Chapter 168 Intrigue
Customers like Lin Ye who can easily take out a silver third-level zombie heterocore will not play in this game city.They are all the ones who secretly go to the black market under the game city to trade through here, and this is just one of the many entrances to the black market.The two are just ordinary humans.Not to mention people with supernatural powers, just some rich people with many different cores are no longer something they can provoke. As for Lin Ye's identity, they dare not think too much about it.

This game city serves as an entrance to the black market, and its location is extremely well chosen.Ordinary human beings are attracted by these various play tools when they come here, and they never think that there is a sky beyond the sky, and there is a place hidden underground that sells half of the invisible supplies in Baidi City.

When Li Jie saw the entertainment facilities in the game city, he became very playful, and wanted to ask Lin Ye for a few different cores as gambling chips.But Lin Ye stopped him with his eyes.Lin Ye followed the map and walked towards the location of the black market according to the memory of the doomsday of the previous life.

After the apocalypse, the minds of most human beings have undergone earth-shaking changes, becoming extremely greedy for life and afraid of death, or extremely ignorant of life and greedy for pleasure.These are the norm.Most of these men and women of all kinds in front of them are addicted to these illusory worlds.Lin Ye scanned all the way and found more than a dozen bronze-ranked supernatural beings spending a lot of money, and from time to time, they also sent their eyes to sweep back and forth on his group.Most of them stayed on Jiang Xinyu's body.

Since the supernatural class is there, these supernatural beings in the game city did not see anything strange about Lin Ye and his group.A bronze peak superpower wearing a mink coat was hugging left and right, and there were a lot of chips on one of his tables, which gave him a feeling of domineering nouveau riche.

After seeing Jiang Xinyu next to Lin Ye, a bad old man, he immediately felt that all the cabbage was ruined by pigs.Push away these rouge and vulgar fans around him, and call over a younger brother who is next to him in the first rank of bronze.Let him walk towards Lin Ye with a lot of chips in his hand.

Li Jie and Gu Tian, ​​who were walking in front, didn't notice this detail. It can be said that Gu Tian didn't have the slightest interest in these things.After Lin Ye stopped drinking, Li Jie also gave up his desire to play in this game city.

Lin Ye looked at this, he was over two meters tall.A fire-attribute bronze fifth-order peak ability user.After the guy at the first rank of bronze whispered, this guy walked towards Lin Ye swaggeringly.Jiang Xinyu followed Lin Ye with a worried look on her face. Are these guys looking for death?

"Old man, Brother Hu has taken a fancy to your daughter. You spend the money, and your daughter will eat and drink spicy food with Brother Hu!" Gu Tian and Li Jie turned their heads after hearing this. Nodding his head, Gu Tian couldn't help but smile.And Li Jie couldn't help it even more, as if he heard a big joke, he laughed out loud.Needless to say, Lin Ye shot this guy, just Jiang Xinyu's sniper shot could kill him on the spot.

Lin Ye didn't want to cause trouble until he bought what he needed.These two guys are like two flies, they can be crushed to death with one hand.But the dead body of a fly would make people feel a little disgusted, and this game city is under the jurisdiction of the Zhushan League. If you kill people recklessly, I'm afraid that today my group will have to fight a bloody battle to get out.

But these guys can't listen to good or bad words, so they can only make this kind of supernatural beings who don't know the heights of the sky and the earth kneel on the ground.He would be afraid. Lin Ye just wanted to exude the coercion of the gold-level powerhouse, but the bronze-level powerhouse threw the chips in his face.

"Are you so dumb, aren't you? Can't you speak?" After seeing Lin Ye ignore his own questions, this arrogant Bronze Level [-] power user also burst into anger. Come up, an ordinary human dares to ignore in front of the supernatural being.Isn't this courting death?
Lin Ye stared at this guy indifferently. He remembered that when he and Xuewu were in the underground organization in H City before the end of the day, when he was a teenager, he also pointed at him arrogantly like him. Other people's noses have spoken, and after being beaten, they have many scars on their bodies, so they are not so furious.Even as an ordinary human being in the apocalypse, he never lost his temper when he was bullied by a person with supernatural powers.

He doesn't intend to do anything to this guy, first-rank bronze!In Lin Ye's eyes, they looked like ants.He would die on the spot if he hit the ice blade himself.Just as Lin Ye was thinking about how to intimidate that brother Hu and not block the way of his group, the situation on the court suddenly changed.

Jiang Xinyu, who followed Lin Ye all the way, had never seen Lin Ye being wronged like this, being pointed at and scolded by someone.Even Ao Baitian from the Zhushan League couldn't stop him when his group left the black building.A Bronze Level [-] supernatural being dares to touch Lin Ye.Jiang Xinyu's hands were as fast as lightning, and he took out a desert eagle from the back of his waist and pointed it at the guy's head.

Seeing this little girl casually took out the powerful Desert Eagle, the face of the first-rank bronze gangster instantly turned pale and powerless. It is better to be a man with a tail.But in this game city.During the period of time when I was domineering, when was I ever bullied by an ordinary human being like this, I said stiffly now. "Try to shoot!"

During these months of training, Jiang Xinyu, not to mention a supernatural person, even if she meets a high-level zombie mutant beast, is completely worthwhile. However, before Lin Ye set off, he made three chapters with everyone. No one can kill recklessly with his permission.

Right now, the bad breath can't be breathed out, and the heart is really aggrieved and panicked. Gu Tian and Li Jie seem to be thinking about watching a show. To them, this guy is the same as that pretentious Brother Hu and a three-year-old child.

After hearing what this guy said, Lin Ye frowned, and thought in his heart that this guy's wife has no idea what to do. If he doesn't teach him a lesson, it seems that this watchdog will not easily let him into the black market.

A smile appeared on the old-faced leather suit Lin Ye was wearing.Lin Ye took out a small shiny thing from his pocket.After seeing this, Brother Hu, who was reclining on the chair, couldn't stand anymore, and stood up suddenly.He hurriedly stepped forward with a flattering smile, bowed his head and said to Lin Ye. "Boss, I don't know Taishan, please blame me!" Then he turned around and slapped the face of the younger brother who was still arrogant just now.He thought regretfully in his heart.Fortunately, this old man has a good temper, if he makes a move, he might be killed on the spot.

(End of this chapter)

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