Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 22: Stupid People Have Stupid Blessings

Chapter 22: Stupid People Have Stupid Blessings

"Li Jie?" Lin Ye frowned when he heard the name.

Seeing that Lin Ye was not bothering him any more, Li Jie leaned in front of Xuewu, looked at Lin Ye, pointed to his head, and said in a low voice, "Beautiful sister, is there something wrong with your boyfriend here? I've seen too much..."

Xue Wu rolled his eyes at him, then explained what the supernatural power was, and by the way, waved his hand to gather a fireball to prove the authenticity of the supernatural power.

This method immediately surprised Li Jie.

"Damn it, it's really a supernatural power, do I have supernatural powers too?" Li Jie shouted excitedly.

On the other side, Lin Ye looked at the dancing Li Jie with weird eyes, and said in a low voice: "Zhan Kuang Xiaotian? Look at this kid who looks like a middle school sophomore. How could he be a supernatural awakener Zhan ten years after the end of the world?" crazy, and the names are different, I must be thinking wrong."


After such a commotion, Li Jie, who was already acquainted with Xuewu, quickly became acquainted with Xuewu. Listening to their conversation, Lin Ye also knew a little about Li Jie, knowing that he is a person who likes to explore. I also wanted to hunt for treasure when I came out, to see if I could find some treasure for my girlfriend.

Hearing this, Lin Ye found that Li Jie's brain circuit is really weird.

Xue Wu also thought so, and said with a smile: "This barren mountain, is there a treasure? Only you, a living treasure, will come to this kind of place where no shit is found."

However, Li Jie said proudly in an instant: "Don't tell me, ancestors bless me, I fell into a cave by chance and found a gem."

Li Jie's words immediately made Xuewu feel as uncomfortable as eating a fly, so he could only pout and say, "I answered the saying that stupid people have stupid blessings."

Lin Ye on the side also suddenly knew why he could get the supernatural power.

Seeing that Xuewu was holding back, Li Jie ate a mouthful of wild vegetables proudly, and then excitedly asked Lin Ye, "Oh, by the way, you just said that I also have supernatural powers, so do you know what my supernatural powers are?"

Lin Ye explained: "Your ability belongs to the combat system, and you need to explore it yourself, but I tried it just now, and I guessed it based on my experience, probably because it is super-adaptive?"

"Extraordinary adaptation?"

"Well, yes, this ability is considered a very strong ability. It allows your body to evade according to the enemy's battle, and adapt to growth step by step during the battle."

"But you have to be careful. I just used five points of strength to test you just now, and you have reached your limit. If you exceed this range, you have a high chance of dying in battle. Of course, it is also possible to surpass yourself in life and death .”

Lin Ye paused, looked at the complacent Li Jie and said, "But...according to your personality, it's obviously not possible."

"Tch, make yourself sound like you're awesome." Li Jie curled his lips and muttered, and turned his face to Xuewu as if he was gasped, and asked, "Then what's going on with the doomsday you're talking about?"

"There will be catastrophic crises in the last days, such as some monsters and viruses. For the time being, I have only encountered zombies infected by humans, and mutant beasts infected by beasts."

Li Jie wrapped a mouthful of mountain vegetables, and said vaguely: "No wonder, I met a wolf-dog-like monster yesterday, and thought it was a mountain monster, which made me hide in a tree all night. After you say that, it's very interesting. Maybe it's just a mutant beast."

"I didn't expect that so many things would happen when I came to the mountains to search for a treasure. It wasn't because I met you that I was kept in the dark. Thank you for telling me so much." Li Jie rubbed the back of his head embarrassingly. .

"Well, it's a good thing that you only met one, not a group. Now that the whole world is in crisis, what are you going to do next?" Lin Ye said flatly.

In fact, Lin Ye is a bit fancy about Li Jie's abilities, and believes that under his training, it is still possible to reach the realm of the war madness of later generations.Of course, what Lin Ye pays most attention to is the character of this clown, and the most important thing is that his character is not bad.

However, Li Jie did not respond to Lin Ye's words. When he heard that zombies killing people and drinking blood appeared all over the world, he, who was still smiling, suddenly realized something, and couldn't help asking: "Wait, the doomsday you are talking about is not just yours. Where? Does it affect the whole world?"

Lin Ye nodded.

At this moment, Lin Ye noticed that Li Jie, who was originally like a middle school student, suddenly returned to normal in his eyes. Instead of smiling, his face was serious. He left the unfinished wild vegetables and ran out of the woods, talking as he went. : "Thank you brother for your hospitality. My girlfriend is still in Qingshui Town. I have to save him, so I won't accompany you."

Seeing this, Lin Ye thought for a while and asked Xuewu, "He said he is a native of Qingshui Town, right?"

Seeing Xuewu nod, Lin Ye said directly: "He must know Qingshui Town very well, it will help us, keep up with him."

Lin Ye grabbed his backpack and chased after Li Jie.

However, before running [-] meters, Lin Ye noticed that Li Jie fell back quickly, "Could it be that something fell?"

Taking a closer look, it turned out that there was a bronze level-[-] mutant wolf dog chasing behind Li Jie.

Lin Ye is also convinced. Just now he said he wanted to save his girlfriend, but now he is being chased by a mutant wolf dog. Are you a monkey invited to tease you?

After Li Jie ran over, he immediately hid behind Lin Ye. Lin Ye pulled out his hunting knife helplessly. At this moment, he was sure that the person in front of him was definitely not a war madman. insult.You know, Zhan Kuang is one of the world's top [-] in the future, how could he be like this.

Without waiting for Lin Ye to think about it, the mutated wolfhound with sparse hair and a stench all over his body had already pounced on him.

Li Jie, who was behind Lin Ye, had already closed his eyes, but Lin Ye didn't change his face.When he left Luxing Village, he took away the fifth-level bronze core of the mutated pig, and swallowed it as he was on his way, turning it into a supernatural power, which directly promoted Lin Ye to the fourth-level bronze.

The strengthening of abilities is one aspect. On the other hand, Lin Ye's strength and agility have reached about 2.5 times that of ordinary people. He no longer takes Bronze Level [-] seriously.

Lin Ye didn't even use his abilities, but just stared at the mutated wolfdog. When the mutated wolfdog was still two meters away from him, he seized the opportunity to take a step forward, holding the hunting knife with both hands and raised it upwards. Half, followed by splatters of blood.

Lin Ye avoided it as expected, but Li Jie, who was hiding behind him, didn't have time to dodge, and was spattered with blood.


Li Jie, who was drenched in dog blood, screamed and ran around holding his head.

Even Xue Wu couldn't stand it anymore, "Brother Lin, is his ability really getting stronger as he fights? Why do I think he is more suitable for running away?"

Lin Ye didn't speak, just shrugged.

(End of this chapter)

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