Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 149 Powerful Firepower

Chapter 149 Powerful Firepower

"Boss, why is there such a big gap between here and Tianwaikongmen in Tianshui County? They are completely different scenes?" Li Jie's words were not only curious but also excited.

"The scene of each empty gate is different, but all the zombies and mutant beasts that appear are matched according to your own strength, but there will also be errors."

Hu Fei held an AK47 submachine gun in his hand.Because his jumping ability doesn't have much lethality.In the early stage, we can only rely on firepower output.But he is different from Jiang Xinyu.Mutant beasts and zombies below the golden rank basically couldn't touch him.

While Jiang Xinyu was riding on Mantou's back, Mantou felt the presence of zombies around him.The whole body is arched.Watching around vigilantly.Jiang Xinyu changed from a long sniper rifle to two pistols, wearing a small black vest full of bullets.Make sure you have enough ammo.

Fortunately, the firearms in Baidi City can be bought and sold.But because of the underground gray industry.Jiang Xinyu, who was a policewoman, learned of the existence of these things, took out all the different cores on her body, and bought all the guns and bullets.This approach was greatly appreciated by Lin Ye.Because of the one-month empty-door training.It is not only a test of the body of the supernatural being, but also a test of the strength of this organization.

In the post-apocalyptic period, as long as there are human survivors, heteronuclear is hard currency.It can be said that heterocore can buy everything you want.Low-level heterocores are exchanged for basic daily necessities.High-level heterocores are priceless, which has also led to many team organizations hunting heterocores.In the last days of the previous life.The three hundred people led by Lin Ye were able to survive by hunting zombies and mutant beasts outside Baidi City to obtain the different cores.

After rebirth, Lin Ye understood the importance of different cores to him.It can be said that at any time, as long as the zombies and mutant beasts are killed, it is difficult to escape Lin Ye's "claw".This is also the only way for their group to grow crazily. Only lunatics and geniuses will do this method.And Lin Ye is somewhere between the two.

Just when everyone felt that the surrounding fog was getting thicker and thicker, they were already in a circle.As long as there is a situation in one direction, they can be completely eliminated in the first time.

Mantou was also yelling non-stop, and the water ability on Lin Ye's body turned on his alert state.It was different from the last time when he and Gu Tian rushed in rashly.Today he feels it.Besieged by a wave of corpses.And this number will be more than [-], not much more.

But among these zombies, Lin Ye felt a little bit of a different breath from the alert water vapor.This feeling is familiar.But there are very strange.

At this time, I can't control so much anymore.Lin Ye felt that the zombies were only ten meters away from them.He said, "Get ready for battle!"

A ball of fire in Xuewu's hand quietly took shape, and it was in the shape of a lotus flower, which she stole from Sun Qiang from the Goshawk League.However, under her improvement, the multi-fire lotus has reached the state of being a ball of fire when it is gathered, and a sky full of stars when it is scattered.
"Boss, let me take the lead!" Xue Wu finished.A ball of flame flung out.The flames that rose when the wind flew five meters away.It hit the zombie.Start with this fire.The fog began to dissipate.

Seeing Xue Wu's attack, everyone used their own abilities one after another. In the layout last night, Lin Ye told Qi Zhan about his alienated orc, don't invest in it from the beginning. At this time, his side approached On the contrary, there are the most zombies.But Qi Zhan's pair of iron fists is not fun.All the zombies that were within a meter of him were blown to the head with one punch, and the scene was very bloody.

The most relaxed one was Hu Fei. The AK47 in his hand was extremely powerful.In the middle of the fire, the zombies all went down like cutting wheat.And Nie Quanqi's blue vines protruded from the ground one by one.Pierce the zombie directly.

Lin Ye's body sank, and bursts of cold air began to radiate from his feet.Take them as the center.A huge ice skating rink began to form, and all the zombies who entered this range were slowed down physically and mentally.After Lin Ye finished using this ability, the ice blade in his hand began to strike like falling leaves in autumn. Although Lin Ye was controlling the speed, it was in everyone's eyes.Lin Ye's ice blade is like a harvester, spinning and jumping inside the zombie.

Gutian and Jiang Xinyu hid in this encirclement, because even Gutian himself didn't understand what the supernatural power on him was.Lin Ye equipped him with an ordinary Thompson machine gun.Although this gun was not as powerful as the one in Hu Fei's hand, it was the first time to kill zombies seriously.Gutian seemed more excited than everyone else.

Since everyone's firepower equipment was too powerful, Li Jie just looked on stupidly from the side.Because no zombies could get close to him at all, he wanted to rush out and kill among the zombies.But with such fierce firepower from people like myself.My heart is still a little trembling.If he went to the pile of zombies to kill, there was no guarantee that he himself would be beaten into a sieve.

In less than 10 minutes, according to Lin Ye's rough estimate, 10 zombies had already fallen to the ground, and these ordinary zombies were only of the second or third rank of bronze.With no spiritual knowledge at all, Hu Fei touched the AK that had been chug for [-] minutes.The barrel of the gun was already very hot.

"Boss, this gun is hot and needs to be cooled down!" Lin Ye threw a pile of ice on it, and it melted into water after a while.Seeing this, Gu Tian also said. "Boss, I need to cool down too!"

Everyone has been able to distinguish the situation of about five meters around.Zombies were already piled up around them, and Lin Ye was worried that if this continued, he might be buried by this group of zombies.

"Qi Zhan, you alienate and open the way, I am the queen. Change!" After a few simple words, everyone's figure changed.Qi Zhan instantly transformed into a steel giant, and the muscles on his body hardened into stone.A pair of iron fists moved forward, and the heads of the two zombies were unscrewed like cotton candy.

Everyone's figure is fast.It didn't take long for a venue to be changed.All the zombies also walked after feeling their change.Before everyone could stand firmly in formation, more than a dozen berserk zombies of the silver rank rushed forward, rushing forward as if they had gone berserk.In Lin Ye's eyes, the biggest difference between silver-rank and bronze-rank zombies is that only one bullet is needed to kill bronze-rank zombies.As long as the silver rank is not hit on the head, it can survive tenaciously.And it won't stop until it bites human flesh and blood!
(End of this chapter)

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