Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 188 Small stage success

Chapter 188 Small stage success
Right now, Lin Ye taught Jiang Xinyu how to raise mutant bats in detail. Jiang Xinyu has a high level of comprehension, and she can always understand Lin Ye's meaning at once. A bag of things was taken out of the bag.

"Xin Yu, here are baits wrapped with biological instruments. You need to feed them one by one yourself!"

Since Jiang Xinyu agreed to Lin Ye, she naturally knew that these things needed to be done by herself, so she spoke. "When did this thing start?"

"A week later, the cubs at this time are still not able to fly! At least they can't be fed until their wings can fly on their own!"

Jiang Xinyu nodded, as if he had agreed to this matter.

After appeasing Jiang Xinyu, Lin Ye and Gutian started to arrange the defense system. Since everything was prepared, it didn't take long. One afternoon, they monitored the electronic screens within five miles of the abandoned factory. It stands in the underground factory.

"As long as there is a biological invasion, an alarm will sound here, and there are more than 20 sub-cameras. Everything can be installed in the lens." The biological defense system composed of many mediocre products is still missing the most important thing. one ring.But with this, in a short time, everyone can have a good night's sleep.

It was evening, and after dinner, Lin Ye gathered everyone together, looking at Lin Ye's serious face, everyone knew that the training of the Heavenly Empty Sect was about to begin again.

".I said, do you understand?" After Lin Ye finished reading, he scanned the expressions of everyone.

"Boss. What do you mean, this time we will use thermal weapons and not use supernatural powers as a last resort?" Li Jie looked at Lin Ye suspiciously. Lin Ye's approach seemed a bit nonsensical to him.The biggest reliance of my own group of people is supernatural powers and superpowers.If you don't use the ability this time, it's no different from ordinary humans.

"Well, that's what you mean, everyone can use melee weapons as a means of attack, and thermal weapons can be used at will!"

After saying this, everyone showed disbelief on their faces. This condition cannot be said to be harsh, it can only be said to be perverted. There are mutated beasts attacking, but like Xue Wu and Nie Quanqi, who are able to have infinite power by relying on supernatural powers, wouldn't it be a dead end to put them in?

Hu Fei couldn't accept Lin Ye's request no matter what. "Boss, if we only rely on the explosive power and agility of humans, we are no match for those mutant beasts and zombies.

As soon as this remark came out, everyone fell silent. Hu Fei was right.

"If you only rely on the three ways of the world, and you don't use your abilities, you will be like a target, but today I want to teach you a trick." Everyone heard this.The originally dull eyes suddenly lit up.

"Hell changes!" After Lin Ye finished speaking, his sleeves fluttered without wind.This move is a martial skill with the limit of the human body that was finally discovered by millions of human beings after ten years of survival in the apocalypse. If it is said that the three human moves can reach an invincible state in the face of bronze-rank zombies.Then hell changes rely on the power of the human body, zombies and mutant beasts in the silver class are basically powerless.

Very early on, everyone had heard of the name "Hell Transformation" from Lin Ye.At that time, Li Jie begged Lin Ye to teach him this trick first, but Lin Ye refused him, saying that the time had not come, and he didn't know why he suddenly changed his temper today and wanted to teach everyone this.

Seeing everyone's eagerness, this is exactly what Lin Ye wanted to see, so he stood up and stood five meters away from everyone.

"Hell Change" is divided into three tricks.The first is the starting gesture. The Tulong in Lin Ye's hand is holding a sword in the air, which can be said to be unremarkable.But when the second trick is used.Everyone's eyes lit up.

Lin Ye jumped into the air as if he had escaped the gravity of the earth, and the Dragon Slayer lay across Lin Ye's chest, not knowing where he was going to swing.Just when everyone was thinking about the power of this move.Lin Ye's figure seemed to have disappeared out of thin air, and with one swing of the knife, he had already arrived in front of everyone.

Everyone sitting around opened their jaws.This move of Hell Transformation, "It is simply to develop the potential of the human body to the limit. This move can not only deal with mutant beasts and zombies coming from all directions, but also can be used as the best move for escape.

"This move not only tests a person's waist strength, but the most important thing is a person's courage and vision. If you only use it to escape, then this move is just a martial skill to escape, but if you use it Killing an enemy can be said to be done by surprise, one hit will kill!"

Li Jie muttered and said. "Boss' move just now, if I didn't know it, I would probably be chopped into two pieces with one knife."

Li Jie, who is the strongest melee fighter in the Tianning League, said that he is not the opponent of this move, which gives great hope to this "hell change" move in the hearts of others.As long as you learn this trick, combine it with the three forms of the human world, and those hot weapons, you will be honed tomorrow at the Heavenly Space Gate.Maybe he really can't use his own abilities.

"Combined with the fighting power of our group, the final big boss of the Heavenly Outer Space Sect at this stage should be a mutant zombie or mutant beast at the peak of gold."

As soon as Lin Ye said these words, everyone didn't seem to have a particularly big reaction. After all, Tianwaikongmen is just a different dimension. Even if you can't beat it, you can still run, so everyone doesn't worry about any danger or difficulty at all.

"Everyone don't have to worry about these, if you really encounter a golden peak mutant or a zombie, I will bring you out as soon as possible!"

Not long after, a group of people contacted "Hell Transformation" in the spacious training ground with long knives and daggers.Lin Ye was on the sidelines to guide, Li Jie's training speed improved the fastest among everyone.After practicing for half an hour, he was able to perform this trick well without using his own abilities.

Qi Zhan also came out of the room at this time.The wounds on his body have fully healed.However, due to the "explosive body", the abilities in the body only recovered 50.00%. Gu Tian sent some potions to speed up the recovery of abilities. Qi Zhan dared not take more, worried that it would affect his future advancement.

(End of this chapter)

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