Chapter 153
Under Lin Ye's seemingly chaotic five-chapter escape, he was actually setting a trap for this mind-boggling zombie. Lin Ye placed finely divided ice shards at each of its footholds. It can be said that this guy's four feet are not as good as this one. It was already frozen to the bone marrow.

After dodging the seemingly dangerous blow of the mind wave zombie, Lin Ye suddenly yelled, "Hell changes!" The blow that was cut on the head in front of him went around behind him, and the limbs of the brainwave zombie were sucked like a magnet on the ice like a lead-filled iron block and couldn't move.

This trick of Hell Transformation is a difficult martial art that has been passed down among human survivors in the last days of the past. Basically, they do not have a strong body and arrogant waist strength. This trick cannot be easily used, and Lin Ye has always refused. The reason for teaching this trick to everyone is because this trick has too high requirements on the quality of the person himself.He will teach everyone this trick when everyone reaches the golden rank.

At this time, Lin Ye was a powerhouse of the second level of gold. Compared with ordinary human beings, the "hell transformation" at this time can be described as a gap like spring and snow. At this time, Lin Ye seemed to disappear directly from the front. directly behind it.Tu Long exuded a coquettish brilliance in Lin Ye's hands.There seemed to be a few dragon whistles mixed in with the sound of the wind.

This knife cut directly from the brain wave zombie's neck to the tail, it was like a piece of meat waiting to be slaughtered on a chopping board, life and death depended entirely on the knife in Lin Ye's hand.

After this knife, the Brain Wave Zombie was already dying, and it roared angrily and powerlessly towards the sky.Lin Ye pulled Tulong out of its body, and a burst of green venom splashed out.After the venom touched the ice on the ground, it melted and opened one big hole after another.

At this moment, Lin Ye's mind was spinning a thousand times, this guy's venom is so powerful!Does it still have some tricks that it hasn't used?Just after the brain wave zombie screamed, it broke free from the ice chains under its feet, jumped its body, and let the venom flow behind it.At this moment, Lin Ye turned around and wanted to run, this guy was going to make a big move.

Sure enough, at the moment when Lin Ye smashed the sky and threw it with all his strength, this guy used his body to cover the sky and rushed towards Lin Ye. The mental attack was full for a while, and Lin Ye felt as if his feet were filled with mercury. , within three meters, this guy covered himself under it.

This kind of reaction force, which can only be honed many times between life and death, saved Lin Ye's life. He clenched Tulong's hands and raised it. Stabbed on the blade of the Dragon Slaying Saber, Lin Ye also fell down because he couldn't bear the impact of the blow.

Seeing that the mind wave zombie was motionless and could no longer move, Lin Ye struggled to get up.Prepare to get out from under this guy's body first.This brain wave zombie with spiritual consciousness felt that Lin Ye under it could still move. At the last moment, its whole body swelled up like a blown balloon.

If it was said that it was just fighting with this guy before, now it is it that wants to fight with Lin Ye.This guy chose to explode at the last moment of his life!
The pupils of Lin Ye's eyes constricted, and his whole body began to tense up. He thought of the explosion of Qi Xuan from the League of Giants before he died. At that time, in order to protect everyone, Lin Ye almost lost half of his life!The scene at that time flashed before my eyes vividly,
At a critical moment, Lin Ye pressed his hands together on his chest.He felt that the ice and water abilities in his body were about to explode from his body.Lin Ye gritted his teeth.With a muffled drink in his mouth. "Lock!"

All of this happened in the blink of an eye. From a height of several hundred meters, a small mushroom cloud exploded below. The low-level zombies within a range of 200 meters were all blasted by the shaking radiation waves.But when it reached Xuewu's group, there was only a loud noise.

Afterwards, Wang Ye, who was in the ice, was unscathed, but this time also exhausted 70.00% of his body's abilities, and a golden second-level brainwave zombie exploded!This damage is no less than a small missile exploding on himself.The layer of ice on Lin Ye's body that Xuewu's group saw was already three-quarters thinner.

Just when Lin Ye felt that Xue Wu was using her fire-type ability to burn the ice outside his body, Lin Ye had a very ominous premonition that the first wave of attacks from this perverted Heavenly Space Gate was So simple.My own group of supernatural beings came in, could it be just such a golden second-level brain wave zombie.

There were two to three hundred ordinary zombies and dozens of silver zombies left. After seeing that Lin Ye had nothing serious but trapped himself, Li Jie, a fighting maniac, rushed into the pile of zombies again.The only mutant steamed bun in the group, after arriving at the place where the brain wave zombie exploded, let out a low growl, as if he was afraid of something.

Everyone didn't notice the strangeness of the steamed buns, they were all observing the layer of ice wrapped around Lin Ye's body.Can't figure out what to do.At this time Jiang Xinyu asked. "Xuewu, what should the boss do in this state?"

"Let me try to use the fire ability to see if I can help the boss!" Xuewu raised her eyebrows tightly. The ice on Lin Ye's body was melted by herself, and his ability level was one level higher than her own. Everyone is the only one who can use the fire ability to heat and melt.Rescue Lin Ye from here.

Among the crowd, Lin Ye's power level is the highest. Even though he lost a lot of powers in the battle with the brain wave zombies, in fact, compared to the combat value, he is still the first one.At this moment, Lin Ye began to slowly become anxious.The layer of ice that wrapped his body was too strong, and he was unable to break through it for a while.

The fog was getting thicker and thicker, and everyone gradually couldn't see each other's figure clearly. In the fog, Hu Fei asked aloud. "Xuewu, how long will it take for the ice on the boss to melt?"

At this time, Xue Wu used her fire-type ability to roast Lin Ye's ice at any cost.But the effect is minimal, and Lin Ye said that the zombies in the outer space are endless for a long time, and there is only one word to stay here, and that is to kill.

In order not to neglect everyone's hearts, Xuewu lied and said. "The ice on Boss's body will melt soon. It's just that the next wave of zombies will come. Everyone, take care of yourself before Boss regains consciousness!"

(End of this chapter)

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