Chapter 187
Right now, she is unwilling to raise mutant bats because she thinks they are ugly, which makes Lin Ye feel a little speechless.

"Xin Yu, do you still remember what I said when we first met?"

Jiang Xinyu looked at Lin Ye with tears in her eyes, just thinking in her heart, shouldn't he comfort herself?

"Ants will not survive to the end. Only the strong will stand on this earth. Any weakness will become a gap that can be broken with one blow. Now you are proficient in firearms. But you have also seen the effects of these firearms. Gu Tian is an unknown ability user of the third level of silver, but your Gatling has no effect on him, this is a member of our Tianning Alliance, what if it is an enemy?"

Jiang Xinyu and the group of people who were still fighting just now lowered their heads. During this period of time, everyone was far less sensitive to the changing situation in Baidi City than Lin Ye.Unexpectedly, Lin Ye had already considered this matter so important in his heart.

Jiang Xinyu stared at Lin Ye's Gujing Wubo with a sad face. "I know, you despise me as an ordinary person, unworthy of staying in the Tianning League, I will leave now, and return all these things to you."

During this journey, Jiang Xinyu couldn't bear it in her heart, seeing that all the friends around her had their own abilities.Even the last Gutian who entered, although he didn't know his own attributes, but at least he was a supernatural person, regardless of physical strength or agility, his strength was much stronger than normal people.

Lin Ye was finally moved, his face was ashen, he didn't know how to deal with this situation, Jiang Xinyu had her arrogance.Everyone has arrogance, if it is like this, is there still a need to establish the Tianning League?
Everyone stepped forward to stop Jiang Xinyu.Xuewu even tried to persuade her.Lin Ye's gaze slowly turned cold. If Jiang Xinyu can't pass her own test, then Gutian will be able to develop a "medicine supernatural power" in the future.Jiang Xinyu's path to promotion is much more difficult than everyone else's, and it will be more suffering at that time.

"Let her go! As long as she leaves the abandoned factory, she will no longer be a member of my Tianning League!"

Lin Ye's words undoubtedly blocked the way.Gu Tian kept winking at Lin Ye.That looks like saying, this is not according to the plan agreed by the two of them.But Lin Ye's heart has already come up at this time.As long as she, Jiang Xinyu, really leaves this place, there will be no such person in Tianning League in the future!

Since Jiang Xinyu was able to have such a relationship with Mantou, there is a great possibility that she can become a superpower.And it is very likely to be a beast trainer.The purpose of doing this is to let her start as soon as possible, and secondly, to be able to protect herself in the chaos that Baidi City has come to this time.It even survived the first wave of corpses two months later.

Lin Ye couldn't say all these painstaking efforts.I just hope she can figure it out.

Jiang Xinyu really did what he said, he threw the storage bag in his hand on Gutian, gave him a vicious look, and wiped the back of his hand for tears.After whispering a few words with Xuewu, he strode out of the underground warehouse.

Hu Fei was in a hurry, and Li Jie was also in a hurry.These two people met Jiang Xinyu in G City.Nie Quanqi has been a little dazed since he advanced the wood system supernatural power, but at this moment he also knows that things are getting serious.He and the two stepped forward to persuade Lin Ye to let Jiang Xinyu stay.

Lin Ye's heart was also up and down, seeing Jiang Xinyu's resoluteness not to look back, he was a little flustered.Xuewu and Gutian are two people, one is Xuewu who follows her with all her heart, even if she goes to kill Ao Baitian now, she probably won't even frown.Even less likely to question Lin Ye's motives, while Gu Tian was thinking about something with an obscure expression on his face.He was also deducing whether Jiang Xinyu would fake the show for real, or just to test whether Lin Ye really cared about her.

The three big men begged Lin Ye to bring Jiang Xinyu back, yelling and shouting, what to say. "There are only two girls in our Tianning League. Boss, you still have to leave one in anger. From now on, we boys will vomit when we look at each other every day!"

"Boss, Xin Yu is pretty good. She is good at marksmanship. Once she leaves, there will be no one to raise the steamed buns!"

No matter how the three of them surrounded Lin Ye to plead for mercy, Lin Ye just let her go, making that person anxious like a monkey.Later, the three of them couldn't be persuaded anymore.Sitting in the hall like a frost-beaten eggplant, he looked at the bat beast cubs that were locked in a big cage like chickens.

Lin Ye was caught off guard, Jiang Xinyu had been out for half an hour.I thought maybe she wouldn't come back.When there was a dull pain in his heart, a figure wandered in from the underground warehouse again.

The three silver-ranked supernatural beings turned back when they saw Jiang Xinyu again.He jumped towards her happily.

"Hey, let's be clear, I'm coming back to pack up, you guys get out of the way." At this time, Li Jie, Hu Fei and Nie Quanqi really asked her to pack up and leave.Three people surrounded her.

Jiang Xinyu looked helpless.Xue Wu, who was obedient to Lin Ye, finally couldn't sit still.Walked up to Lin Ye and said to Lin Ye. "Boss, since Xin Yu is back, you can keep her here!"

Lin Ye sighed heavily in his heart.After all, I can't be cruel to this heart.

He paced to the front of Jiang Xinyu, but Jiang Xinyu turned her head away from him.Lin Ye spoke slowly. "Xin Yu, stop messing around. If you don't want to raise this mutant bat, then why don't you raise it!"

Jiang Xinyu turned her head.He glared at Lin Ye with his beautiful eyes and said. "If you say you don't want to raise them, you don't want to raise them. I just want to take care of these bat beast cubs!"

The angry Jiang Xinyu naturally wouldn't really leave the Tianning League, not to mention her love for Lin Ye, she has noticed everyone's care for her for so many days.She couldn't even bear to leave the steamed buns.She hoped that Lin Ye could come out and pull herself back.But he didn't.

"This guy has been like this since the beginning! It's not like you don't know it. You know that there will be no good end for moths jumping into the flames, so why do you still do it! God doesn't know about this kind of thing, how can I Let's do it!" After Jiang Xinyu left the underground warehouse, he walked not far, looked outside near the horizon, and sat down on the ground with his feet limp, murmuring in his heart.

For Lin Ye, she really couldn't cut off that love.

Seeing Jiang Xinyu, Lin Ye agreed to his request in a fit of anger. He didn't know whether he was happy or a little helpless.Since she is willing to take on this matter, it is excellent.

(End of this chapter)

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