Chapter 164

Everyone has worked hard in Tianwai Kongmen, so they don't keep them when they are eating, and the big pot of rice will soon bottom out.Seeing that everyone was full, Nie Quanqi, who was cooking, also felt a sense of satisfaction, and a tacit understanding gradually developed between this group of people getting along day and night.Including the newly entered Lone Sky can also quickly integrate into this range.

After eating their fill, everyone began to pack their tableware. Lin Ye paid attention to it, and went to the black market to buy a cleaning robot in time, so that everyone would not be tired of these tedious things.

Li Jie looked left and right while eating, and a thought sprouted in his heart when he watched the crowd. After eating, he leaned in front of Lin Ye. "Boss, I have an idea to tell you!"

Ever since Gu Tian came to his team, Li Jie had rarely bothered him, but at this time he came here suddenly.What's the matter? "If you have anything to say, it's okay to say it in front of everyone!"

Seeing Lin Ye saying this, Li Jie stopped being secretive and stood up straight and said. "Boss, I think we should establish an alliance too!"

Li Jie's words shocked Lin Ye's heart. What he had been thinking about for many years was shattered by Li Jie. After hearing these words, everyone who was busy with their own affairs turned their heads to look at Lin Ye. ye.

It seems that everyone has been looking forward to it for a long time.At this time, the strength of Lin Ye and his party is placed in the Baidi City, and they are definitely within the top ten. Lin Ye is only because the number of his party is relatively small. For an alliance, the strong are certainly very strong. It's important, but there are no ordinary supernatural beings responsible for governing the human beings in their own forces, so it can't be justified.

Like Zhushan League.Ordinary Bronze-rank werewolves voluntarily serve as guards under their alliance, and the number is countless, not to mention those who hope for silver-rank and above abilities, there are two gold-rank superpowers just beside Ao Baitian. Ao Baitian's own strength is even more terrifying. He is a platinum double-line superpower. Sometimes Lin Ye even doubts whether this guy is also reborn like himself.

On the other hand, my group has no territory, and no human beings are willing to accept their jurisdiction. Everyone in my group is unique. Lin Ye starts to feel sorry for anyone who has a minor injury or illness. Why doesn't he want to have his own alliance.But in this case, conditions and strength do not allow it.

Lin Ye just wanted to refute Li Jie's idea, but after seeing everyone's earnest eyes, Lin Ye was shaken.Why do I want these people to follow me to work hard? Everyone still remembers the heroic words they said when they said goodbye to Zhang Ren in Tianshui County. If they didn't have some ideas, they would be willing to follow me to the Baidi, which is extremely vicious for supernatural beings. In the city.It's not as comfortable as being a local emperor in Tianshui County.

Thoughts were spinning in his mind, and everyone's emotions had already been mobilized at this time. This is the best time to form an alliance. Lin Ye had made a decision in his heart, and said to everyone immediately. "Everyone gather here!"

Seeing Lin Ye like this, everyone beamed with joy, and his group finally had an alliance.Recalling the hardships along the way, everyone felt mixed feelings and didn't know what to do for a while.

"Everyone has killed zombies and shed blood together. Among us, there are people with supernatural powers and people with superpowers. It is not easy to get together. If you convert according to the time of the end of the era, today is the sixth year of AD zero. On the 12th of the month, we will establish our alliance in a remote corner of Baidi City." Lin Ye deliberately increased his voice when talking about us.

Jiang Xinyu's eyes were slightly rosy, Nie Quanqi grinned, everyone's emotions were mobilized by Lin Ye's words.When they heard Lin Ye say "we", their hearts also trembled.Starting from Tianshui County, what is the purpose of everyone coming here? After seeing the great strength of the Zhushan League, why don't you want to become as powerful as them and draw the entire Baidi City to yourself? under the jurisdiction of

But Lin Ye was waiting, they knew it.I can only wait, but today, Lin Ye doesn't want to wait anymore, everyone's happiness at this time can no longer be described in words.

Standing at a slightly elevated position, Lin Ye looked at the rosy eyes of everyone and said slowly. "Our alliance. It's called the "Tianning Alliance"!"

After Lin Ye uttered the three words of arrogance, everyone's hearts were lifted, "Tian Ning League"

"As the boss of the Tianning League, I assure everyone that this place will become one of our strongholds next year, and our real base camp will be in a new dark building!"

Lin Ye was still a little apprehensive about the matter of the Heilou. He didn't want to change too much after the apocalypse of his previous life and his rebirth. Not only would this make him feel flustered, but he also began to worry faintly, whether that person still Can you go back to yourself

This thought was fleeting and was suppressed by Lin Ye. Since he drew a cake in front of everyone, he must take down Baidi City today next year.Only in this way can I be able to stand up to everyone who follows me through life and death.

Regarding this matter, Lin Ye didn't think too much about it. He had already made the most correct choice, whether it was to go to the Heavenly Space Gate for training or to live in this underground warehouse. .These are the best choices he can make.

"Now that we have a faction, the rules and regulations of our faction must be established accordingly. Although there are only a few of us with supernatural powers now, after a long time, there will definitely be more supernatural beings joining us Team."

Seeing everyone nodding their heads in goodwill, Lin Ye let go of the stone in his heart.It seems that everyone is willing to live in the standardized alliance.In this way, Lin Ye can establish rules and regulations with peace of mind.But there are too many powerful relationships involved in this, and we must be more cautious at this time. The establishment of an alliance often requires some strong regulations to support it.On this matter, Lin Ye didn't want to talk about it.

"I hope that everyone can express their own ideas. In two days, we will start to legislate after we have bought back the necessary items!" Lin Ye made this decision to avoid haste and give everyone two days to think about it. The child can have a wiggle room.

Everyone slept very soundly this night, Lin Ye's action was undoubtedly a shot in the hearts of everyone.As long as the alliance is established, it will be able to fight against the supernatural beings in Baidi City in a legitimate way. At that time, the competition for the human jurisdiction acquired by the forces, including the continuous improvement of their own strength, will have a great momentum.

(End of this chapter)

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