Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 23: Qingshui Town

Chapter 23: Qingshui Town

The dramatic development made Li Jie return to Lin Ye's team, and let him know that the hope of returning to Qingshui Town alone is slim, so he had to ask Lin Ye for help: "Brother, can you accompany me to save me?" Girlfriend, she is really important to me, not only my girlfriend, but also my adoptive father's daughter, when my adoptive father passed away, I promised my adoptive father would take good care of her."

Lin Ye thought about it. In fact, it was a little difficult for him to pass through Qingshui Town. After all, a single-handed horse is no match for thousands of horses. Once surrounded by hordes of zombies, it must be the result of a narrow escape.

Lin Ye glanced at Xuewu, besides, he was not alone.

Now that he wanted to rescue people in Qingshui Town, he had to get some weapons first. Guns were undoubtedly the best choice.

Thinking so, Lin Ye said, "It's okay to help you, but do you know that your girlfriend is still alive?"

This is another question Lin Ye considered. You must know that the end has been coming for several days, and most people have no possibility of living. This is a realistic question, but Li Jie's answer made him Some mistakes.

"I want to see people in life, and I want to see corpses in death. Even if I die, I still have to see them." Li Jie looked at Lin Ye with hopeful eyes, and he couldn't help but recall Lin Ye's memories.

In the previous life, a woman hugged him and told Lin Ye with the same hopeful eyes: "Alive, take my share."

In fact, this is another reason why Lin Ye wanted to be strong. He couldn't let that woman down. Not only did he want to live, but he also wanted to bring her to live with him. He also wanted to build a city, an indestructible steel fortress.

Lin Ye exhaled, letting the memories bury in the softest part of his heart, and then looked at Li Jie, "Before saving your girlfriend, we must first obtain weapons to increase our survival rate."


As soon as the three of Lin Ye approached the town, a rancid smell rushed over them, mixed with the lingering smell of blood.

At this time, the sun was already three poles high, and the scorching sun was baking the whole town. This was the most difficult weather for ordinary people in the last days. The sun's rays accelerated the deterioration of rotten things, and what they brought was a nightmare-like plague.In this situation of lack of medicines and lack of medical equipment, once you get a disease, the consequences needless to say.

However, this kind of weather also has a great impact on the zombies. The strong sunlight makes the bodies of the zombies lacking in water stiff, and as a result, their mobility is reduced and their attacks become slow.

Zombies, which originally reached twice the strength of ordinary people, can only exert 2% of their abilities in sunny days, which also improves the survival rate of survivors, and is the best time for survivors to find food and water.

Lin Ye observed the outskirts of Qingshui Town. There were a few mutilated zombies wandering there, and there were many slow figures farther away. He couldn't help looking solemnly at the two people around him and said, "I'm teaching you how to fight on the road. Remember the technique?"

Seeing the two nodding, Lin Ye said again: "Zombies lose their mobility only when they are brain-dead. Attacks from other places have little effect on zombies, so you must be careful not to lose your life because of carelessness."

"Well, I...we know." Li Jie glanced at the ferocious zombies. He was going to fight these monsters later, and he couldn't help feeling his scalp tingle, but thinking that his girlfriend didn't know what happened, his heart was broken. Settle down again.

Li Jie then lowered his voice and said, "Brother, you said you need to get weapons first, right? The police station closest to here is in the center of the town. It's probably more dangerous to go there."

"Well, this is what I want to ask you. Don't think too much about some swords and the like. Our first target is a hardware store or an antique store. There should be weapons there."

Li Jie thought for a while, then pointed to a street in front of him: "Enter that street and walk 500 meters forward, there is a store called Fatty Hardware, I am a frequent customer there, there are some hammers, daggers and so on, It should work."

"I'll take the lead, and Xuewu is in the middle. Li Jie's purpose is not to kill zombies, so don't get too entangled, and act quickly." Lin Ye looked at the dilapidated street, paused, and waited for the two to calm down for a while before saying. :"Set off."

Lin Ye rushed out first, and his eyes fell on the skinny zombie closest to them. It seemed that this zombie hadn't eaten for a long time, and his body had shrunk severely, like a skinny mummy.


When they found Lin Ye and his party, the skinny zombie let out a roar similar to that of a wild animal, which made people shudder.

But he just yelled, Lin Ye had already arrived in front of him, pulled out the hunting knife, and with one blow, the upper half of the zombie's head flew out, and there was a straight cut on the lower half of the head, and the inside could still be seen. The black and yellow brains were wriggling.

Xue Wu, who was following behind, had also seen zombies before, she just frowned and passed the dead zombie.

Li Jie was different, it was the first time he had seen such a humanoid monster, and he could not help but feel a sense of guilt for killing someone just to have his head cut open by Lin Ye.After running close, seeing the shattered brains in that half of the skull, he finally couldn't help retching.

Lin Ye naturally found out what happened next, but he didn't bother to comfort Li Jie, because their appearance had already attracted the attention of several zombies.

Moreover, if Li Jie couldn't even accept this scene, he felt that there was no need to continue to bring this trash.

Fortunately, Li Jie did not disappoint Lin Ye. After retching a few times, he wiped the corners of his mouth, his eyes became more determined, and he said in a low voice: "Compared to these, Xiao Ying has been struggling here for a few days. , being frightened by this, how can I protect her."

Li Jie looked at Lin Ye who was wielding a knife to kill a zombie in front of him, and clenched his fists tightly: "I'm not a waste, Sakura, wait for me."

After Li Jie finished speaking, he followed Lin Ye closely.

In a blink of an eye, they had entered the street.

The following zombies have risen to dozens.

Lin Ye knew that the longer the time, the more zombies would come. These parasite-like monsters have no concept of physical strength, but they do. Once they lose their physical strength, they will die.

Lin Ye didn't want to waste too much energy. He waited for Xuewu and Li Jie to run to him, and then activated his ability. On this ten-meter-wide street, a five-meter-long ice field was immediately formed. .

The zombies chasing after stepped on the ice and slipped one by one, and fell down again as soon as they got up. For the unintelligent zombies, this ice is almost an insurmountable place. Watch them fall three times in one step According to the situation, it is estimated that it will take some time to get out of the ice.

(End of this chapter)

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