Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 144 The Mutation of Lonely Sky

Chapter 144 The Mutation of Lonely Sky

After Lin Ye got the result, he quickly pulled up the curtains.Although I don't know what type of supernatural power Gu Tian is, but the more pain he can endure, the stronger the supernatural power he can get.After being bitten by zombies, this guy still survived. Obviously, he is one in a billion people with healing powers, but Lin Ye can feel that the different core in his brain is not a healing core. Because the destructive power is too strong.

After drawing the curtains, the whole room was dark. Lin Ye sat quietly by the bed. He recalled what happened that day when he and he were fighting at the outer space gate. Could it be because he absorbed the mutant piranha beast? skills.This one in the body is not a human heteronucleus, but
The more Lin Ye thought about it, the more he couldn't figure it out, and Gu Tian who was lying on the bed was like an epileptic, his body was shaking constantly, and even the bones in his body were making creaking sounds.As if being broken and reborn, he finally could no longer bear the pain in his mouth, the veins on his neck and forehead popped, and he let out a scream that penetrated the entire room.

Lin Ye can no longer control so much at this time. The violent factor in Gutian's body is like an erupting volcanic lava. Even if God gives him a great fortune, it depends on whether he has the fate to accept it Down!As Lin Ye waved his hands, all the ice abilities on his body were released like ghosts floating in the air, and all of them got into Gutian who was suffering in pain. "I'd rather you be an ordinary human than give up your life for this ability!"

He just wanted to use his domineering ice ability to forcibly suppress the riot factor in Gu Tian's body. Even if he became an ordinary person without supernatural powers in the future, Lin Ye was willing to take him back to his organization.What he needs is not only a partner who will live and die together, but also a military adviser who can stand by his side and advise him!
When those ghosts got in, Gutian's painful expression seemed to freeze suddenly, and he calmed down after the sound of water pouring on the fire from inside his body.A mouthful of white smoke was exhaled from the mouth.

Lin Ye knew that he had succeeded.

After waiting quietly for an hour, Gu Tian opened his eyes, saw a familiar face standing beside him, and wanted to speak, but his throat was so painful that he couldn't speak.Lin Ye knew that he wanted to express his gratitude to him, but under this situation.Gu Tian's quiet self-cultivation is the best.

Lin Ye felt a different nucleus smaller than a supernatural being appeared in his brain, emitting bursts of black light, as if to swallow everything in the world. This foreign nucleus, this supernatural ability, surpassed Lin Ye Ye's understanding, but Lin Ye can be sure that in time, this guy, like himself, will become a dual-line supernatural being.To be able to accompany myself to the end.

Time was slowly passing by every minute and every second. When Lin Ye felt that the blood in Gutian's body began to flow normally, and his body stopped wriggling, Lin Ye put his finger on Gutian's mouth, and a gust of icy water flowed into it. in his mouth.And Lonely Sky is like a parched human who has trekked through the Sahara desert for many days without drinking water.Grabbing Lin Ye's hand with both hands and stuffing it into his mouth, Lin Ye felt that this guy's strength was far more tyrannical than a few days ago. It was already the power of a silver-level supernatural being. Fortunately, Lin Ye had already stabilized the first-level gold. Otherwise, this hand will be stuffed into it by Gu Tian and "sucked" well.

After drinking the ice water for 2 minutes, Gu Tian let out a long belch.After the dry flesh and blood were irrigated by water, the whole person seemed to be completely alive.He only heard a word spit out from his throat. "Cool!"

Lin Ye felt chills for a while, thinking about why this guy would wait a hundred thousand times.Sure enough, after drinking the water, Gu Tian found out that he was well, and kept asking Lin Ye like a cannonball.

"Engong, did you save me this time! Hahahaha!" "Engong, why did I become like this? I just felt like I was about to ascend to heaven!" "Engong, the ice water just now It's still really delicious, can you give me another sip." "Grandfather."

Lin Ye remained silent and opened the curtains.It was the afternoon, and Lin Ye secretly thought, if this guy joins his team and asks himself what he will do in the future, then he must find a way to poison this guy into a little dumb, so as not to suffer from this Tired ears.

After opening the curtains, Lin Ye turned his head and said in a calm tone. "I promised you that you would join my team. You are a person with a high EQ and IQ, except for being a bit talkative." Lin Ye glanced at Gutian when he said this.He rolled his eyes like a child fighting with his parents.Lin Ye didn't care about his appearance and continued. "The situation in the entire Baidi City is very chaotic now. If you follow me, I may not guarantee that you can survive, but as long as I am still alive, you will not die. If..."

Before Lin Ye finished speaking, he saw a carp jumping up and down on Gutian's bed, and said excitedly. "Boss benefactor, I am willing to follow you."

Since Lin Ye briefly described what happened in Baidi City at Gutian's home, this guy was fairly honest all the way on the subway station, and he didn't ask him because of some problems in his heart, and Lin Ye also ended up clean.On this section of the railway station leading to the underground warehouse, people began to wait for drowsiness.

Every subway entrance is guarded by low-level werewolves.After Lin Ye observed, he found that the number of werewolves in just a few days had increased a lot.These werewolves are all orcs with supernatural powers.And werewolves are the most common one.Basically, eight of the orcs are alienated into werewolves.However, it is also difficult for them to advance.All can only serve as some low-level guards.

Lin Ye covered the black Li Na with hair on her head.Only a little bit of the whole face is exposed.Almost all human beings living in the doomsday are dressed like this, and they are not particularly conspicuous in the crowd. Lin Ye led Gu Tian to walk around the turbulent crowd, and walked out of the subway in a short time. The two walked outside the subway entrance.Even Gutian, who lives in a slum, was taken aback by the desolation in front of him.When you look at it, it looks like a ravine, and Lin Ye leads him to go deeper into the forest.At this time, he could no longer bear the confusion in his heart, and asked. "Engong, where are we going!? Can people live in this place again?"

(End of this chapter)

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