Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 154 Crisis Reappears

Chapter 154 Crisis Reappears
As soon as Xue Wu finished speaking, a spear as sharp as a flying arrow flew towards the crowd with the sound of piercing through the air.This flying spear actually flew straight towards Qi Zhan, who was the tallest among all the people.

Due to Qi Zhan's huge stature, his agility was not as good as the others, but the petrified muscles on his body were superior. After the spear flew, it was inserted between his chest.Nie Quanqi asked anxiously. "Brother Zhan, are you okay?"

Because both of them came out of the Colosseum together.In many cases, the relationship between the two is better than that of other people. At this time, Nie Quanqi's worry is also reasonable.

This sneak attack spear.Inserting one centimeter into Qi Zhan's petrified muscle, Qi Zhan pulled it off his body, and shook his head to Nie Quanqi who kindly consoled him, indicating that he was fine.

He held the spear in front of his eyes for a closer look, and it turned out to be a human thighbone, which also proved that the first wave of zombies was drawing to a close.Guys who are stronger than those ordinary zombies are coming out.

After Lin Ye was unable to command, Xue Wu deservedly became the leader of the overall situation, "Get ready, the high-level zombies are coming out."

At this time, Xuewu was burning with anxiety. These days, as long as Lin Ye is around, no matter what kind of things can be solved quickly, he doesn't have to worry about it. But if the situation today is like this, who among these people? There are three ups and two downs, how should I explain to Lin Ye.

The spear that flew towards Qi Zhan was just the beginning, and then a large amount of bone spears flew down towards everyone like a rain of arrows.Qi Zhan's figure suddenly changed, and he more than doubled in size. He rushed to the front of the crowd and blocked the flying spears flying all over the sky.

Those flying spears pierced Qi Zhan's body, making the sound of gold and stone colliding. Nie Quanqi pressed his hands on the ground, and dozens of blue rattans were like water plants waving in the water, swaying in the air, blocking those flying spears direction of attack.

Everything that happened on the field was in Lin Ye's consciousness, but he couldn't move at this moment. Xue Wu used fire to scorch the layer of ice attached to him, but it had little effect.These long hairs are obviously just the beginning, and the real zombies that threaten their lives have not yet appeared.

The rise of Li Jie's killing among the ordinary zombies, he used the strange skills he realized to "fight wildly" among the zombies, like chopping melons and vegetables, but suddenly, all the zombies started to retreat.They started fleeing towards one place.

Zombies have always been the only ones chasing and killing humans. Is it because I am so powerful that all these zombies are afraid?When Li Jie was thinking silently in his heart, he heard the sound of piercing the air not far away. This is the sound made by bows and arrows piercing the air when they are flying at extreme speed, and there is no one in his group who knows how to bow and arrow. Could it be What accident happened, Li Jie thought for a while, ignoring these fleeing zombies, he kicked his legs and ran back in the direction where everyone was.

Qi Zhan is like a hedgehog at this time, those human bone spears are not fatal to him, but his petrified muscles have encountered the greatest crisis since the end of the world.Nie Quanqi waved his hands in the air to control the vines.Wave after wave of human bone spear rain.Those vines also slowly lose their effect.

As the smartest Gu Tian in this group of people except Lin Ye, he was also in a panic at this time.He hadn't seen such a battle last time, and it would be useless to try to help at this time.Judging from the angle at which these human bone spears fell.This group of zombies was 300 meters away from them.Such a long distance, let alone the Thomson submachine gun in his hand.Even Jiang Xinyu's sniper could hardly kill them.

However, it can be estimated that this group of zombies are all mutated zombie mutant beasts. It is very likely that they are species evolved after zombies and mutant beasts kill each other. Generally, they can have the instinct of zombies and the terrifying power of mutant beasts. ,except this.He couldn't think of anything else.

After five or six rounds of human bone spear rain, it finally stopped.But the thick ice on Lin Ye's body, the backbone, only melted a thin layer.

Dark red blood flowed from various places on Qi Zhan's body.Certain bits of petrified flesh resemble long-dried, cracked earth.His whole body was trembling slightly, because he couldn't speak.At this time, there was a gurgling sound in his throat.

After Nie Quanqi took away his power, he stepped forward and hugged Qi Zhan. Qi Zhan's body was already covered with hundreds of human bone spears, and some parts of his body still showed flesh and blood.It's like pushing the steel, because some parts have problems, so the whole person loses the battle.

Feeling all this, Lin Ye was heartbroken. Everyone in his team was unique to him. No matter who was injured, he would feel guilty in his heart. It was him who was the boss. Did not protect the younger brothers.

Due to the closed consciousness, the heterogeneous nucleus in his body has lost its function, so he is like a big bird bound by a rope.At this moment, Lin Ye couldn't sit still and wait for his death. If this continued, these little friends of his might be in danger of their lives.Even at the risk of exploding.He must also break free from his own layer of ice as soon as possible.

Everyone saw Qi Zhan collapse to the ground.Every part from his feet to his forehead is full of human bone spears.Everyone looked crazy and stepped forward to help him pull out those spears.Nie Quanqi's eyes were even redder. "Brother Zhan, don't die!"

Seeing Qi Zhan fell to the ground, as a high-achieving student of Huaxia Medicine, what Gutian needs at this time tomorrow is to help him with anesthesia, so that the spear on his body is pulled out abruptly, and the pain he endured is no less than that of another Let these spears be inserted into his body, and there is not much time left for everyone.

"Everyone, don't move around." Gu Tian shouted out. "What Qi Zhan needs now is to be able to anesthetize him. Let's wait for the boss to come out of the ice!" Here, there is Lin Ye's ice ability, which can help Qi Zhan relieve the pain, so that hundreds of roots on his body can be healed. Mao was pulled out from the petrified muscle, but everyone could see the scene in front of him. It would take at least 15 minutes for Lin Ye to come out of the ice, and the zombies at the other end of the mist would not give them another 15 minutes.

"You guys are watching Boss and Qi Zhan here, leave the group of zombies on the opposite side to me!" Li Jie finished speaking calmly, picked up a human bone spear on the ground, and walked towards the mist.Hu Fei said loudly. "I will go with you!"

(End of this chapter)

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