Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 21 The Strange Guy

Chapter 21 The Strange Guy

Lin Ye stood up quickly, looked vigilantly, and found that under a tree, a young man in his 20s, wearing an expedition suit, was holding his waist in pain and screaming.

Can't help but be surprised.

Lin Ye began to observe the surroundings clearly. With the perception and observation skills he had cultivated in the last ten years, he didn't find the existence of this person. He hid it so deeply?Is it a master?

"Hey Brother, I just woke up and fell off the tree, can you please come and help me?"

Fall from a tree?

Lin Ye looked at the fallen leaves floating down from his head, and then saw his foolish look, and immediately understood everything.

Well, this is no expert, just a guy who climbed a tree and overslept.

You must know that although there are not many wild beasts in the modern forest, it is difficult to guarantee that there are so few mutant beasts that can still sleep so dead in this kind of place, which is really weird.

Thinking about what kind of person he thought the other party was in surprise and suspicion just now, Lin Ye really didn't know whether to laugh or get angry.

"Don't worry about it, let's continue eating." After understanding everything, Lin Ye continued to eat his mountain vegetables.

Seeing that Lin Ye didn't care about him, Xuewu simply sat down and ignored him, but from time to time, he glanced at the grinning young man in the expedition suit, thinking that his expression was quite funny.

After a while, the man's waist seemed to be getting better. He didn't cry out in pain anymore, he just muttered something in a low voice, and then he swaggered to Lin Ye and said with a smile on his face, "Hey, I made my brother laugh."

When he saw that there was something to eat, the young man Li Jie's eyes lit up immediately, and he said happily: "Great, I haven't eaten a good meal for a few days, your food is delicious, let me have a bite too. "

As he said that, without asking Lin Ye's permission, he reached for the bowl.


Xue Wu was about to say something when she heard a knife groaning, and then a cold light flashed in front of her eyes, and the back of the hunting knife directly slashed at the young man's outstretched hand.

Naturally, it was Lin Ye who made the knife.

However, Lin Ye's blow that was sure to leave a bloodstain on the young man's hand failed. Seeing the young man's eyes widened in fright, a trace of surprise flashed in Lin Ye's eyes.

Xuewu was also very surprised. She had seen Lin Ye's saber technique along the way. It was really fast, accurate and ruthless. She thought that she must have practiced before to avoid this kind of attack. A kung fu man, how did he avoid it?
Lin Ye had the same question, but at this moment Li Jie swallowed his saliva, and after realizing it, he pointed at Lin Ye and said, "Damn it, I just want to have a meal, I don't want to make a big deal out of it, just use it Do you do it without saying a word?"

Hearing this person's long-winded words, Lin Ye stood up with a cold look in his eyes, and slashed at him.

Li Jie jumped back like a conditioned reflex, staring and cursing: "Fuck, you kid is addicted to hacking, right?"

"Damn! I'll dodge."

The cold light reappeared.

Lin Ye's next knife fell through again.

"You can't cut it."

It is a coincidence to dodge once and twice, and it is unreasonable to keep dodging.

As a bystander, Xue Wu saw that the young man in front of him had avoided all of Lin Ye's slashing, and was surprised from ear to ear.Although she could see that Lin Ye didn't use all his strength, it was really hard for her to believe that the opponent dodged the attack so quickly.

Lin Ye didn't let go of his attack, he slashed with a knife, and accelerated his speed again and again. After Li Jie dodged a blow, he made a face at him, and Lin Ye immediately raised his foot and kicked him in the chest.

Li Jie, who originally thought that Lin Ye could only use knives, unexpectedly got such a blow, and was immediately kicked to the ground.

Li Jie, who felt the tightness in his chest, coughed twice, and said with difficulty: " are cheating."

However, what he answered was a knife that slashed at his lower body.

"Damn it, you want me to have no children or grandchildren."

Fortunately, Li Jie moved his hands quickly and narrowly avoided the knife.

Seeing a black hole left on the hard ground, Li Jie's little heart almost jumped out.

However, Lin Ye didn't give him a chance to breathe, but instead chased after his crotch with one knife after another.

Until the last knife cut a hole in his loose crotch, revealing Li Jie's red underpants, Li Jie's face turned pale with fright, and he firmly protected the underpants with his hands.

"Brother, in a legal society, you have something to say."

Lin Ye put the hunting back into the scabbard and said, "Stand up, let me touch you."

Seeing the other party withdraw the knife, Li Jie was relieved at first, but when he heard Lin Ye's words behind him, he was immediately confused: "What... I didn't hear what you said, brother."

"Don't understand, I said, I want to touch your belly."

Li Jie became anxious immediately, waved his hands and stepped back, "Brother, I know I was wrong, I shouldn't have taken your food, don't mess around, I have a girlfriend."

"Although you are very powerful, even if you kill me, I will not betray my virginity." Seeing that Lin Ye was still looking at him, Li Jie couldn't help raising his fist and added: "I will defend my dignity to the death and never give in to lust!"

Lin Ye was taken aback for a while, a black line appeared on his forehead, and it took him a while to find a reasonable explanation, "You don't know kung fu, but now you feel agile. In fact, your body has undergone a change. I just want to see your situation. .”

" it really just like this?" Li Jie looked at Xuewu in disbelief, swallowed and said, "Brother, what's the matter, let's sit down and talk about it, how about you have such a beautiful girlfriend?" Come on, why bother to mess around outside, believe me, although I am handsome and many people like it, but we are really not suitable..."

Xuewu heard Li Jie say that she was Lin Ye's girlfriend, she was very calm on the surface, but felt sweet in her heart.However, she also looked at Lin Ye suspiciously. Obviously, after what Li Jie said, she also seemed a little suspicious of Lin Ye's special hobbies.

"Fuck! There's so much nonsense." No matter how good-tempered Lin Ye is, he won't be slandered like this by others, so he didn't explain immediately, and forcibly grabbed Li Jie's clothes and lifted him up.

"What are you doing, molesting, help me, fuck!" Li Jie struggled desperately, but he couldn't break free.

Generally, the energy of a supernatural person accumulates in the abdomen, so Lin Ye wanted to see if he was a supernatural person.

Sure enough, after Lin Ye groped Li Jie's stomach for a while, he sensed an energy cluster similar to his ice ability.It's just that this energy group is a little different from his attributes, not as stable as his energy, and more active and irritable.

Obviously, Li Jie is a supernatural being.

After confirming this point, Lin Ye threw Li Jie aside and began to think.

"It seems that he has a combat ability, and it belongs to the top ability of the combat system."

"what's your name?"

Li Jie was thrown away, and found that Lin Ye was not the glass he thought, and finally heaved a sigh of relief, but when he heard Lin Ye mentioning the supernatural power, he felt that he might have encountered a mental illness, and was afraid that Lin Ye would attack him again. Li Jie, hiding away, said cautiously: "My name is Li Jie."

(End of this chapter)

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