Chapter 161 Meeting
"This time, I want to apologize to everyone!" After Lin Ye finished speaking, he stood up and bowed to everyone.

"Boss!" Seeing Lin Ye like this, everyone felt a little sad in their hearts, secretly blaming themselves for their lack of strength and not being able to share Lin Ye's sorrow.Gu Tian said. "Engong, this is not a failure. We all came out alive. And the alien core has already been obtained. It's just a little careless..."

Speaking of this, Gu Tian felt his face was hot. He originally wanted to comfort Lin Ye, but found that he was playing a dispensable role in this operation, and more often he was dragging everyone's back leg.

"Ben Gong, I'm the one who caused trouble for everyone!" Gu Tian stood in front of adults like a child who made a mistake, he knew very well in such an environment.As long as one loses one's mind, it is perfectly normal to lose one's life.

The entire underground warehouse was eerily silent when no one was speaking.Even the steamed buns were crawling close to Jiang Xinyu, sticking out their tongues, staring at everyone with grunt eyes.The boiling water in Nie Quanqi's pot was still gurgling and steaming, and no one wanted to see how the food was going tonight.Everyone was quietly waiting for Lin Ye to lose his temper.

After listening to Gutian's self-blaming words, Lin Ye just let out a rare sigh.Said slowly. "Ao Baitian, the boss of the Zhushan League, is a platinum powerhouse, not to mention several generals under him, everyone is above the gold rank. If we meet head-on, do we have any hope of survival?"

When these words fell to the ground, everyone fell into silence again. Everyone was used to following Lin Ye, and something fell apart.It's all Lin Ye's support, but at the same time that Lin Ye realized the "ice and snow burning the sky" when his life was in danger today, he also understood how he would survive if he suddenly died suddenly.Xue Wu's strength is the highest among all the people, and she is only at the peak of silver. How should she deal with the zombies of golden beasts?These things he had to consider,'

"It was indeed my negligence to break into the Heavenly Space Gate this time. I did not consider everyone's safety. In the next two days, we will start preparing for the deployment of the defense system here, and the purchase of thermal weapons will also be on the agenda. , All these arrangements are based on Gutian, and Jiang Xinyu is the main purchaser. Within two days, we will make a rough estimate of all the zombie crises that we will encounter in Tianwai Kongmen, so we can't be at a loss like this time. You know, this is not a game, there is no chance of rebirth. Everyone has only one life.",

Lin Ye’s criticism of the current situation pierced the hearts of everyone. The underground warehouse is not safe, and the celestial gate outside Baidi City is too arrogant, which makes people daunting. The zombies and mutant beasts that everyone has experienced along the way can Take half the dangers you didn't encounter inside!Even as a supernatural being, he is still a human being, and he will feel somewhat fearful in front of an overpowering opponent.

"Engong, do you mean that the biological monitoring system will be established within two days?" After listening to Lin Ye's words, Gu Tian only remembered the sentence that had the most relationship with him. His suggestion for this underground warehouse can be adopted by him.It can be put into use vigorously and resolutely in such a short period of time.I have a little more surrender to this benefactor.

"That's right. It is to establish a biological monitoring system. Although this place is in a remote place, it is still under the jurisdiction of Baidi City. It will be discovered one day. At that time, all efforts will be in vain. What you need Things, make a list. Tomorrow, I will hand it over to Jiang Xinyu, and I will practice the Tianwai Kongmen in the next week. You don’t have to participate in it!”

After listening to Lin Ye's words.Gu Tian showed a grievance expression on his face. As a supernatural being who doesn't even know what his supernatural powers are, he still wants to tap his own potential through the test in the outer space, but Lin Ye is willing to put such a supernatural power on his face. Give yourself the heavy responsibility.It is very important again.Lin Ye has been struggling in the world for so many years, and he saw through Gu Tian's little thoughts at a glance, and said immediately.

"All the different cores are distributed equally by everyone, so you don't have to worry about not being able to get the different cores. Moreover, I will bring back the corpses of zombies and mutant beasts that I kill every time I go to practice. If there are any It’s all right to help you bring back a few intact ones for special reasons.”

This time everyone is tempering in the empty gate of the sky.If it wasn't for Gu Tian and Qi Zhan being seriously injured, Gu Tian wanted to bring back some of the corpses of those mutant bull-headed beasts and high-level zombies for research. Seeing that everyone looked tired, this would have dispelled him. With this idea, after Lin Ye uttered the most secret thought in his heart, Gu Tian readily agreed to Lin Ye's suggestion, and slowly began to think about how to build an excellent monitoring system for this underground warehouse in his mind.

Seeing that Gutian had no objection, Lin Ye turned to look at Jiang Xinyu, which one of her tasks will be the heaviest in these two days!
Seeing Lin Ye looking at her, Jiang Xinyu understood in her heart that among the group of people, she was the only one who was an ordinary person with no power fluctuations on her body, so she was the best choice for going out and buying weapons.But she also understands that Lin Ye is deeply saddened by the failure of the Tianwai Kongmen this time.

"Xin Yu. Ordinary hot weapons, such as Thompson submachine guns and AK47 weapons, are indeed effective against ordinary zombies and ordinary mutant beasts, but slightly mid-level zombies and mutant beasts have lost their effect. This time , I want you to buy some weapons of mass destruction, if possible, I hope you can buy such a human weapon as an individual combat missile!"

Lin Ye is not a supernatural person who has a crazy pursuit of supernatural powers. He knows the power of thermal weapons developed by human beings. There are even nuclear bombs in Baidi City as the final trump card. He has no thermal weapons in his base. He was always uneasy in his heart. He would never forget the golden spider poisonous beast that was killed by a missile in Tianshui County. No matter how powerful its power was, it would run out when it was used up. Thermal weapons could completely make up for this defect. .

"Boss, the weapons you mentioned can be purchased through the black market, but the targets of these things are too huge. I, a girl, can easily be targeted by people. Although the things in the black market are not under the jurisdiction of the Zhushan League, they are still in the middle." With their eyeliner, if they are caught by the clues, they will be easily taken away in our place." Jiang Xinyu looked at Lin Ye with a look of embarrassment.

(End of this chapter)

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