Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 183 Flying Shoes

Chapter 183 Flying Shoes

The transportation of the entire Baidi City was before the high-altitude aircraft was invented by several large machine-making alliances.Both goods and population are transported by the subway, and the people in Zhushanmeng have always maintained a good subway system.

An hour later, Lin Ye and his party returned to Nancheng. When they came out of the subway, they saw the decaying scene outside. The hearts of everyone who had just seen the feasting and feasting in Xicheng were terrified.

"Among the four cities, Baidi City has the best image, but the differences between people are still so great, I really can't imagine what it's like in other large cities!" Gu Tian said from storage Four pairs of shoes were taken out of the bag. The unpretentious looking shoes did not move in the wind after they were worn on the feet, and the clothes of the four were blown up.

Li Jie put on this pair of shoes under Gu Tian's command, but expressed doubts about this thing. "Gutian, can this thing be useful?"

Gu Tian, ​​who was more and more satisfied with the treasures in his storage bag, turned his face when he heard Li Jie questioning himself.replied. "This object is made by a gold-level power user of the Wuhua Tianbao Wind Department. After wearing it, it can travel at a speed of ten meters per second without using the power, and this speed will not drop in a short time.

Li Jie was obviously dissatisfied with the shoes, and said to himself. "It's not as fast as mine!" Jiang Xinyu happened to hear this sentence, and Jiang Xinyu replied lightly. "If ordinary humans reach this speed, ordinary zombies can't catch up at all. If the berserk zombies don't have special skills, they will be thrown away by this thing after a while. Do you think that everyone has such good superpowers like you? Ge?"

What Jiang Xinyu said made Gutian lose his temper, because she was one of the two women in the Tianning League, and Xuewu, everyone never regarded her as a woman, Xuewu and his group were fighting head-on When zombies, those fire-type power balls.And the lotus sacred flame with a trace of weirdness and incomprehension made everyone contrast.This Jiang Xinyu who likes to use guns looks so cute.

Standing aside and listening to the three people bickering, Lin Ye just listened quietly. No matter what the situation was, Lin Ye had to keep running at a high speed. Suddenly he thought of something.asked. "Gutian, those buff items in your storage bag. How long will it take you to develop them with all the tools and materials available?"

When Gu Tian heard Lin Ye's question, his heart skipped a beat. Isn't this the question he wanted to ask? He frowned and thought for a while, then Gu Tian said. "Some of the items inside require special abilities to be developed. For example, this explosive bomb with lightning attributes, although it does not take much time to make the things outside it, but I want to have a golden first-order A person with lightning abilities is very rare."

Having said that, Lin Ye understood what he meant.It turns out that these things not only need to have a high-tech appearance, but the ultimate demand is still on the body of supernatural beings. The high-tech development after the end of the world is so rapid, and a large part of the situation is because of the advancement of these supernatural beings. the development of technology.However, war is also one of the ways to promote development.

The four bodies are like galloping cheetahs, running wildly on the deserted mountain road, Jiang Xinyu felt such a fast speed for the first time, her face flushed with joy, and the expression of the three men, Li Jie, was the most indifferent. After his "Frenzied War" mode was turned on, this speed was like playing house, while Gu Tian was full of tentative acceleration and deceleration.Testing the performance of "flying shoes".

Lin Ye, on the other hand, looked like an old god, with a sense of leisurely strolling in the garden. After using his "Splitting through the Sky", he approached the sound of the wind without hindrance. This speed was regarded as walking. Bar.

The mountain road that originally took a while.The three arrived in just a few minutes.Standing outside the abandoned factory, the four of them put on their normal shoes, and Gu Tian held the shoes in front of his eyes for a closer look.Discovered some little secrets.

Seeing Gu Tian like this, Li Jie stepped forward and said to him with a look of disgust, "I ran so fast just now, I don't know if there is any dirt on it!"

Gu Tian ignored Li Jie's teasing, instead he pulled him over and pointed to a small hole on the bottom of the shoe. "It turns out that this pair of shoes has an air vent, which speeds up or slows down according to the pulling of the human leg muscles. There may not be any blessings from wind-type supernatural beings on them. They are a pair of high-tech shoes!"

The two people who were talking were accidentally left behind by Lin Ye and Jiang Xinyu.When looking up.The two were about to enter the abandoned factory area.Jiang Xinyu turned around and shouted to the two of them. "Hurry up, you two!"

Li Jie and Gu Tian held a pair of "flying shoes" in each hand.speak with gusto,

Li Jie stuffed the shoes into the storage bag and said, "You mean this thing, after you improve it, it can approach the speed of sound!?"

"That's right, that's what I meant! His shoes opened my mind. Give me three months, and I will definitely be able to make a pair of sonic shoes!"

Originally, Gutian didn't have much cold about these foreign objects, but he heard that the shoes could approach the speed of sound.Still a little moved, this is already very close to his own body speed after "Frenzy".If there is such a thing, I can save myself a lot of effort.

When the two heard Jiang Xinyu and Lin Ye waiting in front, they quickened their pace.

After going out for a day and a night, there was not much change inside the abandoned factory, but a small hole was dug out in the big iron door of the underground warehouse, and Nie Quanqi was pulling hard vines from the ground to wrap around it.

Back here, Li Jie seemed to come back to life. Seeing that Nie Quanqi was busy, he ran over and asked. "Quanqi, what are you doing!?"

Nie Quanqi looked up and saw Lin Ye and his party came back, he grinned happily and said. "Xuewu said that our place is not easy to get in and out of, so we put a small hole in the doorway. When Gu Tian comes back and installs the biological defense system, he can be comfortable and don't worry about anything else!"

Lin Ye stepped forward and said. "Let's not worry about these things for now, let's go and see how Qi Zhan's injury is doing. We went out this time, and we bought some products for treating trauma. It should be useful."

Five people walked into the underground warehouse. Xuewu took advantage of this short day to redecorate the underground warehouse, not only replacing it with bright light bulbs, but also adding many different painted symbols on the cement walls.

(End of this chapter)

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