Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 19 Hunting Knife

Chapter 19 Hunting Knife
"This is Luxing Village, two miles away from City G."

Lin Ye lowered his head and thought for a while. Luxing Village, he didn't have any impression of this small village, but it didn't matter. The purpose of his coming here was to replenish food and medicine.

It would be best to get some weapons or something. Although this kind of small village probably doesn’t have any good resources, Lin Ye’s ax was already useless when killing mutant pigs, so he continued to ask: “Do you have any better weapons in your village? For example, things like firearms, no matter how bad they are, sharp knives and axes are fine, of course, it’s fine to chop wood.”

Xu Ling shook her head decisively, and Lin Ye couldn't help but sigh, thinking about it, how could a small village like theirs have guns, and there were no hooligans in this area, they were all ordinary farmers, and sickles were the most powerful.

"I... I have a good knife at home."

At this moment, an old voice came from outside the door.

Following the sound came an old man, wearing a gray suit, in his sixties, who looked like he should be a village secretary or something.

As soon as the old man came in, he rushed towards Lin Ye with an excited expression on his face. Lin Ye narrowed his eyes coldly, and a gust of cold air rose two meters away from him, which made the old man shiver and stopped his progress.

However, the cold still couldn't stop the old man's excitement. He thanked in a hoarse voice: "Little brother, thank you for saving our whole village. Thank you very much."

Lin Ye didn't care about these things. He mainly liked the saber the old man mentioned, so he couldn't help but soften his face and said, "Where is the good saber you mentioned?"

"I'm the village head here, and my little brother can just call me Lao Yang." Without the obstruction of the cold, Village Head Yang got closer to Lin Ye, but stopped after one step. He knew that Lin Ye was not an ordinary person. He didn't want to get too close to make Lin Ye feel disgusted, so he stood a meter away and said politely: "Speaking of that knife, it's been a few years. At the end of the Qing Dynasty, my ancestor was still a blacksmith..."

Regarding this story, Lin Ye patiently listened to it. It turned out that Village Chief Yang was born in a family of artisans. He used to be a royal craftsman, specializing in making weapons for the generals in the palace. There are 36 masters in total, each with their own specialties.

At that time, it was collectively called 36 Qinggong, which sounds like a very rustic name, but the weapons they made were extraordinary.

It is said that Qianlong's treasured sword came from the hand of 36 Qinggong in his early years.

Village Chief Yang's ancestors used trick knives as the main direction of attack. In the late Qing Dynasty, 36 Qinggong was favored by foreigners for some reasons. Naturally, they were unwilling to work for foreigners, but Yu Xi insisted on sending them out, so Please foreigners.

As a result, they escaped at night, and the majority of those who could not escape had no good results. Many people were directly sentenced to death after being caught.

At that time, his ancestor had a good relationship with a general. Under the cover of the general, he was lucky to escape. Later, he lived in seclusion in a small village.

Speaking of this, Village Chief Yang also sighed, "You saved our village today, and Xuewu told us last night that you are not the kind of villain who bullies others, and it is useless to keep this knife with me. As a gift to the hero, take it out to thank the little brother."

Lin Ye followed Village Chief Yang out, and in the living room saw more than a dozen people who had survived in the village. They were resting staggeringly, and some people's eyes were a little dizzy.

This kind of people is very common in the early days of the end of the world, and most of them will not be able to accept the coming of the end of the world for a while, and feel fearful in the face of unknown things.

But they are also lucky. Luxing Village is located outside G City, sparsely populated, and the whole village only has a family of [-]. When the end comes, fat Hu San took his mutated pigs and cleaned up most of the zombies. The end of the village people suffer.

If it were any other place where there were no supernatural beings, people would have no choice but to run away.

The zombies in this village have now been completely eliminated. As long as precautions are taken, a small base can still be established here to ensure their safety in a short period of time.

However, Lin Ye did not intend to build a base here. One was the problem of human resources, and the other was that the geographical location was not conducive to establishing a base.He knew very well that a real base could never exist outside the wilderness.

Because after the end of the world, the zombies will instinctively gather together without enough food, wandering to places they have never been to, and the barren mountains and villages are the easiest places for them to pass by.

To establish a secure base, only by forming a protective circle in the city and slowly spreading outwards to form a circle of fortresses can it resist the tide of corpses in the future.

Lin Ye's goal is a medium-sized city.

The appearance of Lin Ye woke up the people gathered in the living room, shrinking their hands and feet, looking at him in fear.

Village Chief Yang smiled sheepishly, coughed and said, "Don't be afraid, everyone. This is our little brother Lin Ye who saved us. He is not a bad guy."

Even so, they were still a little afraid of Lin Ye. Village Chief Yang was a little embarrassed, and took a peek at Lin Ye, and was relieved to see that he was calm.

Following Village Chief Yang's explanation, Lin Ye also knew that these people gathered here because they were afraid that there would be danger around them.

According to Village Chief Yang, compared to other places, the place with Lin Ye is definitely safer.

Lin Ye scoffed at this, relying on others to survive in the last days is completely looking for death. According to his tired and lethargic situation yesterday, if there is danger, not only will he not be able to protect these people, on the contrary, these people will become a burden.

"Let's go, let's go see the knife first."

Xue Wu, Village Chief Yang and Lin Ye went directly to a room.Xu Ling also wanted to see the appearance of the precious sword, so naturally she followed, but Lin Ye didn't care about this woman.

The four followed Village Chief Yang into a cellar, and when they came out, Village Chief Yang already had a long wooden box in his hand.

Village Chief Yang opened the lock on the wooden box, and a knife with a little dust appeared in front of Lin Ye's eyes, which made his eyes light up, and he directly reached out to take out the knife with the sheath.

With a breath, all the dust dissipated, revealing the true face of the sword.

The handle of this knife seems to be made of antelope horn. At the position of the scabbard and the handle, some are tightly wound with gold wire, and some are decorated with beautiful patterns.

The knife is about 1.2 meters long and belongs to the typical waist knife type.

Lin Ye couldn't wait to pull out the hunting knife from its sheath.

There was a sound of "呲~咲".

A treasured sword glowing with blue light flashed, reflecting a compelling cold light.

Lin Ye slashed forward casually, the blade cut through the air, and there were bursts of hissing, as if the air had been cut open.

"Good knife!"

Lin Ye said with satisfaction.

Village head Yang nodded in satisfaction with his ancestor's handwriting, and the eyes of the two women on the side widened.

(End of this chapter)

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