Chapter 156 Mutation
Just now, Qi Zhan chose to burst blood!People with supernatural powers can kill themselves and their opponents by exploding their bodies at the time of life and death, but people with supernatural powers can’t. like those who make compromises to extremes.

God closes a window and opens a door.Although superpowers cannot burst their bodies, they can take their abilities to the next level in a short period of time by bursting their blood.Sometimes such a small class can determine the development channels of many different things.

The reason why Qi Zhan often falls into a state of madness is the result of blood explosion, but since he followed Lin Ye all the way, the number of times like this is already one of the few, and every time he can do it under Lin Ye's dual abilities of ice and water A great result.

But this time, the flying spears flying all over the sky were too powerful. If Qi Zhan didn't explode blood, it would be impossible to resist.

"The powers in Qi Zhan's body are very chaotic now. He may go into a crazy runaway situation at any time. When I help him heal later, you should try to stay as far away as possible." After Lin Ye finished speaking expressionlessly, he pressed his hand on the On Qi Zhan's forehead.

When the three of them heard Lin Ye's words, they retreated one after another. After a while, a shivering chill began to spread around.

After Lin Ye put his hand on Qi Zhan's forehead, the ice ability in his body was not too much.In desperation, he had no choice but to make a tough conversion with water-based abilities.It's not just Qi Zhan who is going crazy now, it is very likely that he will also go crazy because of this.

After bursts of cold air penetrated into Qi Zhan's body, the wound on his body finally stopped the blood.But Lin Ye still didn't dare to move the spears stuck on his body.

At this moment, from the other side of the mist came the fighting sounds of Li Jie and the three. The sound was intermittent, but after reaching the ears of the three, it was like thunder. At this time, Lin Ye couldn't escape to save Qi Zhan. Let's go, but judging from which zombies can use human bone spears to attack everyone, these zombies are likely to be many times more powerful than ordinary zombies.

Xue Wu saw Jiang Xinyu and Gu Tian, ​​one is an ordinary person without supernatural powers, and the other is a college student who doesn't even know what his supernatural powers are.

"You take care of the boss and Qi Zhan here, and I'll take care of Li Jie!" After Xue Wu ordered.Turn around and leave.Gu Tian followed. "I want to go with you too! From the looks of it, steamed buns and Jiang Xinyu are enough!"

So Jiang Xinyu watched Xue Wu and Gu Tian walk into the mist, their figures gradually disappearing
The steamed buns sniffed vigorously with their noses on the ground, and when they saw the minced meat falling from some zombies, they ate them into their mouths, because Jiang Xinyu had been with it all along.As far as it is concerned, Jiang Xinyu is its master, even though she is not a beast trainer.When Zhang Ren released Mantou out of Tianshui County, he released him from his contract with it. It can be said that Mantou is a free golden retriever mutant beast.

After Qi Zhan stopped the bleeding from the wound on the outside of his body, the supernatural powers in his body began to operate slowly under the urging of Lin Ye's cold air, and the blood color slowly returned to his face.He opened his eyes and saw Lin Ye helping him heal the wound.A gleam of light flashed in his eyes, and then he closed them tightly.

Lin Ye's external wounds were completely frozen. If he forcibly pulled out these spears at this time, if he couldn't bear the pain, he might go crazy because of it, but if he didn't pull out these spears, he was afraid It is impossible to get out of this empty door.

"Qi Zhan, from now on, no matter what kind of changes happen to you, you have to hold back, and once it starts, I won't stop. If you agree, then blink your eyes." Lin Ye Whispered in Qi Zhan's ear!

At this time, Qi Zhan's eyes trembled, and he looked at Lin Ye gratefully and blinked twice.

"You must hold back!" After Lin Ye finished speaking, his hands were like lightning, and he patted various places on Qi Zhan's body, and then Qi Zhan was trapped in a shallow layer of ice.

Lin Ye yelled violently, and pulled out the human bone spear from several key parts of Qi Zhan's body like afterimages.The expression on Qi Zhan's face changed instantly.From flushed liver color to iron blue.Since I was bearing the long hairs on my body in the state of bursting blood, I didn't feel much pain at the time. At this time, the state had passed, and it was no different from usual. It hurts like an armor-piercing bullet hitting the body.

Even an iron-blooded man like Qi Zhan fainted when Lin Ye pulled out the last few spears. Lin Ye stuffed all the different cores of those ordinary zombies into Qi Zhan's mouth. Shi Qi Zhan only needs to rest for an hour before he can stand up again.

But here is the gate of space, and there are countless zombies and mutant beasts waiting for them. For the first time, Lin Ye felt that time is so precious.

Jiang Xinyu saw Lin Ye pull out all the long hairs on Qi Zhan's body.She asked worriedly. "Boss, Qi Zhan will be all right?"

"He is not life-threatening for the time being, but he needs a period of rest." After Lin Ye finished speaking, he looked to the other side of the mist, where Xuewu's group and those high-level zombies were fighting to the death.

"Xin Yu, you are watching Qi Zhan here!" After Lin Ye finished speaking, he used his ice ability to create a small fortress on the ground!

"Boss, pay attention to safety!" Jiang Xinyu's eyes were very earnest. As an ordinary girl, she doesn't have superpowers to fight with everyone, but she still hopes that everyone can guarantee their own safety in times of danger.

The ice sculpture that Lin Ye casually alienated looked like an ordinary ice block, but it was actually his second-level golden extreme ice.It can be said that the zombies at the peak of Silver cannot easily break through this bunker, and only in this way can he put Jiang Xinyu and the injured Qi Zhan here with confidence.

Jiang Xinyu watched Lin Ye walk into the thick fog, and the figure of this man's back became bigger and bigger and irreplaceable in her heart.

Lin Ye held Tulong tightly in his hand. The zombies along the way tried to get closer and were cut off by him with a single knife. Now he is going to save his little friend!Whoever dares to stop him is a death sentence. The people who were still fighting just now have lost their voices.Lin Ye had no choice but to shout in the fog.

"Xuewu, Li Jie, where are you!" After shouting, there was a burst of AK47 and Thomson submachine guns firing from Lin Ye's left front, and Lin Ye found the direction.The legs are thrown away like striding meteors, and they step forward directly.The piercing slash left afterimages in the air.Lin Ye no longer wanted any of his friends to get hurt.

(End of this chapter)

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