Chapter 179 East Hall
The four went around in the black market, and it took them a whole afternoon to buy all the materials for Gutian's more than defensive biological system.Li Jie, who was following the three of them, had a dark face. It was conceivable that he was a guy who didn't like shopping.

After seeing that things were purchased neatly, Lin Ye led a group of people out of the black market, and the slightly dull feeling under the black market environment was swept away.Jiang Xinyu seemed to suddenly think of something.Walked up to Lin Ye and asked. "Boss, why is there no such thing as the Colosseum in Baidi City!"

Jiang Xinyu's question is not only a confusion for her alone, but also a confusion for Li Jie, including Gutian, who knows the history of everyone.In a Baidi City in Nuo Da, even the black market is well-behaved.It's really unbelievable that there is no human trafficking like in Tianshui County, and there are scenes where low-level supernatural beings are allowed to fight zombies.

Seeing that the three of them were full of interest, all the things to be purchased have been bought now.Although it cost a lot of money, it was worth the money, and Lin Ye felt a sense of lightness in his heart.After finding a tavern opened by ordinary humans, the four sat down.Listening to Lin Ye talking about this unknown past.

Before the blood moon came, the East Hall was originally the most affluent place in the entire land of China, where many human beings who were as rich as enemies settled.But where did the earliest zombie outbreak start? Because of the large number of rich people, some guys used countless supplies to escape the catastrophe in various ways on the night of the blood moon. Successfully evolved into a supernatural being.

Because of this group of supernatural beings.They are more insightful and courageous than ordinary people, so at the very beginning, their strength is stronger than that of the imperial capital.However, among these supernatural beings, there are many scum. These people gather together to do evil, but their ability to make money is still as strong. In just a few months, they have earned countless heterogeneous cores.And the East Hall also extended its hand to the entire land of Huaxia.Except for the other three large cities, there are basically these human trafficking built by the East Hall in other small places, as well as underground trading offices that earn huge amounts of illegal wealth.

All three held their heads.Listening to Lin Ye talking about this little-known secret, Li Jie and Gu Tian returned to their nature of curious cats after a few words, and quickly asked, "Then why can't you get in from the East Hall of Baidi City!"

"Right now, the entire four major cities in China should be plagued by civil strife. Some of the supernatural beings advance rapidly, while others have been dormant for many years and become a blockbuster. There are too many uncertainties. Moreover, not everyone can find a way for them to advance. and how to exercise one's abilities, how can those who have tasted the power give up and surrender under the control of others."

After saying this, the three of them looked thoughtful.In the past few days in Baidi City, everyone has suddenly realized how kind Lin Ye is to his group. How could he not use his supernatural beings as cannon fodder when he was working hard? He has a cold look, to put it bluntly, he always looks like someone owes him money, and it is common for people he doesn't know to look away.

In fact, Lin Ye not only carefully protected everyone, but also worked hard to make everyone stronger.Where can I find such a boss?The three looked at each other and understood what the other was thinking at the same time.

Jiang Xinyu's eyes sparkled, she looked at Lin Ye sincerely and said. "Boss, if one day you can become the king of Baidi City, but we will all die in the battle. Are you willing to do this?"

Whether Lin Ye said yes or no.The three of them had the answer in their hearts, and they all knew that Lin Ye would not lie.

Lin Ye, who had just finished talking about the origin of the East Palace, still didn't understand what happened to these three people, and was taken aback by Jiang Xinyu's sudden question.

"The king of Baidi City? The fate of these companions." Lin Ye fell into deep thought.He closed his eyes slightly, and the scenes of the past resurfaced in his mind like a marquee.From my frenzied pursuit of supernatural powers at the beginning, to later, I don't know when it started, but I gradually got used to the feeling of gathering together.Whether it was when he and Zhang Ren waved goodbye to Tianshui County, or when he fell into the arms of his companions after several lives and deaths.

"If there is such a day, I would rather go back to the starting point in G City. None of this happened." Lin Ye's heart was filled with infinite nostalgia. At this time, the answer was ready to come out.Lin Ye would rather all this hadn't happened than to lose everyone.

At this time, Baidi City was in a state of prosperity.The blood moon hung in the sky like a hook, and the humans living in Baidi City came out at night.The flow of people is like weaving, these survivors who have experienced life and death, most of them live more freely after the doomsday.In the night without light, the feasting and feasting are like colorful stars in a chaotic world.When the lights are on, no one will dislike this kind of life.The smell of alcohol and cigarettes wafts everywhere.

There were more and more people in the tavern. The three of them set off in the morning, and it was already night. Among the people who came in, there were a few pairs of obscure eyes looking at Lin Ye's table, needless to say , must have taken a fancy to Jiang Xinyu's beauty.

In order not to cause trouble.Lin Ye called everyone up.out of here.Watching the flow of people outside.The three people standing behind Lin Ye only reacted at this time.The population of these four huge cities standing on the land of China is so terrifying.

It would not be an exaggeration to describe the scene in front of the four of them as rubbing shoulders, "Boss, is this the real face of Baidi City?" Jiang Xinyu was beyond shocked by the humans in front of him.The human beings in front of them were dressed in strange costumes, mostly red, and some deliberately turned into zombies to shuttle among the crowd.It caused bursts of exclamation.Most of the women wore revealing clothes, and some of the low-level supernatural beings hugged left and right like stars holding the moon.

Gutian knows the scenes in front of him, because in the apocalypse, everyone is releasing their own nature, fearing the strong, pursuing death, including the desire for life, and carpe diem. When these things start to spread among the crowd, The whole world began to turn black and white upside down.

Seeing these humans in front of him, Li Jie subconsciously shook his head. "They're just paralyzing themselves! Even a huge fortress like Baidi City can't give them enough sense of security."

(End of this chapter)

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