been on alert for a long time, and grabbed the wretched man to block in front, and the Frost Arrow was defuse by the fat man in a thrilling manner.

Then the fat man dragged the wretched man's body as a shield, and hurriedly retreated, shouting tremblingly as he retreated: "Piggy, save me!"

Lin Ye was about to catch up, but after looking at Xuewu on the bed, he finally stopped and came to the bedside. With a flick of the dagger, he cut the rope binding Xuewu, and then splashed a ball of water on Xuewu's face. .

Xue Wu was stimulated by the ice water, and immediately woke up shaking his body, with a dazed expression, he asked in a daze, "This...where is this?"

"I'll explain to you later, protect yourself, and I'll solve some troubles!" After Xuewu nodded confusedly, Lin Ye chased after the fat man in the direction he left after leaving a word.

"Those who touch me will pay the price in blood."

Lin Ye's words just lingered in Xuewu's heart, reverberating for a long time, making her feel like a deer bumped her heart for a while.

Lin Ye followed the trail and came outside, the lights of the villa illuminated the entire empty front yard.

At this time, a roar came from the back of the villa, and with the shaking of the ground, a huge monster appeared from the shadow of the villa, and the first thing he saw was the fat man sitting on the back of the huge monster.

Then the overall appearance of the behemoth was exposed to Lin Ye's sight.

It has four hooves on the ground, a fat head and big ears, and an extremely strong body under the yellow hair. It is about 3 meters high and more than 4 meters long, which is very frightening.What impressed Lin Ye the most at the first sight was its fangs that gleamed coldly under the light, standing up to 30cm long, with the potential to smash iron with gravel.

At this time, disgusting saliva was flowing from its mouth, and it let out low growls from its throat. Niu Da's eyes were full of hunger, thirst and ferocity.The four hooves moved forward slowly with a sense of playfulness, as if they believed that the man in front of them would surely become its food.

(End of this chapter)

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