Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 182 The Uncertain Situation

Chapter 182 The Uncertain Situation

Brother Xiao Ma came back to his senses, and she put the dagger in her pocket after playing tricks.In order not to hide her embarrassment, she coughed lightly a few times.He winked at the two female thieves.While talking with a smile, he stepped back towards the door. "Everyone is in a good mood tonight. I hope you all have a good meal and drink in our Ruhua Hotel! Eat and drink well!"

Then the three of them ran out like a ghost.Gu Tian, ​​Jiang Xinyu, and Li Jie lying on the bed looked at each other.

Gu Tian was worried about whether Lin Ye would be affected, so he asked. "Where's the boss? Didn't he come?"

Li Jie hung it on the fan, and the quilt strips on the window began to be torn off.back. "Does such a small matter still disturb the boss?"

Jiang Xinyu, who came back to his senses, asked with a dazed expression. "Did I go too far just now?"

The two men turned their heads to Jiang Xinyu at the same time and nodded. "Somewhat!"

After listening to this sentence, Jiang Xinyu lifted Gatlin up and pretended to sweep the two of them.Gu Tian and Li Jie, two live treasures, quickly changed their words and praised them. "Hey, no no no!"

After the farce ended, Lin Ye turned over while lying on the bed, and the whole room exuded a soul-stirring chill. Lin Ye, who had fallen asleep, failed to restrain his ice-type supernatural power.The ice energy emanating unconsciously is extremely powerful.

The next day, the waning moon began to slowly disappear in the west, Wang Ye got up early as usual, opened the curtains to receive the baptism of the sun, and a round of golden sun rose majesticly in the east.This will mean that today is a good day.

The episode that happened last night has been forgotten by Lin Ye.At this time, I just want to go back to the underground warehouse earlier, and take everyone to the empty gate of the sky to accept the training.Jiang Xinyu's performance last night was within his expectations, but Li Jie was beyond his imagination.This guy can endure such a provocation, which proves that he may be able to advance a lot faster than he imagined.

And Gu Tian, ​​this guy, if he has the same super combat power as himself.Lin Ye felt that he could replace his identity in the Tianning League.

Although the curtains were drawn, the light in the room was not very bright, Lin Ye flicked his little finger.An ice bomb hit the top of the light switch, and the room began to light up.Lin Ye stood in front of the mirror and looked at his own face.This face is slightly different from the previous life, perhaps because he is a supernatural being.The whole person looks much younger, and the eyes are like black amber, emitting a breathtaking light.The thin bangs seem to hang in front of the forehead.

Because the previous life was a mixed underground organization.Lin Ye had many tattoos on his body before, but it was the first day of the end.When Lin Ye and Xuewu stood on the tallest building in City G to be baptized, their bodies had already changed a new layer of skin.At this time, there was no sign of any tattoos anymore, and he remembered the ferocious green dragon coiled behind him before.He remembered the past with Xuewu in the underground organization.

Myself at that time.He also did a lot of things with these women, and when Lin Ye took the position of the boss of City G, all of these things drifted into his memory.

Lin Ye dressed as an old man stood in front of Li Jie's room and knocked on the door, and then woke up Gu Tian and Jiang Xinyu.With Lin Ye around, the people of Tianning League don't have to worry about oversleeping, because Lin Ye is always more punctual than the alarm clock.

"If you don't get up again, the sun will burn your ass!" When Lin Ye knocked on Gutian's door, Jiang Xinyu had already woken up.When Lin Ye knocked on the door.Wearing a pair of cute shorts, she jumped on Lin Ye, acting like a baby.

Lin Ye has two completely different attitudes towards Jiang Xinyu and Xuewu. When he thinks of Jiang Xinyu, Lin Ye's heart will be a little turbulent. The love that this little girl has shown for herself all the time Thick.Sometimes even the wooden Nie Quanqi can see it.But Lin Ye's attitude has always been a slight rejection.There was nothing he could do about her occasional intimacy.

In the end, Lin Ye finally tore the clingy Jiang Xinyu off his body. This guy even tore at his fake beard. After the four of them tidied up, they left Ruhua Hotel.when going out.The two women at the front desk had dark circles under their eyes, and the little brother Ma disappeared. They seemed to shed tears of excitement when they saw Lin Ye and his party walking away.

"Boss, is today still going according to the original plan?"

The person who asked this question was Gutian. In Lin Ye's plan, he should find a few people from the Zhushan League today, change into their clothes after being knocked out, and then make trouble in the black market. In the black market, the people from the Zhushan League Not a few, but really hands-on.It must not be the opponents of the stall owners who are a few levels higher than them. ,

As long as there is chaos, the three change their costumes again and leave the black market.And Jiang Xinyu is in charge of watching the wind and helping everyone keep their belongings.

But after yesterday's shopping, Lin Ye's mind changed. One reason is that the black market is not as peaceful as it seems on the surface.In fact, the waves are turbulent, and there are shocking murderous intentions hidden.And the conversation with Wuhua Tianbao Baisan in the secret room yesterday, what he was asked to do made the whole unclear situation even more muddy.

The second is that there are hidden dragons and crouching tigers in this black market.Lin Ye couldn't guarantee that after this matter was over, he would be able to take the three of them out. At present, it is not wise to have a direct conflict with these powerful supernatural beings.

Lin Ye looked at Gu Tian, ​​glanced at Li Jie again, and sighed.Then said.

"The water in this black market is extremely deep. Yesterday I solved what we have to do today!" Hearing what Lin Ye said, the three of them were at a loss, but they were already under the surveillance of the Zhushan League. Next, we can no longer discuss this topic.

The four of them walked the way they came, and left West City, which is a city with abnormal and prosperous trade due to the black market. The four people on the subway were mixed with ordinary human beings, and there was always an unbearable sense of suffocation on the subway. , one is because of the dense population.If the subway is overloaded with cars and vehicles carrying people before the doomsday, then these subways running underground in Baidi City will always be the most overloaded places.

Jiang Xinyu has been used to men's stares with malicious intentions since she was drinking, but after several trips under the protection of Lin Ye, basically no one can take that kind of look like goods. His eyes flew over.

(End of this chapter)

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