Chapter 18
With the sound of piercing through the air, Lin Ye's fist hit the pig's trotters wrapped in ice.


The pig's trotters that were wrapped in the cold ice bag cracked little by little, bloodshot inside, and then crumbled.Visible to the naked eye, half of the mutated pig's hoof shattered along with the ice.

A large amount of blood sprayed out from the mutated pig's wound like a faucet was turned on. It fell to the ground and shook the ground, making a roar that shook the entire pig village.

Just over easy to fold.

This is the method that Lin Ye came up with after waking up. Now that he has put it into practice, although he paid a high price, it is all worth it looking at the mutated pig that fell to the ground.

Lin Ye stood up tremblingly, clutching his chest, and walked up to the screaming and trembling mutant pig step by step.

Lin Ye held back the pain and suddenly lowered his body. He forced it down like this, and the broken bones made another cracking sound.

But Lin Ye didn't even frown, his expression was as indifferent as a demon coming out of hell.The end of the decade, what is it if it’s not hell?Living in hell for ten years, what is it but a devil?
The mutated pig trembling in pain had no power to resist.

Lin Ye held the other pig's trotter with one hand, covered it again with the power of ice, and then punched it with all his strength, just like the way just now, the only difference is, Lin Ye!He is now the one who dominates the battlefield, the executioner who determines life and death.

Lin Ye scrapped one hoof of the mutated pig again, and the mutated pig's hoofs were sprayed with blood. In an instant, the mutated pig with yellow skin began to turn pale as if its color had faded. It also spit white foam from its mouth, and its eyes rolled. Bai twitched all over.

A cold light flashed in Lin Ye's eyes, this time the target fell on the pig's head...

Soon, the whole world quieted down.

Lin Ye stood up, his eyes fell on the fat man who was trembling and speechless in the corner, "Do you want to be like it?"

The fat man heard that his crotch was wet, and after seeing Lin Ye's method of killing pigs, there was only deep fear in his heart, and he turned around and ran away in fright.

Seeing this scene, Lin Ye heaved a sigh of relief.Finally, unable to bear the overload of physical strength and abilities, he slowly fell to the ground.

Suddenly, Lin Ye heard a familiar voice calling his name.

"Lin Ye, Lin Ye, what's wrong with you?"

A graceful figure ran towards him, with tears in his eyes, and an inexplicable concern in his voice.

Before he fell into a coma, the corners of Lin Ye's mouth cracked: "Don't worry, I, Lin Ye, won't just die like this."

In the early morning of the next day, the sun shone through the window into a bed in the bedroom. Lin Ye's face was itchy, and he frowned. Feeling back pain, he opened his eyes in surprise.

The most dangerous thing in the last days is when you are sleeping, a dagger will be stabbed out from nowhere and wipe your throat.Lin Ye, who was familiar with these things and engraved them in his mind, integrated his instincts, quickly sat up from the bed and scanned his surroundings regardless of his physical discomfort.

This is the small bungalow where the fat man lived. He passed out from exhaustion yesterday. How could he be lying here?

Only then did Lin Ye realize that Xue Wu, who was half-kneeling and sleeping on the edge of the bed next to him, was slightly surprised. After thinking about it carefully, it was likely that this little girl brought him here after he passed out last night.

Looking at her sleeping posture, breathing like orchids, her peaceful face, there are still some tears in the corners of her eyes.Lin Ye suddenly felt that everything seemed to be a dream. What the end of the world, what zombies, are all bubbles...


Accompanied by the sound of the door being gently pushed open, Lin Ye withdrew from the imaginary in an instant, condensed an ice arrow in the bottom of his hand like a reflex, and said coldly: "Who is outside."

The person who opened the door suddenly fell silent, and said tremblingly after a while: "Little brother, don't be nervous, I'm just here to deliver breakfast."

Appearing at the door was a curvaceous woman in a cheongsam, showing a cleavage. She had a little powder makeup on her face, which was not particularly good-looking, but she was full of charm, especially her figure, which made people want to reach out to comfort her. Bumpy figure.

Of course, Lin Ye didn't feel anything about it.

At this time, she was holding a dinner plate in her hand. Judging by her appearance, she was indeed not a threat. Even if she had some bad intentions, Lin Ye would not pay attention to a woman in a cheongsam.

Lin Ye relaxed his vigilance. He was exhausted from yesterday's battle. Even after sleeping all night, he still felt sore and unbearable. He didn't recover many abilities. It would be good if he could not fight at this time.

Lin Ye asked lightly: "Why did you give me something to eat?"


The woman hadn't spoken yet, but Xue Wu had already woken up at this moment. She rubbed her eyes, and when she saw Lin Ye sitting, her eyes lit up, "Brother Lin, you're awake, are you feeling better?"

"Well, it's much better." Lin Ye nodded slightly, and then looked at the woman standing at the door with questioning eyes.

Xue Wu looked back, felt Lin Ye's coldness, and knew that he had a grudge in his heart, so she stood up and introduced, "This is Xu Ling, Sister Xu, she was captured by that fat Hu Ba, last night you Hu Ba was driven away and everyone in the village was saved."

"Everyone?" Lin Ye was a little confused, but then he thought, it must be people from this village.

Sure enough, Xu Ling, who stood at the door and felt Lin Ye's coldness all the time, was originally chilling, but Xue Wu eased the atmosphere, and forced a smile and said: "Yes, Lin...Brother Lin, Before you came, that fatty relied on his own ability to arrest and lock up everyone in our village."

"You beat that fat man away, and everyone in our village was also released. You don't know, these days..."

Seeing that Xu Ling wanted to tell the story of what happened these days, there was a lot of crying and crying. Lin Ye had heard these things for ten years in the last ten years, and his eardrums were calloused, so he didn't want to listen.

And this woman, after experiencing the apocalypse, can still dress up beautifully and bring him breakfast early in the morning?She was courteous for nothing, raped or stolen, Lin Ye could see right away that she wanted to curry favor with him.

Besides, listening to the conversation between her and the fat man last night, I think she was not a kind person before.

Lin Ye is most annoyed by this kind of scheming whore, and this kind of person is the easiest to betray, and he doesn't have any good looks for her.

Lin Ye reached out his hand to stop it and said, "Okay, I'm not interested in hearing about your affairs. I'll ask you a few questions now, and you should answer what I ask."

Xu Ling's expression of wanting to cry was suddenly stuck there, and there were ten thousand grass and mud horses galloping in her heart. She felt that her appearance was outstanding, especially her figure. At the age of 30, she has been well maintained, and she was careful early in the morning Dressed up.What's going on with the man in front of him? There is no desire in her eyes, but a lot of indifference.

Wither or what?

Lin Ye didn't give her time to worry, and asked directly: "What is this place?"

Xu Ling found that Lin Ye was so indifferent, and felt very uncomfortable, but she didn't dare to hide anything when she thought that Lin Ye had killed the fat man's big fat pig by herself.

(End of this chapter)

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