Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 20 Xuewu's Heart

Chapter 20 Xuewu's Heart
After a while, Xue Wu laughed, happy that Lin Ye got a good knife, but Xu Ling's eyes were gloomy and unclear.

In fact, in the middle of the apocalypse, although the use of guns is still the mainstream, in the era when human beings are becoming stronger and stronger, the speed and judgment of some human beings can already avoid ordinary guns. Therefore, cold weapons are the favorite of some strong people tool of war.

For knives, guns and sticks, Lin Ye used knives the most. Of course, at that time, he only used the steel knives that were the last, and he didn't have the sharpness of this treasured knife at all.

Lin Ye danced a saber flower casually, and the saber in his hand was like a swimming dragon, and it fell three feet in front of Xu Ling's shoulder and stopped.

The air froze at this moment, and the three of them held their breath at the same time.

When a fallen leaf that was split in half fell to the ground, Xu Ling also collapsed on the ground in an instant.

Lin Ye gave her a cold look, put the knife into the scabbard, tied it around his waist, and said to Village Chief Yang, "Thank you Village Chief Yang for giving the knife, and I also have a suggestion for Village Chief Yang."

Village Chief Yang waved his hands again and again: "Where is this, without the little brother to save us, we can still talk here? Ha ha."

Lin Ye didn't answer, but continued: "I suggest that you build a wall in the village. This will ensure your safety for a while, but it is not a long-term solution. You'd better join some survivors before the next danger comes. or retreat into human settlements with incoming troops."

"This... little brother, do you mean to leave?" Village Chief Yang also thought of this, but he wanted to keep Lin Ye, at least to protect them for a while.

But his thoughts are destined to be just wishful thinking, Lin Ye didn't wait for Village Chief Yang to continue to stay, and said directly: "I'm sorry, Village Chief Yang, I have other things to do, so I can't stay here."

Lin Ye waved to Xuewu as he spoke, and left the village chief's house first, taking some food and medicine with him,

For the people in this village, Lin Ye has said everything that should be said. Whether they can survive in the future can only depend on themselves.

On the way, Xue Wu couldn't help asking: "Brother Lin, why did you scare that Xu Ling just now?"

Lin Ye said calmly: "Her eyes, greedy eyes, if you don't give her a warning, then she will have no bottom line in doing things in the future, and even...kill her companions."

"Ah... She doesn't look so vicious, does she?"

Lin Ye touched the hunting knife, "How come you have worked hard with me for so many years, why don't you have any sharp eyesight?"

"Looking at people, you have to look at all his behaviors. No one will help others for free, let alone benefiting the society, not to mention the troubled times now."

Seeing that Xue Wu didn't speak, Lin Ye knew that she still didn't agree with his thoughts, and he was right, he had lived in the apocalypse for ten years, so his thoughts were naturally a little extreme.As for whether it is true or not, we will know later.


The next stop Lin Ye was going to pass was Qingshui Town, which was about tens of miles away from where they were.

This town originally had a county-level size, but the geographical environment surrounded by mountains on three sides prevented the economy of this large town from developing well, and the application for a county-level city has never been approved.

In the next few days, Lin Ye took Xuewu to walk on muddy mountain roads. Xuewu, who didn't walk much at first, already had blisters on his feet on the rough mountain road, but because he didn't want to slow down Lin Ye Ye's pace, she has been trying not to say it.

Lin Ye looked at Xuewu who was walking unnaturally, and he naturally felt this, so he immediately slowed down, came to a relatively dry tree, put down his backpack, and handed a bottle of water to Xuewu, By the way, he took out some pain-relieving medicines and said, "You take a rest here first, there's not much food left, I'll go get something to eat."

Xue Wu took the medicine in a daze, and gritted her teeth when she thought of something, "I...I'll go with you."

Lin Ye, who knew what Xuewu was thinking, smiled and said, "Don't worry, I'll find some wild vegetables nearby, and I won't leave too far away."

Xue Wu blushed a little after hearing Lin Ye's words, and secretly scolded herself for thinking too much, how could Lin Ye leave her behind.

I have experienced so many unimaginable crises along the way, and it was only because of Lin Ye that I was safe from danger. If I want to leave her, I have already done it a long time ago, why wait until now?

Xuewu scolded herself dozens of times in her heart, but still looked worriedly at Lin Ye who was looking for wild vegetables in the forest.

In the past, Lin Ye was a rather useless man. Although the two were sworn brothers and sisters, Xue Wu had no heart for Lin Ye. The man she held up to the sky was full of charm.

Xue Wu knew that she had already developed a great sense of dependence on Lin Ye. Many things along the way were handled by Lin Ye, but she didn't help much, which made her always feel like a burden.

In fact, Xue Wu was struggling in her heart, not wanting to hurt Lin Ye, but also afraid that Lin Ye would secretly leave alone.Thinking that if Lin Ye is gone by then, what will she do?
Xue Wu really hoped to bring some help to Lin Ye, but as a woman, she doesn't seem to know much except supernatural powers, so how can she help a big man like Lin Ye?

Women are always emotional, and so is Xuewu.

Xue Wu looked at her white arms, and swept her proud chest, thinking about those things about women and men, her face became more and more red.

On the other side, Lin Ye came back after collecting some wild vegetables nearby, and threw the wild vegetables on the ground casually.

Startled Xuewu, who was thinking about embarrassing things, Lin Ye couldn't help but looked at Xuewu strangely: "It's not normal now, it's best not to be in a daze if you have nothing to do, and practice the use of abilities more."

"Hmm..." Xue Wu's voice was as thin as a mosquito's moan.

Lin Ye took out the small pot and bowl he had with him, and some seasonings he found in Luxing Village, and started cooking. As time passed, the fragrant mountain vegetables came out of the pot.

Looking at the glistening mountain vegetable soup in the bowl, Xuewu, who was already hungry, couldn't wait to take a sip, his eyes lit up, and he ate it unceremoniously, while eating, he said: "Brother Lin, I have eaten mountain vegetables before. Even top chefs have a bit of astringent taste, but what you cook is not so astringent, but rather sweet, how do you do it?"

Lin Ye chewed slowly and explained: "I used the water system ability to draw out all the bitterness of the mountain vegetables, so the mountain vegetables have no bitter taste, and some seasonings are mixed, so it tastes delicious, but this thing Part of the nutrition is also taken away, so I can only control my fullness."

For Xuewu, who is a foodie, it doesn't matter whether he is nutritious or not, delicious food is the most important thing. He couldn't help but admired Lin Ye: "Brother Lin, you are really amazing."

"Ouch, my waist."

While the two were having dinner, there was a sudden groan of pain not far away.

(End of this chapter)

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