Chapter 169
This can't be blamed on Brother Hu, who is watching the situation. His strength is considered medium among ordinary supernatural beings. It seems that ordinary supernatural beings can't restrain the coercion on them, and they can generally recognize them clearly.In Baidi City, very few gold-rank superpowers come here in person. Brother Hu thinks that there should be no one at the silver rank who can't see the general idea.But today I ran into someone like Lin Ye.But he missed it.

What Lin Ye took out was a gold-ranked first-rank zombie mutant beast core.Although it was just a shake, the sharp-eyed Brother Hu saw it.Being able to kill a first-rank gold zombie six months after the end of the day, Brother Hu would not be so stupid as to think that he is really such an ordinary-looking bad old man, most likely an elder-level figure in the Zhushan League .That being the case, there is a reasonable explanation for the beauty of the woman beside him.

Such a powerful person would definitely not come here to gamble in this game city. There is only one purpose.After seeing Brother Hu slap his younger brother a few times, Jiang Xinyu's anger finally subsided a little. As for that younger brother, after seeing Brother Hu's behavior, he knew better that he had offended someone he shouldn't have offended. Kneeling on the ground as soon as his legs softened, he kept slapping himself, but he didn't have the arrogant look just now.

Lin Ye didn't care about these two clowns at all. He glanced vaguely at the high-up camera, gestured to Brother Hu, and retreated wisely.

The four of them walked into the game city. At this time, the entertainment facilities were reduced, and there were only a few gamblers here. After passing through a long corridor.Lin Ye saw two first-rank silver werewolf guards stationed at a gate, one on the left and the other on the right.

Two silver-rank superpowers are used as guards.Even though he knew that the Zhushan League was rich and powerful, he was still intimidated by this kind of behavior. This also confirmed another idea in Lin Ye's mind. The Zhushan League's guarding of this black market can be said to be the most important thing!

I am afraid that the items purchased by myself can only be realized through other methods.Seeing four people approaching, the two werewolf guards remained motionless like sculptures, and they didn't raise their eyes to look at the four people. After all, there are no more than 1 people in Baidi City who can know the location of the black market, and these 1 people Most of them are people with supernatural powers and superpowers.There are also some people at the head of the human consortium with very powerful family influence.

In the previous doomsday, Lin Ye was fortunate enough to come to the black market once. It was in the middle of the doomsday. After repelling a wave of corpses, Lin Ye passed through that secret passage.Go outside Baidi City and make a huge fortune, in the corpses of zombies after the supernatural beings swept across the battlefield.Lin Ye and his group found a few different cores of peak silver in it.Since there are no supernatural beings, these heteronuclei are useless except for exchanging daily necessities, and these heteronuclei of my group were not obtained through legal channels.In the official shopping malls in Baidi City and places where you can exchange different nuclear money, you will have to pay a big discount, and your life may be in danger. In desperation, you have to go to the black market to exchange.The item that was converted from the different nucleus.It supported Lin Ye's life of [-] people in the underground warehouse for half a year.

Thinking back to this point, Lin Ye's Gujing Wubo state of mind also had a little ripple. Now that the supernatural beings who can be ranked first in Baidi City, it is a completely different feeling to revisit the old place.

After the four of them went in, they passed through a whole-body scanner. Lin Ye knew about this procedure a long time ago.When Jiang Xinyu went out to buy things, he kept an eye on it. At this time, when the four of them went in, they were all people who matched their appearance at this time.Seeing that there was nothing suspicious, the last guard let Lin Ye and his party in.

Li Jie agreed to the rules set by Lin Ye, and he really didn't say a word along the way, and didn't turn a glance at the things around him.Jiang Xinyu followed Lin Ye, calm in her heart, anyway, Lin Ye can solve any problem with one hand, and there is no need to use his own brain at all.

The four of them walked into a narrow intersection, and it was obvious that they were going underground, and it was pitch black at first.Then it was like a hole was cut in the dark night, and the artificial lights hung over the entire black market like a sun. This black market was brighter than the ground, and most of the people walking in it were supernatural beings and superhumans. Although the level of ability users is not high, Lin Ye knows that in the near future, there will be many high-level ability users among these people, but it will take time!
In the black market, there are shops with their doors open for business, and there is also a small stall that sells some rare mutated beast remains.Most of these supernatural beings squatted on the ground watching the people coming and going, and then secretly guessed how much property these people had in their hands.Most of those who opened stores to do business did so under the protection of the Zhushan League.In just a few short months, this place has been doing so well.Those in the Zhushan League should not be underestimated.

When Gu Tian saw the black market for the first time, he was not only surprised by the items here, but also confused. At this time, he was already full of questions. Ye asked softly in his ear. "Boss, why is this black market so prosperous?"

"This was originally a commercial trading base in Baidi City, but after the end of the day, the coins were invalidated, and the items sold in the past were just some shady antiques, but now it has become a different-core trading place for the supernatural. Most of them are weapons and some special zombies or mutant beasts. It is no exaggeration to say that even if someone can buy a plane here, it is not surprising.”

Lin Ye explained in detail, and everyone listened in their hearts.Lin Ye is the boss of everyone, not only because of his abilities, but also because of his knowledge, there are many zombies and mutant beasts that he doesn't know about. As a reborn person, Lin Ye's secrets are naturally not He will tell everyone that even if he wants to confess to them, it is not at this time. The strength of the people is too weak, and the Tianning League can only be counted as an upper-middle alliance in a small Baidi City.Comparing it with the imperial capital, it is impossible to know how far it is, but even the Zhushan League is an insurmountable gap in the eyes of the Tianning League.

Leading the crowd slowly wandering around in the black market, Gu Tian asked about strange zombies or the remains of mutated beasts.Along the way, Lin Ye was able to tell everything.Not only did it convince everyone, but even the bosses and vendors who sold these things sighed.Among them, the selling price of the stumps and broken feet of some mutant beasts is actually close to the price of their own heterogeneous cores.This made Lin Ye pay attention.

(End of this chapter)

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