Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 158 Head-to-head

Chapter 158 Head-to-head
After just 2 minutes, the group of mutant bull-headed beasts stopped the attack of human bone flying spears, and ugly bull-headed mutant beasts with their limbs on the ground slowly appeared around everyone.The mouths of these guys are drooling long, and densely packed teeth have evolved in their mouths. They open their huge mouths unscrupulously, revealing the blood-red upper and lower jaws inside, and the two sharp black horns on their heads are covered with Red blood stains.Standing behind this group of short mutant bull-headed beasts, there was another tall guy standing in the distance. The two horns on his head alone were more than a meter long.

Even if the strength is as high as that of Lin Ye's group, Xuewu can be regarded as the first-class Xuewu.After seeing the scene in front of him, he couldn't help being shocked. When did these guys appear outside the ice bucket.They turned out to be like ghosts.

They gathered outside the cover of the ice bucket transformed by Lin Ye, showing their sharp fangs towards Lin Ye's group of people, and then began to smash the ice bucket of Lin Ye with their horns. The bucket was not as strong as Lin Ye thought. After just five seconds, there was a hole in the ice bucket that he transformed, and Lin Ye's mind was running fast.

"Nie Quanqi, summon your vines, and Li Jie's mad battle will start. Hu Fei, your AK47 is ready to hit me hard! Gu Tian protects himself! Xue Wu restrains these little minotaurs, and I will deal with that big guy. "

"it is good!.."

Everyone applauded in unison, under this situation.Lin Ye made the most extreme reaction. As a leader, what he can do is to avoid exchanging the smallest casualties for the greatest value.

After Lin Ye finished speaking, the bull heads of this group of people really broke through the layer of ice. Before everyone had a few reactions, a few fast guys had already rushed in front of everyone. These ordinary Minotaurs The average class was all above the third level of silver, and one or two of them were faintly at the peak of silver, and everyone took a deep breath.These guys are too scary.

Li Jie was like a cannonball. The moment Lin Ye said it, he had already activated the berserk mode.The bull head that was rushing in front bent down and lowered its head, and ran straight towards Li Jie, and Li Jie rushed up without avoiding it.In the midst of the flash, Li Jie grabbed the two horns of the minotaur with both hands. One man and one beast were like two cows in the arena. For a while, they evenly divided the autumn.No one took half a step back.

Nie Quanqi muttered non-stop, and a dozen blue and black vines grew out of the ground like the tentacles of an octopus.For a while, several mutant beasts were blocked from attacking.

Gu Tian and Hu Fei kept jumping into the sky and swept the Minotaur with AK47.One hid in the remaining cold ice transformed by Lin Ye and shot, and the fireball thrown by Xuewu burned the hairs of these minotaurs in one go.But it didn't do a good job of stopping their progress.

Lin Ye used Dragon Slaying to cut through the ice, and stood in the thick fog like an ancient God of War. There was a little cold light on his body, and the leader of the cunning minotaur disappeared in the thick fog. Seizing an opportunity to wait for the opportunity to attack one of them.

In the wrestling between Li Jie and the minotaur, the final result was that the two horns of the minotaur were torn in half by Li Jie.The heterogeneous nucleus in the brain was torn apart and dripped out.

The leading minotaur, who was observing in the dark, saw that this human being was so powerful, there was a monstrous murderous intent in its eyes, and a little red light appeared in its eyes. Like a huge bird or beast that flew up, two cold horns were directly inserted into Li Jie.It turned out to want to kill Li Jie directly.

Li Jie forcefully tore off the two horns, but in fact they were a little too big, and his arms were sore at this moment.Not much strength in the legs either.In the mad battle mode, his attrition ability is even greater.He suddenly felt a huge figure falling towards him in the sky, the speed was so fast that he secretly clicked his tongue, probably it wasn't a bird or beast.When the two horns pierced through the thick fog, Li Jie sighed in his heart, he was afraid that he would not be able to avoid this blow.

The praying mantis was catching the cicada, and the oriole was behind him. Lin Ye, who had been silently observing the leader of the mutated bull beast, couldn't help saying hello in his heart when he saw it make a move. it stays.

"Death impact!" Lin Ye's eyes flashed brightly. The bull beast actually realized a different skill. Just in the middle of the lightning and flint, Lin Ye made a move with two ice blades in his hand, and then his body was like a rocket, straight He rushed towards the bull beast.

The two ice blades only blocked its figure slightly. At this time, Li Jie was already out of strength. All this happened in the midst of lightning and flint. Every step of Lin Ye's Piercing Slash was like a thunderous explosion. , the dragon slaying in his hand caused waves of dragon howling in the wind.Bursts of white light began to glow in Lin Ye's pupils.

"Hell changes!" Lin Ye yelled violently, and the half-cut knife directly slashed on the horn of the leading bull beast, and the Dragon Slayer in his hand made a sound of gold and stone colliding.Lin Ye instantly felt a shock in his jaw, and Tu Long was almost sent flying.

And the full-body attack of the leading minotaur was interrupted by Lin Ye. It was sent flying like a kite with a broken string.At this time, Lin Ye was not feeling well either. He knelt on the ground with one knee, and the hand holding Tu Long trembled slightly. Li Jie also recovered his consciousness at this time, and he stepped forward to support Lin Ye. "Boss, are you okay!"

Lin Ye's eyes were fixed on the other side of the mist. This guy turned out to be a mutant beast of the third level of gold, and his strength was two levels higher than his own. If it wasn't for his own strength, there would be ice, water With dual abilities, this guy is afraid that after killing everyone, he will stay in this empty gate centimeters outside the sky.

"It turned out to be a mutant beast that is two levels higher than me, it's really a little stressful!" Lin Ye said slowly in his mouth, if he fell down, then Xuewu, Li Jie, Gutian and the others would also fall. It's hard to survive.This guy's strength is far beyond what his group can deal with.

Lin Ye stood up with difficulty, glanced at Li Jie, he was unscathed, Lin Ye said to him. "Go and protect Gutian, these ordinary mutated minotaurs are not very strong, this leader, I'll just deal with it!"

(End of this chapter)

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