Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 143 Investigate the news

Chapter 143 Investigate the news
After the Diamond King beast rushed out of the water, all the mutated beasts turned into sergeants who obeyed orders, walked towards the lake in a uniform order, and finally lined up by the lake as wide as the ocean. .Like soldiers waiting for the general to give orders.

The monster that shot out of the sky finally crawled to the land after eating the creatures in the entire lake.Its ugly nose sniffed around in the air, its wise eyes stared at Baidi City, which was two thousand miles away, and let out a terrifying roar
In Baidi City, Lin Ye, who got up early, told everyone to pack up the underground warehouse, because today his team will add a new member.Everyone was exhausted last night, but they ate pork that they hadn't eaten for a long time.So after a night of sleep, everyone's spirits are also in good spirits.After we got together, we started to clean up. After a busy morning, the prototype of the entire underground warehouse was finally divided.

The sleeping area, this place is placed in the innermost part, because it is worried that it will be invaded by mutant bats and the like, so after Qi Zhan almost emptied the entire abandoned factory, it has been built like a monolith.Even if the mutant bat could break in at this time, it would not disturb everyone's rest at all.

Nie Quanqi is mainly in charge of the living area.With the vent as the core, a large kitchen is built.The facilities for water and electricity supply are complete, so he can't help but sigh that it is a shotgun for a cannon, and he is no longer the cook who lives in the wild.At the same time, Xuewu also created a

In the practice area, this area occupies 40.00%.No other cleaning was done, the main thing was that the two characters were empty, and many human targets were built for Jiang Xinyu to shoot.At the same time, this is also the nest of Mantou. Mantou has been helping everyone keep an eye on the wind along the way, and has long become one of the partners in everyone's hearts.

After the division of the three large areas, the underground warehouse has basically been used up.But Lin Ye always felt a little dissatisfied, because the place in Doomsday in the previous world was remote, so no supernatural beings had discovered this place, but after coming back, this group of people were all supernatural beings.If when was the poisonous hand of the strong.If you die, you will die without knowing why.So under Lin Ye's strong request, a sentry tower protruding from this underground warehouse can see ten miles away.

Jiang Xinyu had already gone out early in the morning. In order to avoid suspicion, she put down the sniper rifle in her hand.Also put on an old woman's makeup.It made everyone laugh.At close to noon.The comatose Li Jie also woke up.

Seeing everyone's concern, Li Jie was deeply moved.He was about to ask Lin Ye why he treated him like this.Everyone told him in a hurry.Lin Ye went out to find his little friend.Li Jie thought angrily in his heart.What kind of enmity is this?I have to let myself deal with twenty or so silver-ranked bat-mutated king beasts.

After Li Jie was kicked into the underground warehouse by Hu Fei yesterday, he took off his blindfold.It was dark inside.After walking a few steps, he discovered that there were more than a dozen bat mutant beasts that were as huge as cows, staring at him with red eyes.Not even a second later, those bat-mutated king beasts seemed to be crazy, screaming and rushing towards themselves, and some of them could only breathe fire and ice.Due to his tyrannical dominance, after more than ten seconds of panic, Li Jie started his chaos mode. His whole body instantly looked like a sharp chainsaw. Died silently.After killing a dozen of them in this way, the remaining few are obviously different from ordinary bat mutant beast kings.

They started several attacks with a purpose, and Li Jie's body was already dripping with blood.At this time, his aggressiveness was also aroused.In the frantic dodging and chasing, he realized his supernatural skill "Frenzy!" combined with his current class and superpowers.It's like a walking humanoid killer.In just 1 minute.This battle is over.He took the alien core and walked out of the door of the underground warehouse.fainted.

Lin Ye came out of the abandoned factory. Today's sky was dark and it was about to rain.Since the last days, there have been more days of rain than days of sun.Lin Ye likes rainy days like this. In order to avoid being suspected of being a madman, he doesn't like to open an umbrella.Because in the rain, he can feel the emotional and physiological conditions of the surrounding creatures.This range becomes more and more obvious with the improvement of one's ability level.

His task today is to bring Gu Tian back to his warehouse base from the other side of Baidi City.This place is not only close to the underground river, but you can take your companions to the outer sky to kill zombies and seize the alien nucleus.It is also very suitable for him to do research.

Lin Ye was wearing a hoodie and a pair of ordinary jeans.Blending in with the crowd, drove towards Gutian's house in the slums.

It took nearly an hour for Lin Ye to rush from the abandoned factory to Gutian's house.Although I haven't communicated with him in advance, when we parted, I told him that I would definitely come to him when the time came, and told him not to leave this area.Since it is a benefactor, he will more or less listen to it.

After Lin Ye knocked on the door three times, he found that there was no response from inside. He stuck to the window and shouted, "Gutian!" But there was still no response from inside.Lin Ye made seals with his hands, and water vapor swam in from between the door and the floor.Lin Ye sensed that someone was inside.But there is a good chance something is wrong.Thinking of this, Lin Ye pressed on the door with his right hand, and the door made a muffled sound.It collapsed.

Lin Ye rushed in anxiously.It turned out that Gutian was lying on a messy bed.The half-broken "Qing Nang Jing" was placed in front of the bedside table.The lips were purple, and the whites of the two eyes seemed to be protruding.At this point he has lost his sanity.

"Water, I want water." Feeling the presence of someone beside him, Gu Tian cried out in pain. At this moment, he felt something in his body was exploding and burning.A new thing is being destroyed, and a new substance is being born.

Lin Ye didn't follow his idea, put his hands on his head, a bone-chilling chill entered Gu Tian's brain, and his body shivered non-stop due to the cold.Just as the cold air continuously sent messages to Lin Ye, Lin Ye was shocked to find that in Gu Tian's brain, a different nucleus was slowly forming!But due to his own physical condition, the pain was unbearable for him. If Lin Ye came later, he might die directly!

(End of this chapter)

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