Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 145 Convergence

Chapter 145 Convergence
It is precisely because of the remoteness of this place that Lin Ye chose this place both in the apocalypse of the previous life and in the present life again, not only because it is sparsely populated, but also because it has the resources to allow him to survive. .This place is near the underground river.Facing Gutian's questioning.Lin Ye just said something lightly. "Do you feel anything familiar about this place?"

After Lin Ye finished speaking, Gu Tian looked around and found that this place was somewhat similar to the place where he took himself to the empty gate outside the sky a few days ago.As smart as him, how could he not understand what Lin Ye was thinking. "Engong, I see. It turns out that the base you are looking for is on the way to the gate of space, so I think this place looks so familiar!"

Lin Ye nodded approvingly, and the two of them had already walked to the front of this abandoned factory before they knew it, looking at the dilapidated area in front of them.But Gu Tian, ​​who knew that there was obviously something wrong with it, couldn't help but gave Lin Ye a thumbs up in his heart. This benefactor is really awesome.This place can't help but I haven't been here, if he didn't bring himself.I wouldn't even go in and have a look.

This abandoned factory overgrown with grass is like an abandoned treasure, and only the heart will find this place.

When Lin Ye appeared in front of everyone with Gu Tian, ​​it turned out to be a reunion after a long absence.

"Come here, everyone. This is our new friend, Gu Tian. We will spend the days together!" Just as Lin Ye was about to introduce the team members to him one by one, Gu Tian rushed over. Among the crowd, they began to hug one by one.

Li Jie, who is full of amusing atmosphere, and Xuewu, the flame queen who rejects people thousands of miles away.Silence honestly doesn't like the talkative Nie Quanqi.The big guys fight together.There is also a mutant steamed bun.After Gu Tian finished greeting everyone, he finally found out that a beautiful woman with a sniper rifle, Jiang Xinyu, was missing.

This medical graduate with a high IQ, through Lin Ye's simple description and his own, unexpectedly recognized everyone.Including Li Jie, who was lying down and resting, this familiar guy instantly activated the atmosphere.

Nie Quanqi quietly walked to Lin Ye's side, "Boss, is this the right-hand man you mentioned? Why does he look like a guy who sells dog skin plasters?"

Although everyone couldn't feel whether Gutian was a powerful supernatural being, just because he was recognized by Lin Ye, they should let go of their defenses and be honest with him.It is a good thing for Gu Tian to get into a group when he meets everyone. As the number of people in his team continues to increase, the most taboo thing is to have civil strife in his team.

"This guy is not only a top student of the medical university, but also a hidden ability user. When we will need his help in the future, have you seen the bag behind him? It contains research zombies and mutant beasts The test tube material, our new little partner is amazing!

After Gu Tian finished greeting everyone, he found that there was one person missing, so he returned to Lin Ye and said. "Ben Gong, why isn't Jiang Xinyu here!"

"She's going to buy some daily necessities. Also check the situation in Baidi City. She should be back soon!" Lin Ye said.

From the first moment he stepped into this underground warehouse, Gu Tian kept looking at it.He didn't miss any corner, except that he sighed in his heart that Lin Ye is a person with strong leadership ability.I also admire his vision, this semi-storage and semi-industrialized underground warehouse has undergone their transformation.It turned out to be a good place to live for a long time.But he also found a shortcoming.His brows were furrowed.

Lin Ye saw that there seemed to be something to say in Gutian's expression, so he spoke. "Gutian, since we are already partners, you can point out any deficiencies. There is nothing to hide."

Seeing Lin Ye's sincere expression, Gu Tian nodded and said. "The place that Engong found is unique. It can be said that there is no second such good place in Baidi City as a base. The layout here is also very grand and ingenious. The workouts are top-notch ideas. But there's one thing I don't know if I should say!"

Lin Ye felt a little warm and angry when he saw Gutian faltering. "What do you have, just say it. I won't blame you either!"

After hearing Lin Ye's words, Gu Tian dared to open his heart and talk freely. "If I'm not mistaken, here should be a place where mutant beasts used to stay as lairs. This can be seen from the corpses of mutant beasts that have not been completely burnt on the ground. This place. Since it can attract If the mutated beasts come to station here, there must be some other secrets, but I can't think of it for the time being, but one thing I can be sure of is that if there is a wave of corpses, as Engong said, this place must be It is the first choice for zombies and mutant beasts. Moreover, relying on that watchtower alone is far from enough. It needs to be improved!"

After hearing Gutian finished speaking, Lin Ye didn't show any embarrassment for him, and he looked calm and said suddenly. "I don't have a specific criterion for judging the location where the corpse tide is attacking, but this place is far more remote than you can imagine, so this watchtower is far enough!"

"Grandpa, the reason why my corpse tide will attack from here is because there are no supernatural beings stationed here, and although this area is a flat plain area. But as long as you cross here and start from the abandoned factory, it can be said that the entire Baidi The city is under his attack. If a high-level mutant beast king, it is inevitable that he will not make such a judgment. As for this watchtower, my suggestion is to increase the ability and anti-counterfeiting range, whether it is a zombie mutant beast , or supernatural beings, we must be able to understand all the situation the first time they step into this area. Only in this way can we be as solid as gold soup. You can sleep soundly at night."

After hearing what Gutian said, Lin Ye followed his speculation in his mind and got the same result. He has been relying on the memory and experience of the last days and the end of his life to choose what he thinks is correct. From the current point of view, his He hasn't made a wrong judgment yet, but according to Gutian's statement, his approach is indeed not perfect. In a team, he needs someone who can give him advice, and even give him a blow when he makes a mistake. .As for Gu Tian, ​​it will take time to prove whether he is suitable for this role!
(End of this chapter)

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