Chapter 148
"Gutian, I dreamed of a silver-ranked wild bear mutation last night. I and it defeated the city from the forest and then the countryside from the city. It was a world-shaking turn. I have never met such a strong opponent , It's like an incomprehensible existence." Li Jie chattered nonchalantly to the sleepy Gu Tian.

Gu Tian said after a long yawn. "You think about it every day and dream at night. Just like you are now, a silver-ranked wild bear mutation really appears. You really don't necessarily have to be his opponent."

"No, why don't you believe me! This ability of mine is nothing but"

Lin Ye ignored these two critters. With them around, his team became more cheerful.As long as they don't lose the chain at the critical moment.

"Everyone get up and take a shower. After breakfast, we're going to head for the Heavenly Gate outside Baidi City.",

Half an hour later, everyone came out of the abandoned factory in full armor.The most eye-catching person in the group is Lin Ye.Because the dragon-slaying knife on his body is really domineering.Because no suitable scabbard was found.Lin Ye carried the knife on his back all the way through wind and rain.Not even a hint of rust.Instead, the longer Lin Ye carried the knife on his back.On the contrary, because of killing zombies and mutant beasts, the sharpness of this knife became stronger and stronger.

Without any choice.Lin Ye had to use the rubber in the factory to make a large knife case.Across the shoulders, followed by Qi Zhan.Because of his own orc physique.Among his group of people, he has the highest fighting ability and defense power.But the shape is already close to [-] meters.The muscles in his body swelled like hard lumps of stone.Mantou has become Jiang Xinyu's personal car.The tacit understanding between her and Mantou is getting higher and higher.

And Hu Fei was about ten meters high in one jump, like a person who had escaped the gravity of the earth, Xue Wu followed behind Lin Ye.The two of them played with a dancing flame in their hands.A slowly spinning crystal ice puck in one hand.And Nie Quanqi brought his own knives and some odds and ends of daily necessities.He followed behind with a big bag on his back.Like a person who went to the wild to survive, since Gutian joined the team.Li Jie, who used to pester Lin Ye all day long.Started with Gutian with a hundred thousand whys.Because his own zombie expertise is not strong.most of the time.The two of them would have disputes and conflicts over some trivial matters, and even Lin Ye had to come forward to resolve serious cases.

The two walked in front, about to turn the sky upside down.

After a while, Li Jie walked towards Lin Ye. "Boss, let me comment. In the wild, a golden-rank mutant wolf met a supernatural zombie with spiritual consciousness. This supernatural zombie is also a golden-rank, and Gu Tianfei said that the mutant wolf Beasts can win. I think it’s zombies with supernatural powers that can win, Boss, who do you think has a better chance of winning?”

Gu Tian also came up from behind. "Engong, tell me. This kid is too stubborn!"

Lin Ye smiled wryly in his heart, what are these two people thinking about every day!After weighing the question in his mind, Lin Ye gave two answers. "I think. The odds of winning the supernatural zombies may be greater. The mutant wolf beasts are attacking, and the mutant beasts of Huang Jijie will not take the initiative to use his mutant skills to attack. A large part of them are passive. But the golden-ranked mutants The zombie already possesses elementary spiritual knowledge, so he will think about how to deal with this guy. Since he has supernatural powers in your settings, he is more likely to win. Of course, the specific situation ,detailed analysis!"

After Lin Ye finished speaking, Li Jie was about to jump up happily.He said to Gutian as if showing off. "Look. I said the boss would agree with me."

Gu Tian seemed a little unwilling, but Lin Ye had already mentioned the greatest possibility, although he was a little unconvinced.He said firmly in his mouth. "This is just a word of mouth, no test has been done. Only after the test has the right to speak!"

Li Jie looked at him and smiled. "Okay, okay, test, you go to test, and you will tell me when the time comes. Is it the mutant beast or the zombie!"

The crowd came to the underground river while they were fighting. Since they had been here once, Gu Tian seemed to be familiar with the way. After passing through the garbage dumps, he arrived in front of the lawn.

"Engong, let me open the door to the opposite side this time!" Lin Ye nodded at him without saying a word.

Gu Tian walked to the grass in front of everyone.Since they didn't know what the mystery was, everyone just looked at him. After cleaning the grass, a huge black iron plate was laid out in front of everyone.

Gu Tian shook his eyebrows at Li Jie.It looks like he wants him to watch a good show.He stooped down.He clasped both sides of the iron plate with both hands and gritted his teeth hard, but the iron plate did not move at all.With more effort, the iron plate still didn't mean to move at all.Under Gu Tian's blushing face, he remembered the time when Lin Ye moved away from here that day.How difficult it is.

Li Jie rolled on the ground covering his stomach while laughing, and the others were also amused by Gu Tian's appearance.Only after Qi Zhan saw it.Without saying a word, he stepped forward to signal Gu Tian to get out of the way.As soon as he moved his hands, the iron door opened.

Under Gu Tian's surprised gaze, Qi Zhan looked back at Lin Ye, Lin Ye nodded to him, and he jumped off the iron plate without hesitation.This is the tacit understanding of getting along along the way.Gu Tian would not know that Lin Ye lost his life to save him from the mouth of the mutated man-eating flower beast for his own sake.

Underground dark Hanoi.There was still a strong stench in here.Everyone couldn't help but frowned, compared to the last time they came here.At this time, Lin Ye only needs to consume [-]% of the abilities in his body to create a ten-meter-long ice bridge.With a wave of his right hand, a solid ice bridge appeared on it.Everyone walked over slowly.

Standing outside Baidi City, Lin Ye looked at the familiar stone pestles in front of him. In the next period of time, his group should not meet people from the Zhushan League.Because the city is in chaos right now, they are busy trying to eliminate those rebels.Or a psychic who has contributed to a life-threatening threat to human survivors.

Into the pile of stones.Lin Ye asked everyone to stay one meter away from him.Lin Ye formed seals with his hands, and two supernatural powers radiated white and two faint lights on his body.Then everyone appeared at the entrance of the Heavenly Empty Gate.

It's still foggy in here.He couldn't see his fingers, this time Lin Ye was well prepared.He prepared a flash instrument for everyone.In the thick fog, if you see a heart-like red light in the middle, it is your teammate, and you can kill other creatures.

(End of this chapter)

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