Chapter 170
Li Jie muttered when he saw that the different cores of those zombies and mutant beasts could be exchanged for different cores. "If I knew these things could be exchanged for money, I would get out one or two corpses of those zombie mutant beasts in the Outer Space Gate that day." This sentence just fell into Lin Ye's ears, knowing that Li Jie was sighing and comforting him just like himself. road. "We don't have that kind of extra-dimensional space storage bag. Aren't these zombie remains bought by other supernatural beings with their lives? Let's use a gold-level heterogeneous core later to exchange for a storage bag." That's it!"

After some inquiries, everyone went around and went around, and finally came to a store that sold storage bags.Objects like storage bags are specially made for supernatural beings. Relevant scientists have been doing research in this area before the end of the day. After the end of the day, many people are exhausted, and the demand for storage bags has been greatly increased. However, Since the coins are invalid, this object can only be exchanged with different cores. Only the four super cities have storage bags for sale. These shops belong to the industries under the name of the super families in the imperial capital.

On the signboard of "Wuhua Tongbao", the four magnificent characters were shining brightly, and there was a row of sexy beauties in black silk uniforms standing at the door, which made everyone tremble.When people passing by in the black market passed by, they looked inside one after another. They didn't know what was sold here, but because of the luxurious decoration inside, most of them stopped for a while and dared not go in.

This storage bag can be seen everywhere in the late apocalypse, and almost all supernatural beings wear one, but the blood moon is only in the sixth month, and the appearance of this thing is indeed a bit weird to them.

Since he has a lot of different cores in his pocket, Lin Ye is not worried about not being able to afford it.Leading the people of the Tianning League to walk straight inside, the sexy beauties standing on both sides bowed at the same time, "Welcome!" The voice was as sweet as honey, and this trick made others fascinated before they consumed it. reverse.It's no wonder that the storage bag can become one of the standard equipment of a supernatural user. Such a publicity method can't be resisted by ordinary supernatural persons.

The reason why Lin Ye worked so hard to improve everyone's strength in a short period of time.It is because he knows that in this doomsday, there are too many strong people. Behind many superpowers, there is a super family. Fighting his life, Lin Ye couldn't think of any other way to make himself stronger.

After walking in, Lin Ye felt that the water ability on his body was peeped by someone. This feeling was very uncomfortable. Entering this shop at this time, he no longer suppressed his own class, the coercion of the gold-level ability Released, the peeping person just put away his hands and feet.

A clerk who looked like a Western woman welcomed them in. The light inside was a warm yellow color, which made people feel relaxed and happy, and there was a faint smell of perfume in the air.

This woman's eyes are vicious. Among the group of people, Lin Ye was recognized as the biggest boss at a glance. She was about to help Lin Ye when she came up. the clerk's hand.

She was not embarrassed either, she said frankly. "It's a pleasure to serve you. I'm Zhou Li from Wuhua Tongbao. If you have any doubts or want to know more, you can ask me. Next, I will introduce you to my storage bag."

"No need!" Lin Ye interrupted Zhou Li before she could finish her sentence. Although there is no chance to wear a storage bag in the pre-doomsday life, her understanding of these things is definitely higher than that of ordinary human Zhou Li. A few floors later, after listening to Lin Ye's words, a look of disgust appeared on Zhou Li's face, "I don't even need a recommender, and I look like a poor ghost, and I come here to pretend to be aggressive!"

There are three types of storage bags, which are divided according to different levels. The bottom storage bag is generally black.The space can only hold items about two meters.And there is no ability logo, which means that as long as someone picks up your storage bag, the contents inside can be used as a wedding dress for others.

The second level is mostly gray, and more than half of the gray storage bags have the ability logo. A storage bag can only be used by one ability user, and it can only be opened by inputting one's own ability. The sign will disappear automatically.The gray storage bags vary in size from five cubic meters to fifty cubic meters.And the price fluctuates a lot.

The third layer of storage bags is white. Lin Ye believes that this type of storage bag will probably not appear until the middle of the end of the world. It can hold all the objects of an alliance, which is equivalent to a different-dimensional space. The empty door achieves similarity in a certain sense, and the items in the storage bag, as long as the wearer dies, the items in the white storage bag can no longer be taken out.And this kind of storage bag is priceless.As long as it appears on the market, it will definitely attract life and death among supernatural beings.

What Lin Ye wanted to buy this time was a gray storage bag. After observing carefully, Lin Ye found that there were only black storage bags in the store. Lin Ye was inevitably a little frustrated.Asked to Zhou Li. "Are the best storage bags in your store only black?"

Zhou Li was originally from the imperial capital, and he was an old employee of Wuhua Tianbao. He was one of the earliest people who had opened a store in the black market of Baidi City for a while.No one has ever disliked his own storage bag. This old man came in and looked around, and he didn't even say anything in his eyes. He also disliked the efficacy of his own storage bag.

"This storage bag is produced by the Imperial Capital Manufacturing Alliance. Apart from other things, the space in this ordinary storage belt alone has two cubic meters. It can hold ordinary daily necessities and heterogeneous cores. Carry Relax, I don’t know if you’re not satisfied, sir!” Although Zhou Li spoke politely, her words were full of sarcasm.Li Jie and Hu Fei looked at the storage bag carefully, but Jiang Xinyu followed Lin Ye, a little annoyed at this woman's superior attitude.

"The quality of these black storage bags is really good, but I have too many things to pack, and I want a gray class!" After Lin Yeyun finished speaking calmly, Zhou Li's expression changed, and her How did the old man know that the gray storage bag hadn't been made for a week.Could it be that there are spies in the alliance?

Thinking of this level, Zhou Li bowed to Lin Ye and said in her mouth. "It's the little one who spoke abruptly! I'll invite the shopkeeper out for you!"

(End of this chapter)

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