Chapter 163
"Everyone is familiar with the prices of some basic daily necessities in Baicheng, but they don't count the weapons on the black market and the things we bought this time, so this time we need to take out all the foreign cores we got and get through it together Break the hardest days." Lin Ye looked at the crowd and said sincerely, although they didn't enjoy any good material life along the way, under Lin Ye's urging, everyone lost the two days of enjoyment In the mood, he focused on honing his abilities.

The reason why these heteronuclei can become the existence of replacing trade currency.The biggest reason is because of the emergence of supernatural beings. Supernatural beings have countless times stronger physical fitness than human beings and have extraordinarily powerful supernatural abilities. This is the doomsday where strength is king.It is not surprising that heteronuclei have replaced coins as the most currency substitute.

After listening to Lin Ye's words, everyone took out the alien cores hidden on their bodies. For the things they are about to buy, these alien cores in Lin Ye's hands are really not enough. Too much to see.Everyone is brothers who live and die together, and it doesn't hurt when these alien cores are taken out, like Li Jie, who usually regards alien cores as important as fate, this time he actually took out all his net worth, in front of him The lead example is below.Everyone took out the heterogeneous nucleus, and only Xuewu had the least heterogeneous nucleus among the crowd. She has always disliked the matter of digging out the heterogeneous nucleus from the zombie's brain, so when handing in the heterogeneous nucleus, Look a little ashamed.

"Boss, I only have so few different cores!" Xue Wu took out all the different cores in his hand, Lin Ye glanced at her and said. "It's okay, the alien core is below your own class, so it's difficult to replenish it through quantity, so don't worry about it!"

In the end, everyone's different nuclei, large and small, gathered together, and there were more than 1000 of them. Most of these different nuclei were above the third level of bronze. If converted into human wealth, the money is about 6000 to [-] million.Lin Ye understands that these alien cores are obtained through life-and-death struggles with zombies again and again, but the weapons he needs to buy this time are also defensive high-tech biological monitoring systems, and he needs too many alien cores .

Seeing these heteronuclei, a part of Lin Ye's heart began to loosen a little. He was not worried that everyone would be embarrassed because of the heteronucleus, but for someone like Xuewu and Li Jie who liked it very much Heterocore, but lack of interest in one, really needs a good way to balance it out.Otherwise, in the later stage, there will definitely be too large a gap in the heteronuclear class due to the number of heteronuclei. This is not the result that Lin Ye hopes to see, because he understands that in a team, the real strong only needs one Two, if everyone's strength is uneven.Over time, it is inevitable that suspicions will arise.

"In the future, all the different cores obtained in the battle will be unified together. Are you willing?" At this time, Lin Ye stopped talking and asked as if he was the boss. None of the people were too worried.Almost at the same time, they agreed to Lin Ye's request in unison.

Under the platinum level, the advancement of supernatural beings can basically be advanced by relying on heterogeneous cores.But at the top of the big class, life and death struggles are required to be promoted, and everyone is willing to hand over the alien core in their hands to Lin Ye.This also proved that everyone was willing to give everything they had to Lin Ye.

Among the more than 1000 different cores, most of them are bronze-level three to silver-level three-level different cores, and there are three gold-level different cores, two of which were obtained by Lin Ye after killing zombies alone.Twenty silver five-level heterogeneous cores, Lin Ye and his group would not know that if these heterogeneous cores were placed in the hands of any small gang in Baidi City, they would immediately lead to fatal disasters.Zombies and mutated beasts that evolved early can evolve to the golden level in just six months, which is already difficult in the real environment.It's not like the golden zombies walking all over the ground in the middle of the doomsday.

The last time Jiang Xinyu went outside, she didn't just buy some daily necessities, but bought everything except the high-tech biological defense system needed by Gutian.But according to Gutian himself, the market price of these things should not be too expensive.Two gold-rank zombie heterocores can be dealt with. After hearing this, Lin Te's face twitched. Sure enough, if you are not in charge, you don't know that daily necessities are expensive.These two zombie heterocores were all killed by himself, but they are nothing worth mentioning here.

All three of them put on the clothes worn by ordinary people, and Gu Tian still glued a few big beards on his face.Lin Ye used his ice ability to alienate himself into a slightly hunchbacked old man, while Jiang Xinyu put on a lively and cute attire today.Just like a teenage girl.So three generations of people just appeared in the underground warehouse so uncontrollably.

The appearance of the three of them caused everyone to roar with laughter, and Li Jie rolled on the ground laughing. "Boss, the appearance of the three of you is even more strange!"

Lin Ye imitated the tone of the old man's speech, but it was somewhat similar. "You young man, how do you talk? Others can't see me like this!" After finishing speaking, Lin Ye, who was usually unsmiling, was also amused by his appearance.Judging from the fact that he was dressed as an old man.It can be seen that his mental age is older than the people he leads,
The reason why Lin Ye dressed up like this is to deceive people, and secondly, it can confuse the eyes of the Zhushan League gang. When he first entered Baidi City, he had the ability of water when he was recording. Ice-type abilities are the main ones.Let them live and die without thinking that there is such an operation.

While the three of them were dressing up, Nie Quanqi was already preparing meals, and soon there was a scent of food, which made everyone's stomachs growl.Lin Ye ended the farce and said. "Let's eat first, and we will discuss how to dress up later!"

The crowd gathered together, and there was pork stewed vermicelli in a large round pot, and there were several green dishes beside it, which was quite rich for everyone.And when the fragrant rice was opened, even Lin Ye couldn't help swallowing. In the blood of Chinese people, home is very important. Lin Ye and his group are all homeless. Among them are all lonely and widowed, but at this moment, the fetters in the blood of everyone returned.

(End of this chapter)

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