Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 180 Ruhua Hotel

Chapter 180 Ruhua Hotel
Lin Ye's face was expressionless. They had long been used to the appearance of these people in the last days of their previous lives. Life is no joy, and death is no trouble.These people are crazy and desperate, and they are not abandoning themselves. They all watched their relatives and children die at the hands of zombies, and then turned into pitiful human beings of zombies. They can only choose to kill them or It is escape.

"They are just poor and pathetic human beings!" Gu Tian looked at them and his eyes gradually turned cold, everyone has the right to choose their own life.And they chose to fall.Lin Ye was just an ordinary human being in his previous life.But he didn't choose this life.He is also not qualified to choose such a life. Lin Ye has embarked on the path of a strong man, and developed martial arts such as "Three Forms of the World" and "Hell Transformation" that are suitable for human practice in the underground warehouse.

Lin Ye turned his head and said to the crowd, "It's already very late today, let's find a hotel to stay in first, and tomorrow is the time for us to get down to business."

The four of them appeared outside a rather funny hotel, Ruhua Hotel.Although the environment here is not as good as the life before the doomsday, in this White Emperor City, the really good service and enjoyment are only available to those with supernatural abilities.And humans can only live under their coercion.

The two welcoming ladies standing at the front desk were wearing ordinary clothes.She looks like an ordinary beauty.Li Jie recalled the beauties standing in a row at Wuhua Tianbao in the black market during the day, and at this moment he had a clear opinion.This hotel can be regarded as luxurious among human beings. Because they could not detect their own power fluctuations, Lin Ye relaxed his vigilance along the way. Among those drunken humans, many of them belonged to Zhushanmeng's powers. By.

Although Lin Ye tried his best to lower his class, Gu Tian and Li Jie couldn't be like him, so it's normal to be stared at by others, but this feeling is like taking a bath when others stand in front of them blatantly watching you.Nobody likes this.

Under the leadership of several waitresses, four people chose four rooms.And spending one night here only cost four peak bronze zombie heterocores, which can be said to be very cheap for everyone.

When the four of them were about to say good night, Li Jie said to everyone. "It's the first time I've grown up and felt like I have so much money!" Everyone sneered and entered the room.

Lin Ye took off the heavy clothes on his body, and the close-fitting "Dragon Slaying" was still as sharp as lightning. If this set of old man's clothes were changed to anyone in his group, they probably wouldn't be able to stand the heat, but Lin Ye has been Slightly adjusting his own ice ability to cool down, he survived.

In the black market today.I discovered too many hidden things.Just like the Qiqi League must be dissatisfied with the Zhushan League's position as the boss in Baidi City, this is just a faction.Lin Ye didn't dare to think about those guys lurking in Baidi City in the East Hall.As long as the situation is chaotic.What kind of insane move would they make? Before they set off, they were still worried that the situation in Baidi City was too clear.But I still underestimated too much.

Lin Ye closed his eyes.The time to push the first wave of corpses again in my heart is only two short months, and I am currently the only person in the Tianning League who is a gold rank.Compared with the Zhushan League, this kind of strength is nothing short of insignificant!

According to the calculation of time, Qingfeng League and several factions should also be established.However, the temporary strength of these alliances should be the same as that of the Tianning Alliance.Exactly when did those factions start to shine in Baidi City, forming a separatist situation.Could it be after the first wave of zombies?Lin Ye fell into confusion. The memory of the apocalypse in the previous life began to be inconsistent with many things that happened in this life, and these variables were caused by himself.

After his consciousness was exhausted, Lin Ye fell into a dream.While wandering in the dreamland, Lin Ye felt a burst of fragrance coming from his room.This seemingly regular hotel is actually doing this kind of thing. After taking a few breaths carefully, Lin Ye recognized it.This is precisely the power of "Cartilage Fragrance". The power of "Cartilage Fragrance" can only fascinate ordinary bronze low-level abilities, but in the eyes of hotel managers and the like, this should be enough.

But these people would never have imagined that these four people, except Jiang Xinyu, would be affected by this "cartilage fragrance".Others suffer nothing at all.Lin Ye remained calm, just quietly waiting for what these guys outside wanted to do!
Not long after, a quiet sound sounded outside. "Elder Sister, if the cartilage smells good, I guess the four fat sheep are already fast asleep!" The other woman's voice was obviously a little lower, she said in a low voice. "Wait a minute, brother Ma said that there seems to be something wrong with these people!"

"Tch, what's wrong with these four people, isn't it just a bad old man with two brats and a strong man who looks fierce!"

Lin Ye didn't know what he was thinking when he heard this group of stupid girls chatting, and when he heard that Li Jie was described as a fierce and strong man.

"Let's save this old man for last. Let's get rid of that strong man first. It's still the old rule. Get the alien core." Lin Ye's cold air was like a footless ghost passing through the door, seeing everything in front of him. in the eyes.The woman with a low voice made a beheading action to another woman. Lin Ye didn't expect that this group of female thieves would be so courageous.After winning the treasure, he even wanted to kill people to silence him.

At this time, Lin Ye was no longer like the low-level supernatural being in Pig Village, who couldn't control his killing heart. At this time, he didn't change his expression when facing the golden-level mutant zombies, let alone These stupid thieves standing outside, when they heard that they were going to deal with Li Jie, Lin Ye didn't know what it was like.

And Li Jie who slept in the room next to Lin Ye.When the first trace of "cartilage fragrance" reached his nasal cavity, he had already woken up.He didn't have Lin Ye's strong ears, so he hid secretly above the door.Listening to the words of a few ordinary humans.I couldn't help laughing out.

At this time, Li Jie had a heart of trickery, since he wanted to murder for money.Then let’s startle you all first!Lin Ye tore the sheets into strips.Hanging all over the room, it looks like a ghost room. Li Jie is the one-of-a-kind supernatural being among superpowers. These things are just a matter of raising his hands. The two standing outside If a stupid female thief saw Li Jie in the room looking as fast as a ghost, she would definitely faint from fright on the spot.

(End of this chapter)

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