Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 176 King Beast Heart

Chapter 176 King Beast Heart
Lin Ye knew in his heart that as long as he was in the wilderness, or in a sparsely populated place, this guy might just want to kill people and seize treasures.But the half-sentence that the other party didn't say just now seems to have exposed his identity. Since this is not a good deal, then change to another one. The whole black market is so big, there is no fear that there will be no treasures, and this guy.Let him go and eat the northwest wind!
"Do you know the function of the King Beast's heart?" The lizard monster pointed to the beating red object hidden in the glass water tank. "Ordinary superpowers have different cores hidden in their bodies. And this heart can give a superpower below the fifth level of gold a chance to be reborn once!"

The lizard monster looked proud, as if talking.This is better than buying and selling if you don't do it, you are a pig!

"Although I really want this king beast heart. But this knife is my most important foreign object at present. If you are willing, I will bring two fourth-order heterocores to you in a month!" Lin Lin Ye's words could not be said to be thorough, and he clearly marked out what he wanted to say.

The big red and blue eyes of the lizard monster turned around, and he stretched out a hand to hold Lin Ye. "At this price, ordinary people can't afford it. You are not an ordinary person. I'll wait for you!"

In the brightly lit black market, after shaking hands and claws, an agreement was reached.Lin Ye thought in his heart. "It seems that this guy is not too stupid!"

The three did not go far, Li Jie and Jiang Xinyu were worried about Lin Ye.They all found a booth with no people there, pretending to buy things, but glanced at Lin Ye from time to time.But Gu Tian was once again engrossed in these strange objects.Seeing that Lin Ye had returned without success, the two stepped forward and asked.

"Boss, what's wrong?"

Lin Ye smiled wryly, "A King Beast Heart of the fifth level of gold can revive superpowers below the fifth level of gold, but the price they are asking is a fourth level of gold heterocore, and if you sell the two of you, you will not be able to buy it back!"

The two hissed when they heard the price, and were stunned for a while.Then Li Jie said strangely and angrily. "All the things in Wuhua Tianbao are added up. It may not be as expensive as his price. Why doesn't he grab it!"

Lin Ye waved his hand towards Li Jie. "Forget it, forget it, this thing is indeed very useful, but with the strength of our current Tianning League, it is not impossible to take out these two gold fourth-order different cores, and it will be enough to hone them in the outer sky for another month. !"

I saw Gu Tian being fascinated by a gadget on a stall.Lin Ye shouted. "Tiangu, if you don't leave, I'll throw you here!" Hearing Lin Ye calling his name, Gutian reluctantly put down the things in his hand.He moved his feet and walked into the team.

"Boss, next time, can we each bring different cores to the black market to buy items?" Apparently because Lin Ye put away all the different cores in the league before departure, at this time there was a bronze bullet on Gutian's body. There are no heterocores, but there are countless gadgets along the way.I can't wait to buy the whole black market back.

"Okay, when everyone has some major class advancement, when the time comes, bring everyone to the black market to pick what you want!" Gu Tian almost jumped up happily after hearing Lin Ye's words, and today His disguise.Just like a high school student.

Lin Ye made a mistake. From the Bai San of Wuhua Tianbao, and the lizard monster who opened his mouth just now, Lin Ye felt that the Zhushan League's control over the black market was not as commanding as he imagined.It can even be said that this black market has completely escaped the jurisdiction of Baidi City.

In this case, there are only advantages and no disadvantages for him. After the first wave of corpses is over, it will be a signal that the Tianning League will start to fight for hegemony in Baidi City.If you don't have this kind of thought.Why did Lin Ye risk his life to go to the outer sky and the empty gate to hone his skills.You must know that the situation there is changing rapidly, and if one is not careful, it is very likely to be involved in it. Among the people he brought, which one was not bought by Lin Ye with his life.

Inside the Tianning League.Except that Jiang Xinyu is an ordinary human being.Also, Hu Fei's super power is relatively weak.The other people are placed anywhere in Baidi City, and they are superpowers that other alliance factions want to win over at a high price.Gutian has no supernatural ability yet, but as long as he has a natural supernatural power in the near future. After the "cure" appeared, it was equivalent to having an extra nanny in one's own faction for no reason.What's more, this guy is still the one who entrusts himself with the wish of "medicine supernatural powers".

Needless to say, Li Jie.The tyrannical "batian" fate can only be said to be one out of ten million.Among the people like himself, his progress should be the fastest one, and Qi Zhan also has Nie Quanqi's talent.They are all group battle abilities with one against a hundred.Those against the Tianning Alliance will encounter team battles in the future.They are the best cutting tools.

As for Xuewu, it goes without saying.Her temperament is the closest to her own.There is an unusual desire for the promotion of supernatural powers.Xuewu went from being weak at the beginning to being able to stand alone in the end.Just a few months.Really changed a lot.

Lin Ye recalled all the people in his Tianning League.But he forgot about himself, an ice and water double-line supernatural being, equivalent to an all-knowing rebirth.The really scary people forget themselves.

See four people gather.Jiang Xinyu asked. "Boss, next we are going to buy Gutian's defensive weapons and the ammunition and equipment I want!"

"That's right, time is running out. I suspect that someone is already watching us!" Lin Ye felt the eyes of several people coming and going lingering on his group.There were so many supernatural beings in Baidi City that it was impossible to tell who was from the Zhushan League for a while, but after struggling for so long, they finally developed some sense of danger similar to the sixth sense.

Lin Ye pretended that those people did not exist, and said to the crowd over his head. "Check it out, where is the nearest weapon supplier to us!"

The black market is huge, and some places are crowded with people.In some places, there are three or two sparrows. For example, four people came to the door of this store.Obviously no one came to the door, and there was a black cloth hanging on the door, with a very cute cartoon Two-dimensional character sewn on it.This kind of thing looks at the end of the day.It's like a funny existence.And it will make people think that the owner of this shop is a bit stupid.

(End of this chapter)

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