Chapter 178 Bio-Radar
"My stuff isn't bad, isn't it?" Seeing Wang Ye's bewildered look, the sissy knew that she had taken a fancy to these things of hers, and immediately put them away, as if she was afraid that he would snatch them away.

"Make a price!" Lin Ye didn't plan to stay here any longer. Although there were few people coming and going here, Lin Ye didn't know if this guy would reveal all the roots of his group. Everyone has made records in the Zhushan League's system. If someone denounces them at this time, as long as they act casually, the whereabouts of their group will be exposed.

The sissy boss saw that Lin Ye was so forthright, so he stopped talking and started talking. "Two ha gold third-level heterocores, these are only these three individual combat missiles, and I will give you fifty shells as a gift, keeping your shells down will be cool!"

When this guy said the last sentence, his eyes wandered over the three men, and everyone in the room felt a bit chilly. Obviously, this guy is a very good man.It is not advisable to stay here much.

The asking price for these two gold third-order hetero-cores is indeed not expensive. Take out a lot of low-level hetero-cores, and the same is true for the third-tier hetero-cores. Wang Ye thinks this is worth the money. After all, this is a life-saving guy.It's always hard to feel at ease without spending some money.
Here at this weapons supplier, Lin Ye spent a total of one gold third-level different core and nearly two hundred silver-level different cores.Looking at the flower's different cores like flowing water, Lin Ye felt a little pain in his heart. These different cores are the price that everyone got from killing zombies.

From this weapon supplier, Lin Ye bought a total of three individual combat missiles, two flamethrowers that can kill low-level zombies, a few Gatlings, a dozen powerful grenades, and smoke flare
Lin Ye's newly bought storage bag came in handy, and stuffed all these things into it. Lin Ye just felt that the bag was a little heavier, and he didn't feel anything else.Walking out of the munitions supplier, there were more people outside. Most of these people coming and going were low-level supernatural beings, and many of them were wearing Zhushanmeng's clothes and walking proudly.But they are all low-level supernatural beings, and Lin Ye and his party don't look down on them at all.

After Jiang Xinyu came out of the arms dealer, she was as happy as a jumping child. As a policewoman before the end, she liked these weapons very much.From time to time, Gu Tian opened the storage bag and fiddled with some small objects, with a satisfied face.Only Li Jie, he looks bored like he doesn't like this trip very much, no wonder he, this trip, there is nothing about him at all, it's just that he came here and said that he wants to come and play. What fun.

The three types of large items to be bought are complete, but the defensive weapons in the underground warehouse and the bat cubs have nowhere to go.Lin Ye had an idea in his mind, but he was also willing to listen to Gu Tian's opinion, and immediately pulled Gu Tian down in front of him, not afraid of people around him wondering what to ask. "The price of those defensive weapons is not high, but there are many types that are needed. And what are you going to do with the bat cubs!"

"Boss, don't tease me, just think about these things!" Gu Tian felt Lin Ye's omnipotence within a few days of his arrival. Not only can he kill zombies, but he can even use his brain well. He thinks highly of himself Sometimes it's better not to think too much about yourself in front of him.

After hearing these words, Lin Ye seemed a little angry.He never gets angry with his subordinates, even if there is something, he is sulking in his heart, but after hearing what Gutian said, Lin Ye, who hadn't been angry for a long time, seemed a little unable to bear to speak to Gutian Said. "Give you 3 minutes, tell me all the things you need, or I will take back the things in your storage bag!"

Gutian was yelled at by Lin Ye, and his heart was filled with grief. Li Jie and Jiang Xinyu went up to comfort Gutian when they saw this state. When he was still an ordinary human being, Lin Ye insisted on adding him to the team regardless of what everyone thought. Apart from Gu Tian's attainments in medicine, he also had his smart brain.

Gu Tianzhi stayed for a while, and then understood the mystery in the middle.So I turned my clever brain with all my strength, coupled with the outline that had already been formed in my heart, and listed all these things like stacking blocks.

"Boss, I know I was wrong!" Gu Tian stepped forward and said to Lin Ye.And Lin Ye didn't have the urge to get angry with him at all, it was just because Gu Tian completely left the most important things behind because of some tricks just now. normal.

Lin Ye has always wanted to talk to Gu Tian about his views on him, but he has been among the crowd and has no chance, but Lin Ye believes that Gu Tian can understand his good intentions in every move.He is a figure at the level of a military advisor in the future of the Tianning League.

Under Lin Ye's acquiescent gaze, Gu Tian spoke out all the things in his mind like pouring beans into a bamboo tube. "Large night detection device. Biological radar, plus a dozen pressure alarms. These are to prevent invaders, zombies, and mutant beasts on the ground and underground, and these are only for detection purposes, and they will not alarm the snake. But if we are facing the sky, if we install tiny sensors on the mutant bats, we can release a dozen mutant bats at night, and all of them will know the way of the intruders."

Hearing Gutian's words, Lin Ye finally felt a little relieved.asked. "And what?"

"Moreover, the mutant bat itself has the function of surveying. The cost of these objects should not exceed a second-level golden heterocore!" Gu Tian was extremely thoughtful.Along the way, watching the transactions of people on the road, I already have a close judgment on this heterogeneous core.

"Well, you're right! But those dark mines don't need to be arranged. To avoid accidentally injuring your own people, if there is a day when someone else is eyeing our Tianning League, you really think that you can just rely on these Can we resist it? In the end, it depends on our own strength."

It reminds me of the post-apocalyptic post-life.When those supernatural beings with hands and eyes reaching the sky died under the tide of destructive corpses, Lin Ye felt some indescribable sense of powerlessness in his heart, such a terrifying coercion.When the time comes, will he be able to survive?
(End of this chapter)

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