Chapter 147
Because I went to the outside of Baidi City with Lin Ye and broke through the empty gate of the outer sky.Among the people present, apart from Lin Ye, Gu Tian had the most right to speak.Although he has evolved a heterogeneous nucleus in his body, so far he has not learned what his supernatural power is.But the physique is more than twice as strong as ordinary people!With the three forms of the world taught by Lin Ye.He already had the confidence to face the zombies and mutant beasts in the misty valley.

"Everyone, don't be afraid. The purpose of Engong's doing this is to allow us to have more powerful abilities in a short period of time. In addition to raising the level of abilities. Engong mainly wants to train everyone's team The spirit of tacit understanding." After Gu Tian finished speaking, he glanced at Lin Ye.Lin Ye gave him an appreciative look without hesitation.Lin Ye secretly thought in his heart. "It seems that adding this guy to my team is a correct decision. I don't have to bother talking so much in the future!"

After listening to Gu Tian, ​​how could these old members who have experienced so many hardships with Linye show their timidity in front of this new guy.Li Jie said with an example. "Since it is a wave of corpses, there is indeed not much time left for us. With our current strength, we are indeed scumbags in front of a platinum-level mutated beast king, not to mention, now the white The Zhushan League in the imperial city is frantically looking for us. If we are not strong, I don’t want any of you friends to take a step ahead of me, Li Jie.

Seeing Li Jie, an injured and sick patient, everyone expressed their attitude, and everyone also expressed their willingness to go to Liangshan together. As for the two girls Xuewu and Jiang Xinyu.They are willing to follow wherever Lin Ye goes.

In Nie Quanqi, Hu Fei and Qi Zhan's hearts, they were not only surprised and lamented by Lin Ye's statement that he would go to the outer space tomorrow, they just didn't have a concept of a platinum-level mutant beast king, they all thought it was.The orangutan beast king he met that day was already the ultimate mutant beast.I didn't expect Lin Ye to say it suddenly at this the near future.There will be a platinum-level mutant beast king.He will lead the tide of corpses to attack Baidi City.

After Lin Ye saw that everyone accepted this fact, he continued. "Outside Baidi City, there are about twenty empty gates outside the sky. As far as I know, the Zhushan League already has one. Otherwise, their Ao Baitian would not have reached the golden peak in such a short period of time. His men The core group of people. The strength is almost the same as ours, but they have all the resources that the entire Baidi City can mobilize. It is no longer possible to let his subordinates obey his orders, and the supernatural beings lurking in the city and the supernatural beings pouring in from outside. These will become variables in the power distribution of the entire Baidi City The only thing we can do now is to make ourselves stronger. Whether it is the platinum-level mutant beast king or the eight thousand supernatural beings in the Zhushan League, it has nothing to do with us. What we have to do is to become stronger !"

After listening to Lin Ye's words, Gu Tian asked. "Grandpa, based on our current strength, it is very likely that there will be high-level golden zombies and mutant beasts in the misty valley. If so, how should we deal with it!"

"My organization does not allow the existence of the weak. As an ordinary human being, I always ask for it as a supernatural person. If our group of people can't even deal with a gold-ranked zombie or mutant beast. Then I think. When the tide of corpses comes, we will hide in this underground warehouse and be a turtle!?" Lin Ye said indignantly.

This remark made everyone's blood boil.Who doesn't want to become a strong man who can gain the respect of humans and even supernatural beings by virtue of his own abilities.Everyone is a person who has come back from death.For them, it is to obtain more powerful abilities to protect those close to them.

Nie Quanqi, who was usually unknown in group discussions, stood up after Lin Ye finished speaking. "My life was given by the boss. If it wasn't for him, I would have died in the Colosseum in Tianshui County long ago. Although I really wanted to go on with everyone, I fell behind halfway. I have no regrets either. Because I can live with my boss in this apocalypse like a person." When Nie Quanqi said this, tears filled his eyes.Qi Zhan, who also came out of the Colosseum, had slightly moist eyes after listening to Nie Quanqi's words.Can't help feeling sad.

In this team, all the people have been given blood and life by Lin Ye.So they can hold each other tightly, even if they know the way ahead.It is a rough and bumpy road that will not be peaceful.We must also go on firmly.

Among the crowd, Li Jie, who couldn't stand the nasty atmosphere the most, yelled loudly. "No, everyone hasn't started to practice yet. How about seeing the empty gate outside Baidi City? It's just a platinum-level mutant beast king? It's useless to talk about it. Why don't we discuss how to team up tomorrow? It's about fighting, isn't it? Boss!" After Li Jie finished speaking, he looked at Lin Ye.

Li Jie's words can be said to have touched Lin Ye's heart. It is useless to talk about war on paper. There is a difference between this group of people and the mob.

"Quanqi, take care of the seasonings and household utensils that Xinyu brought back. Cook a delicious meal for everyone tonight, and welcome our new partner Gu Tian. Everyone have a good rest tonight. Starting tomorrow, We are about to enter the devilish space gate of outer space.

In the days of so many days in the last days, everyone finally got to eat.Hot meals.The meal finally came with other condiments other than salt.Nie Quanqi showed off all his culinary skills today, and all the food was wiped out in a short period of time.With full magnanimity, everyone went to sleep after eating and drinking.But Lin Ye's proposal of the Heavenly Empty Sect training was left behind.

I don't know if it's because after the end, all human beings' sleep ability has become stronger or what.Look at the sky light shining in through the vents outside.Lin Ye was the first to open his eyes.

Since the beds hadn't been made yet.Everyone is sleeping together.Only two girls received special treatment.slept in a tent.After the acquaintance last night, Lin Ye woke up Li Jie and Gu Tian this morning.The two of them were like enemies they had never met in several lifetimes.

(End of this chapter)

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