Chapter 152 Injured
Lin Ye, who was trapped in the ice, obviously trapped himself.Under what circumstances.Lin Ye would trap himself in his ice ability.Seeing Wang Yehe like this, everyone wanted to break open the ice sculpture.But all helpless.The smooth surface of the fist will slip on it.Forcibly breaking through with abilities can only smash out a small star point.

"Everyone, let me come! Seeing everyone helpless, Xuewu stood up. She pressed her palms on the ice. Quietly feeling the cold touch from this piece of ice, Lin Ye's class strength One level higher than her. This piece of ice can only help him melt slowly, it cannot be completely broken open all at once.

Lin Ye, who was trapped in his own ice ability, could hear the sounds of the outside world clearly at this time, including the warm tongue of the steamed bun exhaling into the ice on his body.

It's just that the current him is like a cocoon.Limbs cannot move, and cannot speak.I can only wait for the ice on my body to melt slowly.

Just 10 minutes ago, Wang Ye entered the attack range of this brain wave zombie, because of Lin Ye's strong murderous aura and ability to oppress and coerce.Directly let this second-level golden zombie give up control of a part of the zombie tide.Instead, he created illusions and created the attack method of a person with dark abilities to hunt and kill Lin Ye.

But Lin Ye, the ice-water dual-element superpower, the first-level gold powerhouse, Lin Ye, who once cut the evil shaman and dark-type superpowers under the sword, can't see through this trap?

After Lin Ye sent out a wave of rain arrows, he found that this guy had a huge figure, like a ball with a length, width, and height of five meters, and his body was full of rotten flesh like the skin of a toad. If Lin Ye Ye's guess was correct, the spots on this guy's body should be the reason why he was able to manipulate the tide of corpses.

This person's body shape doesn't look like one with this kind of speed, after all, he's just a second-level golden zombie.Perhaps one of the abilities he carries has the ability to slow down other people's movement. This is the same effect as his own "frozen ten miles", which can limit the speed of others.The difference is that it is a spiritual attack.

After dodging this guy's blow, Lin Ye could accurately feel where it was in the thick fog. "Slow down? Let's see who is better!"

A battle has a battle to gain.During the battle of the evil shaman, Lin Ye understood that all the fantasy things of the spiritual superpowers must have the objects in the reality to manipulate, that is to say, the enemies encountered in the illusion are real. Yes, but the strength will not be as strong as it is dealt with.

The baby zombie I saw in the illusion just now should be a real zombie, why didn't it attack Lin Ye.This is because the second-level golden zombie underestimated Lin Ye's body skills. It didn't expect that this human being could break through his illusion in such a short time.And when those puppets were destroyed, he could only play in person.

It was the sudden attack that Lin Ye suffered after cutting off the baby zombie with a single knife, "Then let me show you what real manipulation is! Ridiculous brain wave zombie!"

Lin Ye tightly grasped Tulong with his right hand.The left hand seemed to be touching fish in the water, gently swinging in the air. In an instant, the aura on Lin Ye's body soared. With the blessing of the ice-type ability and the water-type ability, the ice seemed to be flowing towards him continuously. ground expansion.In an instant, a circular ice surface with a diameter of 50 meters appeared in the valley.

At this time, Gutian and Jiang Xinyu discovered that Lin Ye was missing.
"Since all the illusions are built on the original objects before they can attack, then I want to see if you can get close to me." After Lin Ye finished speaking, he slowly closed his eyes and closed his eyes. The eyes are not to show the master's demeanor, but to better use the ears and the ice to send back the response to Lin Ye.

After the appearance of this exaggerated ice surface, the brain wave zombie was very panicked.In this place, he is the only king, and all the zombies obey him, growing day by day, by devouring the zombies inside.His control is also strengthening day by day, but all the good days are broken by this group of humans.

This group of humans, who looked like beautiful prey to it, killed so many zombies under their control.And, this guy standing on the ice.Let yourself feel an unprecedented feeling, that is fear!
In the thick fog, Lin Ye stood on a 50-meter circular ice surface centered on himself, and stepped on this ice creature at any corner.He can feel it right away.The ice blades slowly took shape in the two hanging hands, and Lin Ye's eyes were filled with pure white light that made all living beings fear.

Not only was the intelligent zombie not infected with the brain cells by the TGM virus, but it also possessed the superhuman ability of mental attack.At this time, those zombies that left its control were like a group of ants without an owner, and that group of people could be strangled to death casually.If you don't solve this guy in front of you, you won't be able to clone yourself to control those zombies.

After a short thought, the flesh bubbles on the brain wave zombie bulged.Lin Ye suddenly felt that time slowed down at this moment.However, your time slows down.I let you slow down the whole thing.

The zombie jumped up from the air like a toad. Lin Ye felt a wave coming from the left side. After making a judgment, the ice blades in his hands flew out like bullets that had been ripped out.

The figure of the Brainwave Zombie was only slightly blocked by Lin Ye's blow, and two of the air bubbles on his body were punctured.Lin Ye frowned, this brainwave zombie is actually so powerful!

The brain wave that arrived instantly seemed like a zombie, sitting on its forelegs like a stretching fishing rod, stabbing straight at Lin Ye's chest.Lin Ye suddenly remembered the trick he used to save Gutian that day. It was obvious that this guy had no obvious flaws. If he made a rash move, he must be at a disadvantage.

Since this guy looks like a toad, let's get rid of all the poison in his body!
One is mental attack deceleration, and the other is body deceleration. In comparison, Lin Ye is even better. He can always switch to the other side with his foot-breaking air slash at the moment when the forelegs of the brain wave zombie attack. a location.

After a few rounds, Lin Ye figured out the zombie's tricks, and the Dragon Slayer in Lin Ye's hands began to move.The toad should have peeled its skin.In this way, he no longer has the ability to resist.

(End of this chapter)

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