Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 177 Weapon Supplier

Chapter 177 Weapon Supplier

"Xin Yu, is it really this one?" Lin Ye couldn't believe that such a thing was displayed in an arms store.Jiang Xinyu came here alone to buy weapons last time.I'm pretty sure it's here, "Boss, that's right, this is the place!"

The four opened the door curtain and walked in.A thick gunpowder smoke was blowing in the face. There were dozens of different types of guns hanging on the wall, but none of them had ammunition.A middle-aged man in his forties was lying on a recliner.Watch anime on a tablet.

The middle-aged man was wearing a pink shirt.One white shorts.Under the feet are a pair of white stockings and a pair of princess shoes.When the man saw someone coming in, he said in a very arrogant voice without raising his eyes. "Please take a look! Call me if you like!"

Then he turned around and ignored the four people.The three men got goosebumps from the boss' greasy and arrogant voice. After hearing what he said, Li Jie almost wanted to rush up and beat him up.He was pulled back by Lin Ye.

After the end, everyone's repressed nature will no longer be suppressed.Great progress has also been made in art.It can be said that the doomsday destroyed mankind.But a new species has been created, and the arms dealer boss in front of him is the best embodiment.

There are a variety of guns hanging on the walls. The origin of this store and the owner are like a mystery.But as long as it is possible to trade.There is nothing wrong with it.Lin Ye took down a long sniper, disassembled and assembled it very skillfully.The other three people were not idle either, and carried all the weapons needed on the list to the checkout counter.

I heard such a big fight between the four of them.The shop owner, who was dressed in pink, finally turned off the anime series he was watching and stood up.He said to the four people with his hands on his hips. "You stinky men, don't break my guns carelessly!"

Li Jie, who was removing a flamethrower from the wall, shook his body, turned around and wanted to grab the shop owner and beat him up. It turns out that there is a reason why the business here is so bad.Who can endure such a mental attack.It's just killing me.

Gu Tian and Jiang Xinyu stopped Li Jie, "The boss said it. Three nos. If you don't obey, I won't take you out next time!"

"This guy is so disgusting too." Before Li Jie finished speaking, Gu Tian blocked his mouth with his hand.Whispered in Li Jie's ear. "I want to hit him too!"

Among the four, only Lin Ye had better concentration and endurance, so he put down the sniper in his hand.There was a faint smile on the old face.Said hoarsely. "Boss, besides these guns, do you have anything else here?"

Among the weapons purchased this time, the core item is the single-player combat missile. With the training of the Tianning Alliance in the outer sky and the empty gate, the combat power will be greatly improved.

The sissy took out a flowered handkerchief from nowhere.He covered his mouth and laughed.Pointing at Lin Ye with an orchid flower, he said. "Old man, you're joking again. Right now, Baidi City is peaceful, what do you want that kind of thing for?"

Lin Ye used the cold air to survey this guy quietly, and he turned out to be a supernatural person, and he was also a guy at the peak of silver. Lin Ye almost underestimated him.

"What does this thing do, let's do what it does! You are the boss, you should know better than me!" Lin Ye stared at this guy like lightning, and he didn't snatch it for nothing.The heteronucleus will not miss him.

The sissy boss was slightly stunned for a while, obviously he didn't feel the fluctuation of the supernatural power level in this old man, he was either an ordinary person, or a supernatural power user whose level was far above him, and the result was obvious .

"The weapons I have here are all directly provided to the Zhushan League. I have the one you want, but if you use it against the Zhushan League, I won't sell it!"

Sure enough, this guy is inextricably linked with the Zhushan League. He is completely different from Bai San of Wuhua Tianbao. This sissy boss obviously reached an agreement with the Zhushan League, so he would say this.

You don't need your real name to buy items in the black market, which also makes it profitable for many supernatural beings who sneak in among the crowd.Blocking is worse than sparseness. Ao Baitian's military advisers simply divided this west city as the basis for the black market after seeing the free trade atmosphere in the city. The west gate is also open all the year round. Control is commonplace, but if you want to go to other places from West City, you must pass the system test.

And when Lin Ye and his party left the black building, they had already created a set of fake identities, so they didn't have to worry about these things at all.

"Let's go outside the city to kill zombies. The Zhushan League is so powerful that no one with supernatural powers will resist." Lin Ye said softly, dispelling the boss's worries.

When Jiang Xinyu saw these firearms, she had the same reaction as Gu Tian saw those strange prices.

This sissy boss had a good impression of Jiang Xinyu, and recalled what he said when he came to buy guns that day, and it was the same tone as this old man.So I no longer doubt it, after all, opening a store is to do business.

"Okay, then I will trust you once. The situation in Baidi City is not clear right now. Although our business is easy to do, we are also afraid of doing things wrong!"

The sissy boss bent down and dragged out a dusty box.The box is rectangular, and the sissy boss turns the box over to the other side.After pressing a few numbers on the combination lock, the box opened automatically with a bang.He made a gesture of invitation to Lin Ye. "Look at the goods!"

As the box was opened, three black iron bumps emitting a faint light were quietly placed in the middle. Before the end of the day, this thing should be something in the Huaxia Armed Forces. The sissy man in front of him may be People who come out of it.

Lin Ye held his breath, and touched it with both hands. He didn't hide it in front of this guy. A trace of cold air leached out, and the three individual combat missile carriers made a whining sound of black iron, Lin Ye said in his heart. "It really is a good product!"

The light is a combat missile.You can bomb a zombie below the third level of gold and mutant beasts. Except for a very few who can escape, most of them die on the spot.Lin Ye couldn't guarantee it either.Can you block a missile yourself?It's no wonder that the sissy shopkeeper asked Lin Ye and his party to get to the bottom of the matter.

(End of this chapter)

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