Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 186 Small fights

Chapter 186 Small fights
The steamed buns presented to them by Zhang Ren.As a mutant beast of the second level of silver, it has a very high starting point among its kind.But after leaving Zhang Ren's control.These days, everyone took it to kill all kinds of zombies and mutant beasts, but this guy only rose to one level, not only advanced very slowly, but also gained a lot of weight.

A golden retriever mutant turned into a chubby, shiny pet. Lin Ye couldn't do anything about holding it. Although he didn't have a superpower like a beast trainer in his team, raising a mutant was a must. Do you need an animal trainer to do it?
Lin Ye wanted to give it a try, but as for the Bronze Rank mutant bat, that was not what Lin Ye wanted.Bat mutants are at least silver-ranked and above. It would be the best thing if a golden-ranked bat mutant can be cultivated.

"Except for a very small number of corpse kings and beast kings that can cause damage in the sky, the zombies in the empty gate are all creatures that move on the ground. These bat mutants can't distinguish between day and night inside. If we bring them in, we can find a way Let them attack the zombies in a fixed area. It won't take long. We can harvest a batch of silver-rank mutant bat beasts for our use."

At this moment, Gutian was filled with various surprises.Lin Ye's idea was simply too bold.It directly increased the difficulty of raising these mutant bats by more than one level.

"Boss, this idea is very bold. You can give it a try. Let's divide the bat mutants into two halves, and I will raise the other half. Outside this place. Bring about a hundred bat mutants into the outer sky gate to hone together. You How do you feel?"

Lin Ye naturally has no other objections to Gutian's opinion. This approach is too bold, if it is all brought in.There might be none left.Lin Ye nodded slightly.Shen Si said. "The general method of raising animals is to feed them addictive substances to make them dependent on the feeder. But the mutant beasts produced in this way are basically not vicious. What we will deal with in the future is the real animal tamer I have been embarrassing this matter just now."

After listening to Lin Ye's words, Gu Tian showed joy on his face.Said. "Boss, don't forget what major I am from. Leave this small matter to me, but who is better to feed these mutant bats?"

"Jiang Xinyu!" Lin Ye said lightly.Gu Tian also nodded.

Baidi City, under the ground of the abandoned factory in one year.A group of supernatural beings.

"What, you want me to raise these mutant bats!!!" Jiang Xinyu's sudden loud voice attracted everyone.Gu Tian looked embarrassed.He blushed when Jiang Xinyu yelled at him.

"This, this is what the boss said, I can't help it!!" Gu Tian said aggrievedly, and secretly said in his heart that it is really terrible for a woman to get angry.

"Impossible, why would the boss want me to raise a mutant bat. I don't believe it, you just came in not long ago, and you want to kill us?" At this moment, Jiang Xinyu looked like a runaway lioness.She held a Gatling in her hand, and since she found out that this thing is more deterrent to people and supernatural beings than a sniper rifle, she decisively changed it.After hearing Jiang Xinyu's cry, the steamed bun that was crawling at the entrance of the bat's black hole stretched its ears, and ran towards Jiang Xinyu's voice as if its four feet were on fire.

For a moment, Gu Tian was running around in the entire underground warehouse chased by Mantou.Gatling in Jiang Xinyu's hand swept towards him like splashing water.

Li Jie and Nie Quanqi hid away and started discussing quietly. "Tell me, Jiang Xinyu and Xuewu have changed their tempers. Jiang Xinyu was not like this before."

Nie Quanqi nodded emphatically in agreement. "Since entering this underground warehouse, the personalities of the two women have indeed changed." "Fortunately, one has a bad temper, and the other has a better temper. If both of them have eaten explosives, I don't want to stay in this place anymore!"

The two suddenly felt a chill on the back of their necks.A gloomy voice sounded. "Who are you talking about?" It's not Xuewu or that one.Li Jie reacted much faster than Nie Quanqi.Open your mouth and say. "Mom, run!"

Flames rushed towards the two of them.The two of them were incomparably swift, dodging around and dodging those fireballs one by one.And Nie Quanqi summoned more than a dozen blue vines to protect the body of the Lord.The two men were hit by Xuewu's fireball and were helpless.

Li Jie groaned secretly in his heart, it seemed that Xuewu's temper was a bit more irritable.Hu Fei was in Qi Zhan's room right now.Come out and see a mess outside.Gatling's bullets and Xuewu's fireballs flew wildly.If you are not careful, you will get hit.

Seeing that this farce was about to end, a huge cloud of rain fell from the sky.Suddenly the temperature dropped sharply.Everyone paused.Lin Ye stepped out.Said without anger. "enough!"

When everyone saw Lin Ye making a move, they knew that they had made a mistake, and turned their eyebrows coldly at each other.No one will obey anyone!When Jiang Xinyu saw Lin Ye, she turned her lips away and almost burst into tears. "Boss. Gutian said that he wants me to breed mutant bats!"

Gu Tian, ​​Nie Quanqi, and Li Jie were in a cold sweat. This woman was like a thunderbolt just now, grabbing a machine gun and sweeping around.This change is too unacceptable.

Lin Ye was also a little embarrassed by Jiang Xinyu's appearance. What happened just now was in his eyes.After Lin Ye coughed unnaturally a few times, he said to Jiang Xinyu. "Xin Yu, Gu Tian didn't lie to you, I really planned to let you raise mutant bats!"

At this moment, Jiang Xinyu was like a leaky balloon, she couldn't believe that Lin Ye would actually let herself do such a thing.Eye sockets are slightly moist. "Boss, I don't want to keep bats!"

What Lin Ye dislikes the most is when girls shed tears. In his opinion, this is a sign of weakness, but for some reason, he has always been hard-hearted towards Jiang Xinyu. Could it be because she is the only ordinary girl in his group? people.Are you still willing to follow me all the way here?
But Lin Ye has her own scruples, precisely because she is an ordinary person.To survive in this doomsday, there must be more difficulties that ordinary people can hardly believe.If she can become a human animal trainer, then in this Tianning Alliance, she can go further without hindrance.

(End of this chapter)

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