Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 17: Fighting Mutated Pigs

Chapter 17: Fighting Mutated Pigs

Lin Ye thought of the mammoth in the Jurassic era, but this monster did not have the proboscis of a mammoth, and its shape was very similar to that of a mammoth, perhaps because of its degenerated appearance.

It's just a mutant pig!But this pig's body is too huge, at least it looks like a mutant beast above the fourth level of bronze, so it's definitely not easy to deal with.

Lin Ye's eyes fell on Fatty, and after a little thought, it turns out that Fatty is a natal beast master, and this mutated pig is his natal beast.

The fat man on the giant pig directed the mutated pig's actions. Seeing Lin Ye standing still, he thought Lin Ye was scared, and laughed and said, "Little Maozi, be scared. If you kowtow and admit your mistake now, it depends on how good you are." In terms of ability, not only did I not pursue what happened just now, but I also accepted you as a younger brother, so that I can live a nourishing life in the future, and that kind of girl by your side is absolutely indispensable..."

In the middle of the fat man's speech, he found that Lin Ye raised his hand and threw a ice arrow, which was about to reach him in a blink of an eye. He was so frightened that he was so frightened that he fell off the pig's back screaming.

The ice arrow didn't hit Fatty, but was directly blocked by the mutated pig under Fatty with his face.

Lin Ye looked at the slightly irritable mutated pig in surprise, and found that the Frost Arrow thrown out just wiped the mutated pig's face red, and didn't even break a piece of skin.

Lin Ye knew that he had underestimated the mutated pig. This pig might have the strength of Bronze Level [-].

The mutated pig was hit by the ice arrow, and it was so irritable that it wanted to kill the small human in front of it. However, it didn't receive the order from the fat master, and stomped on the spot indiscriminately, emitting bursts of dull noise from its nose. roar.

The fat man who fell down cried out in pain, hid behind the mutated pig and stammered: " dare to offend your fat master, piggy, come on, come on me, kill this guy."

After receiving the order, the mutated pig raised its head and roared, and ran towards Lin Ye with its fat limbs. Its running made the whole ground seem to be shaking. With a fierce posture, he rushed to Lin Ye.

Lin Ye knew that a collision like this would be no less than being hit by a car driving 120 yards, especially with the two fangs in front.

Lin Ye narrowly dodged the blow with a donkey roll, and then threw an ice arrow at the mutated pig's eyes, which was probably its most vulnerable place.

But Lin Ye knew that it was not so easy to hit, in fact it was so.When the mutated pig shook its head, Frostbolt left only a red mark on its face.

Lin Ye frowned slightly, and attacked instead of retreating. The mutant pig's fighting power was stronger in a long-distance battle, so Lin Ye immediately made a strategy for close combat with it.

Lin Ye took out the ax at his waist and held it in his hand, and spread the icy air on it, making the ax emit a crystal brilliance and become harder and sharper.

Lin Ye raised his ax and slashed across the pig, making a 'clang' sound, but he couldn't do any damage to the mutated pig. It was just that the great strength and the ice ability left a red mark on it.

The mutated pig swung its head towards Lin Ye. Lin Ye quickly dodged it, then dodged to the mutated pig's tail, and struck the rear door with an axe. It doesn't feel like screaming in pain, it seems a little weird...

Lin Ye didn't care so much, just wandering in front of and behind the mutated pig. Almost every part of the mutated pig was hacked by him, but it only left red marks that didn't hurt and didn't cause any harm to the mutated pig. A little actual damage, on the contrary, I am tired enough.

Lin Ye frowned, "Not only is the skin rough and thick, but the attack power is also so strong, it is estimated that it will soon reach the silver level..."

Before he could finish thinking, the mutated pig shook his head and bumped directly into it.

Lin Ye quickly dodged it. The mutated pig had a strong momentum and hit a big tree behind Lin Ye. Its fangs stuck into the willow tree and could not be pulled out for a long time.

"good chance."

Lin Ye seized the opportunity to slash at the mutated pig, the sound of "clang, qiang, clang" continued, and each ax landed on the same place. After more than ten blows in a row, he finally broke a trace of the mutated pig's flesh, and pitifully, a few traces of blood came out drop.

These traces of blood seemed to have completely angered the mutated pig. With an angry roar, it pushed down the whole tree, pulled out its fangs, and rushed towards Lin Ye...

After a while, Lin Ye, who was out of breath, was soaked with sweat. He not only had to dodge the attack of the mutant pig, but also gave the mutant pig an ax from time to time. pain.

Lin Ye knew that his physical strength was about to be exhausted, but he still stared at the mutated pig closely, not daring to slack off in the slightest.

Once distracted or misjudged at this time, the mutated pig's fangs would definitely pierce through the body, or be crushed to death.

At this time, he heard a command from afar.

"Piggy, kick him with the hind legs."

The mutated pig in front of Lin Ye seemed to be enlightened, and suddenly raised its hind hoof and kicked Lin Ye in the chest.

Facing this sudden blow, Lin Ye was not prepared at all, and raised his ax to block it.

The pig's trotter landed on the axe, bent the hoof of the iron axe directly, and landed on Lin Ye's chest unabated.


Lin Ye spat out a mouthful of blood, was kicked out, and hit the courtyard wall with a bang, which seemed to tremble.

Lin Ye slipped from the courtyard wall and fell to the ground. His head was dazed, his eyes were wet with sweat, and his vision was blurred. The severe pain in his chest made him cough up a few mouthfuls of blood.

An arrogant voice sounded from the front: "Dare to mess with you fat man, come on, piggy, don't kill me all at once, step on it, step on it into a meat paste! Step on it a little bit, hahaha, this is the end of messing with me."

Following the sound, Lin Ye felt the vibration of the ground, and could already see the blurred figure of the mutated pig running towards him.

Lin Ye knew that at this moment, Qian Jun had a shot, and if he didn't wake up again, he would definitely die.

Biting the tip of his tongue fiercely, Lin Ye's eyes widened in shock, bloodshot eyes, and the mutated pig raised its huge trotters and stepped on his chest again.

If this happens again, Lin Ye will definitely suffer more severe injuries, and then he really won't have the strength to get up.

Lin Ye quickly raised his hands and held the pig's trotters with 120% strength.


Lin Ye roared, and the veins on his neck tensed up, "How could I die at the hands of a pig, fuck you MD!"

Lin Ye aroused the potential of his whole body, not only holding the mutated pig's trotters in the air, but also a gust of cold air rose from his hands, and the power of ice poured out, spreading out from the place Lin Ye was holding, half a pig The hooves were quickly covered with a layer of ice.

Feeling the power of the cold, the mutated pig let out a roar, stepped out with all its strength, and kicked on Lin Ye's chest, causing Lin Ye's chest to sag. There was a cracking sound of bones breaking, and a mouthful of blood spit out from its mouth.

But Lin Ye held the pig's trotter tightly, and a strange smile appeared on the corner of his bloody mouth. Then he let go of his hand and made a fist, and shouted at the mutated pig, "You can't beat me!"

(End of this chapter)

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