Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 151 The Core of Corpse Tide

Chapter 151 The Core of Corpse Tide

Gu Tian felt that the power of the Thompson submachine gun in his hand was getting weaker and weaker. After being shot, some silver-rank zombies advanced instead of retreating.He rushed towards the crowd frantically.After Lin Ye left the team.Xuewu became the main firepower.The fireball in his hand condenses faster and faster.For a while, thick smoke rose everywhere.

It took nearly 30 seconds for Lin Ye to rush out from the swarm of zombies.He was a little surprised by the sight in front of him.More than a dozen silver-ranked zombies bowed and prostrated themselves on the ground, feeding their own flesh and blood to the corpse king. In the middle was a white and tender baby with a wicked smile in the corner of its mouth, making creaking sounds.
This guy is the corpse king who controlled the first wave of corpses. The scene in front of him has exceeded his expectations. When the truth is revealed, many people will find it difficult to accept it.Lin Ye dragged his knife and slowly jumped into the group of silver-ranked zombies.The baby's head was chopped off with a knife.

Afterwards, those silver rank zombies seemed to burst away in an instant.Stretching sharp claws and fangs dripping with green venom, they rushed towards Lin Ye.Lin Ye tapped his toes to the ground.The dragon-slaying knife in his hand swung around.All the silver rank zombies on the spot were cut into two pieces on the spot.

There was some pride in his heart, but after a second, Lin Ye suddenly realized this feeling.This zombie king, who controls the tide of corpses, is good at brainwave attacks.At the moment when I was lost in thought, my consciousness was controlled. If there is no mistake at this time, Lin Ye should be in the illusion created by it.

"This, this corpse king, can actually control supernatural beings?" Lin Ye's heart at this time was no less than the first time he knew that he had ice and water dual supernatural powers.If this idea is established, then what happened in the last days of my previous life will completely run counter to it.How can zombies control supernatural beings?
However, it turned out that Lin Ye's guess was correct.He was indeed controlled by this corpse king who could only release brainwaves.Although this time was short, it also created a wave of illusions. The baby corpse king just now did not exist, and the silver-rank zombies he killed like cutting melons and vegetables were just air.

At this moment, an extremely sharp claw pierced Lin Ye's chest.After a bang.The ice armor on Lin Ye's chest shattered in an instant, and Lin Ye was knocked back three steps by the sneak attack.This attack turned out to be a supernatural skill of a golden-rank mutant beast.

At this moment, Lin Ye was like a cheetah that was ready to attack at any time. At present, there were no spiritual powers in his team, so when encountering these monsters, he would suffer a lot.Lin Ye deduced that this corpse king.It should be that he gave up control of some zombies and attacked himself instead.

Then the pressure on Xuewu and the others should drop a lot.

Just when Lin Ye felt the golden-rank mutant beast that disappeared after the shot, he found that the fog around him began to thicken again.For a while, it seemed to return to the time when I first came in.

At this time, any flustered action by myself will lead to revealing flaws. Lin Ye quickly recalled in his mind the first time he and Gu Tian entered this emptiness gate.It was only the two of them that produced that peak silver piranha mutant.Today, my group of people are all supernatural beings, why didn't I attack my group the most violently from the beginning.Instead, like a game, let the bronze-rank zombies first, and then the silver-rank zombies.

There is only one possibility, this corpse king retains the IQ and humanity of his life.But under the influence of the blood moon.He didn't alienate into a supernatural person, but turned into a zombie, and was trapped inside this empty door after knocking on it.

At this time, when a sharp claw struck Lin Ye's chest directly from behind, Lin Ye's face was covered with a layer of frosty air, and he shot a dense rain of arrows with his backhand. Passing through the rain curtain, Lin Ye's rain was contaminated.An imperceptible smile appeared on Lin Ye's face, and he dodged the blow on one side of his body. "Sneak attack once, and want to do it a second time!"

In the thick fog, this blindfold method can indeed make human beings lose their vision, and even those who are not supernatural beings have no way to detect the existence of their opponents.But Lin Ye's wave of rain arrows just now.Not to cause damage, but to find out where he is.

Everyone killed half of the zombies, and found that some of the zombies had become normal, and their figures were sluggish, as if they had changed from an accelerated attack to a normal attack.Except for a very few berserk zombies who were still biting crazily at all supernatural beings.Some zombies began to wander away.For some reason, the fog around him gradually thickened.The red light equipment that Lin Ye prepared for everyone.Only seven lights were on, except Lin Ye's one was missing.

At this time, the zombies besieging everyone can be dealt with with ordinary attacks.But when everyone gathered together, they realized that Lin Ye had disappeared.

Jiang Xinyu was the first to notice that Lin Ye had disappeared, and she shouted anxiously. "Boss? Has any of you seen the boss?"

After she finished speaking, everyone was shocked.When did Lin Ye disappear.Gu Tian said in panic. "The last time my boss and I came here, he was seriously injured and almost died."

"Bah, don't talk nonsense!" Li Jie took Gutian's words, "The boss is a dual-line supernatural being, and his strength is above gold. I don't think there are any zombies here that can threaten him!"

Everyone started arguing, and occasionally a zombie came over and was shot by Gu Tian, ​​or directly blasted by Qi Zhan.Among the crowd, Xue Wu was the most worried, because he had just seen Lin Ye pull out the Dragon Slayer and walk towards the periphery of the zombie siege just now.

Just when everyone was worried, there was a sudden explosion sound from a few hundred meters away, and then a polar cold airflow swayed from there as the core.Everyone's heart trembled. "Boss has an accident!!"

Qi Zhan took the lead and shot dead the zombies blocking the road.Li Jie roared after him.Hu Fei used his jumping ability to directly cross five steps and two steps quickly.In just half a minute, everyone rushed to the place where the sound exploded.

Lin Ye was standing there straight like a sculpture.The ice on his body was like an indestructible wall of iron.Layers of layers wrapped him up.Directly in front of him, a huge and ugly zombie slammed onto the ground with green venom coming out of its mouth.There is a glowing red heteronucleus in the brain, and this zombie has been dealt with by Lin Ye.

(End of this chapter)

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