Chapter 181

The clock hanging in the lobby of the hotel rang at twelve o'clock in the evening, which was the signal for action. At this time, Li Jie was hanging on the wall like a gecko.He is not like Hu Fei, he relies on his own brute force to do so, even the body of a supernatural person is very difficult to support.

After the door was suddenly turned by a key, there was a sound and the door opened.The two female thieves came in on tiptoe. When they turned on the light in the room, they saw that the room was covered with white sheets, and the electric fan was turned on, which was very strange.And the two saw with their own eyes the fierce-looking bearded man living in. At this time, not only was there no one on the bed, but the whole room was in a mess.

The reaction of the two is also extremely fast.After finding that the person had disappeared, they began to rummage through the boxes. Just when the two found nothing and were about to go out, they found a white figure descending from the sky, and the body was hanging in front of them in an extremely twisted posture.Needless to say, this guy is Li Jie.

The two female thieves who wanted to murder for money were scared out of their wits at this time. It's not like they haven't seen zombies before, but the guy in front of them is like a ghost. Needless to say, they still want to murder The heart of killing money.The two men threw the knives in their hands.One ran out screaming.He yelled "Brother Ma!"

The other one was so frightened that he sat down on the ground and let out screams.Li Jie was hanging upside down.From time to time, he glanced at the woman with his eyes.Seeing that she seemed to be really mad, she jumped down. In Li Jie's view, these human beings are helpless wretches.I did this just to teach them a lesson.

"Hey, I'm not a ghost! I'm a human!" No matter what Li Jie told this girl, she sat limply on the ground and cried for her mother. The sound of the child crying was more terrifying to him than the screaming of zombies in his ears.Lin Ye and Gu Tian sleeping on both sides of Li Jie also suffered a disaster.Lin Ye no longer wanted to change into the old man's clothes and go out to settle the matter.If you can't even solve such a small matter, how can you hang around in the Tianning League in the future.

After a burst of hurried footsteps, a woman with greasy hair appeared in Li Jie's room, and she saw Li Jie lying on the bed.She tossed the cigar straight over. "Brother, are you here to mess things up?"

Finally hearing someone who could speak normally, Li Jie stood up straight from the bed.Standing in front of him was a woman with combed back hair and a mustache.Li Jie didn't want to make matters worse, because someone told him the three no principles before taking him out, and Li Jie, who had been frustrated for a day today, didn't know why he was so unlucky, even taking a good rest at night was rejected. The person was disturbed and woke up.

Moreover, he couldn’t reveal his super powers, "You are the boss here, right? I want to complain to Zhushan League about you. You actually intend to kill people," Li Jie pointed at the woman who collapsed on the ground, "Personal evidence, physical evidence Gu Zai. How else do you want to explain it!"

"This is Ruhua Hotel, my name is Brother Xiaoma. My people come to your room to help you cover the quilt at night, but you made this room look like this, and you scared my two beauties, I am now I want you to lose money!"

Li Jie had chest tightness and shortness of breath for a while, if the person in front of him was wearing black leather shoes.The "Little Ma brother" in a suit is a zombie, I'm afraid Li Jie will beat her brains to pieces on the spot.But the terrible thing is that this guy is a human being, or an unreasonable human being.

"Brother Ma, right? I don't care what you say, but I was frightened in your hotel. This really happened. If you apologize to me at this time and take out a bottle of cartilage fragrance Come out with the antidote. I'll let you quit, or else!" Li Jie looked at the little ma brother with a bit of coercion from a superpower in his eyes.

But the little ma brother in front of her was like a woman with transcendence, she directly avoided Li Jie's gaze, and took out a sharp knife from her pocket.After playing a knife trick, his body was placed on Li Jie's neck in a flash.

It seems that Li Jie has never been treated like this since the apocalypse. He went to the city crying and shouting, and this turned out to be the result. Li Jie wanted to bang his head against the wall at this moment.Even if this brother pony stabs him dozens of times with the knife, nothing will happen at all, but if he doesn't die in the end, he will definitely scare her enough.

At this moment, a sudden force appeared, and Jiang Xinyu walked in with a Gatling in his hand.After a round of chug chug shooting.More than a dozen fist-sized holes appeared on the wall of Li Jie's room in Ruhua Hotel.

The three female thieves, including the little brother Ma who held a knife over Li Jie's neck, were all stunned.The woman lying on the ground had her mouth the size of an egg.At this time, he must have fallen into insanity.

Li Jie was lying on the bed, and his posture with this "little brother Ma" was very strange, she was on top of him, but his whole attention was on Jiang Xinyu at this time, "How did this guy wake up! "

but.He saw Guten disguised as a young high school student.Leaning his shoulder on the door of the hotel, Li Jie immediately reacted.

It turned out that Gutian woke up after smelling Mixiang, and he saw that Li Jie who was sleeping next to him was not moving, and Lin Ye didn't seem to care about this matter, and he didn't know what to do, but he Knowing clearly that Jiang Xinyu is an ordinary person without supernatural powers, she must not be able to bear the fragrance. At this time, Gu Tian took out the storage bag she was carrying.He took out a detoxification capsule from it.

When he heard the commotion next door, Gu Tian crushed and popped the detoxification capsule and stuffed it into Jiang Xinyu's room. One minute later, well-dressed Jiang Xinyu appeared in front of the door carrying a Gatling.What she hates the most are these indecent behaviors.

Then he rushed over angrily, scanned the wall, and saw that the other party was a tomboy and didn't dare to shoot at them.

The whole room fell into an embarrassing situation, and the three people in the Ruhua Hotel no longer had the slightest idea of ​​killing people and seizing treasures.Obviously, this woman with Gatling in her hand will smash the room to pieces anytime, anywhere in the next second.Moreover, these people were unscathed by the "cartilage fragrance" that can fascinate even supernatural beings. There is something terrible behind this.They no longer dare to think about it.

(End of this chapter)

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