Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 162 New Round Plan

Chapter 162 A New Round of Plans
After she finished speaking, Lin Ye had indeed made a mistake. In the apocalypse of the previous life, these things could be sold on the black market through different cores, but he forgot that at that time, the power in Baidi City was torn apart, and the black market was infiltrated by many forces.At this time, the black market is still relatively dominated by the strength of the Zhushan League. If they are found out, they will indeed be approached by the people of the Zhushan League.

"This time, I will go to the black market with you!" After Lin Ye finished speaking, everyone gasped, because it was too risky.Although there are millions of people in Baidi City, Zhushan League can easily find a hiding place for supernatural beings by virtue of its power here. Lin Ye chose this place because it is too remote.Not to mention that even ordinary people would not come here with supernatural powers.

But if you take the initiative to show up within the range of strength of the Zhushan League, it can be said that the chance of survival is very small. In front of Heilou, Lin Ye led his group of supernatural beings to leave first. Setting an example, it can be said that Lin Ye was the direct cause of the loss of less than half of the supernatural beings in the Zhushan League.

After Li Jie heard Lin Ye finished speaking, he said loudly. "Boss, this is too risky. We can quit the Heavenly Outer Space Gate together. But those guys from the Zhushan League are more powerful than zombies and mutant beasts. If anything happens to you, our group of people can only fight with those from the Zhushan League." The guy is dead and the net is broken!" Li Jie's words are not without reason, and you must know that Lin Ye is the leader among the crowd.If he died under the hands of the Zhushan League, his group would take revenge no matter what.

Lin Ye, on the other hand, didn't seem to care about the spy of the Zhushan League, and he was already paying attention.Everyone looked impatient.They all advised Lin Ye not to put himself in danger.Only Gu Tian said with a thoughtful look on his face, as if he understood Lin Ye's intentions. "Everyone, don't worry too much. Since the boss can make this choice, he naturally has his consideration!"

Seeing the crowd arguing and arguing, all persuading him not to touch the people of the Zhushan League, Lin Ye was slightly moved. Although Gu Tian joined his group the latest, he was the one who knew his heart best , he said slowly. "Don't worry, everyone. This time, I don't intend to hide my identity. This time, I will go to the black market to trade. One is to buy the weapons needed in Tianwai Kongmen and the tools to restrain the fog, and the other is to get the black market Those who hide the Zhushan League, get rid of them!"

It can be said that the more chaotic Baidi City is at this time, the safer the hiding place for Lin Ye and his party will be, if the stagnant water is not stirred.The big fish and prawns hidden in it will not come out of the water. What Lin Ye wants to do this time is to disturb the situation in Baidi City. He is the overlord of Baidi City, and naturally he can't tell everyone about his secret thoughts. Even if Gu Tian can guess one or two, he can't say anything. stand still.

After listening to Lin Ye's words, Xue Wu, who had been with him for the longest time, knew Lin Ye's true thoughts like a mirror in his heart. This man has never changed, and he is still so strategic, able to make the most correct choice at the right time. , as if he was able to become the leader of an underground organization in City G in his previous life, physics alone is absolutely impossible.

But Lin Ye had deeper considerations, and the corpse tide in two months was imminent.The strength of my group is still too low. When the time comes, the entire Baidi City will suffer from the tide of corpses. Even if the supernatural beings in the city have revenge for killing their fathers, they will put down their bodies and stand together to resist the tide of corpses. If they don't take advantage of this opportunity at this time The Zhushan League and several factions faintly formed into troubles were provoked.Lin Ye was worried that the situation had changed. What happened in this doomsday was no longer in his expected development.

"Boss, what should we do these two days!" The naive Nie Quanqi didn't know the stakes between Lin Ye and everyone who said this, but he believed that Lin Ye would not die, and he would not lead his group to Death, this point has been deeply imprinted in his consciousness since the day Lin Ye brought him out of the Colosseum in Tianshui County.

Lin Ye didn't ignore Nie Quanqi's seemingly stupid question. After thinking about it for a while, he said calmly and slowly. "In the past two days, you will take care of Qi Zhan and take care of everyone's food, and everyone can search around the factory to see if there is anything that can be used. Our underground warehouse is always a bit shabby. Decorate it well, the outside The factory has enough light, let’s see if we can grow some fruits and vegetables, and in the long run, we can be self-sufficient.”

After Lin Ye finished speaking, Nie Quanqi's heart went up in flames. Although his wood-type abilities could be used in battle, they were still mainly defensive. At this time, Lin Ye proposed to grow melons, fruits and vegetables. , exactly what he likes to do.Naturally, he agreed with all his heart.

Although the factory outside the underground warehouse is made of cement, it can be refurbished out of mud with a little operation.Lin Ye is also an ice and water dual-line supernatural power user.Water resources can be said to be inexhaustible, and now Lin Ye can easily mobilize the water in a small pond for storage.What you need to worry about is how to match the planting of fruits and vegetables.

"Quanqi, you need to coordinate with Gutian on this planting matter. Gutian's defense system is the most important thing. If necessary, make a little sacrifice!" Lin Ye worried that the stubborn Nie Quanqi and Gutian would Because there was a disagreement on the allocation of land, they spoke.

After listening to Lin Ye's words, Nie Quanqi knew all kinds of pros and cons, so he naturally agreed.

Someone once said that war is the best driving force to promote the development of science and technology.The emergence of the doomsday has promoted the development of science and technology more than war. Due to Lin Ye's own limitations, there is actually a big gap in the high-tech area of ​​the doomsday in the past.So when Gutian proposed a series of things such as "Night Temperature Meter" and "Vibration Meter", Lin Ye was also a little puzzled.

In the end, in desperation, Lin Ye had no choice but to add Gu Tian's name to this big purchase and black market destruction operation, but he also made him swear not to mess around, not to ask too many questions, and not to cause trouble.

When Gutian knew that Lin Ye was willing to take him to buy these materials in person, he jumped up happily!Although wearing the cloak of a high-achieving student from Huaxia Medical College, Lonely knows all these high-tech things well, otherwise he would not have asked for it when he came to this underground warehouse for the first time. Such arrogant words as modification and defense.You must know that he was just an ordinary human being at that time, and did not produce a heterogeneous nucleus.

(End of this chapter)

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