Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 184 Various Consumables

Chapter 184 Various Consumables
Seeing that Lin Ye and his group came back smoothly, Xuewu stepped forward to ask how the situation was. Under Li Jie and Gutian's chatter, the four of them talked about their day and night in Baidi City with gusto.

After listening to them, Lin Ye was worried about Qi Zhan's injury, changed his old man's disguise, and walked into the tent. Qi Zhan was lying on a simple bed.Eyes open.The bed is only a short two meters long.Qi Zhan saw Lin Ye coming in.Excited to sit up from the bed.But was supported by Lin Ye, this man who was as firm as a rock, in order to protect everyone.Seriously injured.

Lin Ye took out a bottle of "Strengthening Potion" from the storage bag to treat trauma and spread it evenly on more than a dozen unhealed places in Qi Zhan.Qi Zhan felt refreshed and cool.The potion of the very star Lin Ye is a miraculous item.

Qi Zhan expressed his gratitude with his eyes, and Lin Ye nodded to him and said something. "Take good care of your wounds, and don't go to the Heavenly Space Gate tomorrow!"

Hearing Lin Ye's words, Qi Zhan shook his head with difficulty, his throat creaking, as if he couldn't say anything.The superpower orc life in Qi Zhan's body is a violent stone bear beast. Not only will his body undergo drastic changes, but every time he uses the transformation ability, he may lose control and enter an unconscious state.
Of course Lin Ye understood what he was thinking. Qi Zhan meant that if he existed, no one would be hurt. Qi Zhan used to be the leader of one side, but was later framed by his half-brother and almost died in the fight. Inside the zoo.It was Lin Ye who rescued him from the inside, all the way.Everyone didn't lose communication with him because he couldn't speak, but actively asked him what he needed.

As for Lin Ye, when he was desperate to save everyone's lives several times, this man saw him.I also silently made a wish in my heart.We must protect everyone to live well in this doomsday.

Seeing Qi Zhan sober, Lin Ye felt a little headache, because he was seriously injured.Going to the outer space tomorrow will inevitably be a very difficult task. Although it is said that Qi Zhan's body heals extremely fast, the abilities in his body have not been well restored.If you can't use the transformation ability at that time, you will be like a big stupid being beaten.Thinking of this level, Lin Ye said earnestly and sincerely, "I know what you are thinking, but your current physical condition, if you go up with everyone, it will only distract everyone from protecting you. The dangers inside the gate of space, you I should have realized it. I hope you can recover well!"

After Lin Ye finished speaking, he patted Qi Zhan on the shoulder and walked out.This guy will understand what he thinks.Seeing Lin Ye walk out of his room, Qi Zhan felt an inexplicable emotion in his heart, and poured all the bottles of medicine left by Lin Ye on his body with one hand.There was a real buzzing sound.Even a man like Qi Zhan faced this bitter feeling.Can't help but gritted his teeth and frowned.

Lin Ye who walked out of the room felt that Qi Zhan was a little strange today, but he couldn't tell why, but when he went out, he saw a group of people from the Tianning Alliance around Gutian.Hold your head up like a student listening to a teacher in class.

Gu Tian took out all the things in his storage bag, sorted them carefully, and divided them into three categories.One category is consumables.Similar to "speed-up liquid", "strong liquid", "agile liquid", there are dozens of bottles of these large and small placed on the ground, and Gu Tian introduced them one by one.

Since Jiang Xinyu didn't have any use for these things, she ran to the training ground with big and small guns and steamed buns to practice guns.And Xue Wu, Nie Quanqi, Hu Fei, and Li Jie were listening to Gu Tian's explanation with relish.

"We just finished talking about consumables. Next, let's talk about auxiliary supplies! For example, this pair of light shoes, after we get on the bed, we can run fast with a little movement of our body. And this powerful glove. Put on After that, the strength suddenly increased to two hundred catties per punch. It can be said that ordinary zombies will be sent flying with one punch."

"Ahem!" Lin Ye suddenly appeared.Attracting everyone's attention, Gu Tian saw Lin Ye come out.Don't dare to play tricks again.Said with a smile. "Boss, please explain the use of these things!"

"No, what you said is very good. I'll go back to my room to rest for a while. After I finish speaking, come to me!" After Lin Ye finished speaking, he left with his hands behind his back!
Gu Tian knew in his heart that Lin Ye and others were looking for him not only because of the biological defense system, but right now a few friends are looking at him eagerly.Even Li Jie, who was usually against him, put down his airs and listened to his class.My heart is not inflated.

"Next, let's talk about life-saving items. The existence of this thing is the most magical existence. It can be said to be the perfect fusion of high technology and supernatural powers. Let me make an analogy, if the power of our boss's dozen ice blades can Save it. At the critical moment, use it together to explode, and when you encounter higher-level zombies and mutant beasts, you will instantly kill them. Do you think it's scary?"

Everyone just watched him helplessly. The zombies and mutant beasts they met along the way need not be higher than their own group.Li Jie said impatiently when he heard that Gu Tian still wanted to show off. "You like to talk, don't talk about pulling it down, these things, we will come out after researching and researching!"

Then he got up and left.Gu Tian hurriedly grabbed him.

"Li Jie, don't go, don't go. Listen to me carefully." Li Jie didn't mean to get up and leave, but just pretended to scare Gutian.

After pulling Li Jie down, Gu Tian took out a few pieces of black paper, with tadpole-like characters densely written on them.Seeing everyone's curious eyes, Gu Tian was very satisfied.He cleared his throat and said. "This thing is called a talisman. It contains the strike power of a platinum-level lightning power user. This is the strike of a water-type power user's golden third-level power user."

It turns out that what Gu Tianshen said mysteriously turned out to be just the supernatural power used by a high-level supernatural person, like disposable chopsticks, which are useless after use.This thing might still be a bit attractive to Hu Fei, like Nie Quanqi, Li Jie, and Xue Wu who have very powerful abilities, these things are completely useless.

Xuewu stood up, "Xinyu has brought in a batch of new weapons. Which of you would like to try it with me!"

(End of this chapter)

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