Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 189 Preparations

Chapter 189 Preparations
Although Qi Zhan couldn't speak, he danced and talked to Lin Ye with his body, and he wanted to join in and practice this move.Lin Ye pressed his hands into palms on Qi Zhan's stone-like muscles, and then felt that the disordered abilities in his body had gradually been reconciled.Proper exercise is conducive to the healing of physical trauma.

After He Qi Zhan explained the rules against using abilities.Since Qi Zhan didn't have any weapons at hand, Lin Ye handed the Dragon Slayer into his hands.After a few teachings, dance like a clumsy giant, bouncing and bouncing.Everyone was originally concentrating on contacting each other.But being teased by Qi Zhan, they couldn't help laughing.

If it were Qi Zhan's dark complexion, he would probably have turned red by this time.

Five hours later, it was already twelve o'clock in the middle of the night.Lin Ye saw that everyone was very tired, and it was not good to continue training. Everyone had initially mastered the secret of "Hell Transformation".Although it can only use a few percent of its power, it has already exceeded Lin Ye's expectations.

Even Gutian has reached the point of instantaneous. The two women Jiang Xinyu and Xuewu have different physiological structures from men, so the killing power they use is not as strong as the others, but the speed is already astonishingly fast. Jiang Xinyu, especially Jiang Xinyu, was extraordinarily serious during practice.

Like an unselfish instructor, Lin Ye meticulously taught them everything he had learned.

"Everyone, go back and rest, today's training is over!"

After hearing Lin Ye's words, everyone breathed a sigh of relief, and went back to the room to take a shower to wash off the stinky sweat and fatigue from their bodies.

The construction of the entire biological defense system was completed jointly by Lin Ye and Gu Tian.It can be said that within a radius of five miles, nothing can escape the vigilance.Even if a mosquito flies over, Lin Ye will be able to spot it immediately.

Lin Ye was still faintly worried about one thing in his heart, that is, the first wave of corpses. In the memory of the last apocalypse, this time Baidi City did not organize a large-scale battle of supernatural beings, so it was very tragic.It was almost like using supernatural beings to explode their bodies to repel this wave of corpses.

The Zhushan League was also seriously injured because of this, and it has never recovered from the fall, from the first alliance to the position that it competed with other alliances.The Zhushan League has nothing to say about protecting human beings, but the distribution of resources and wealth in Baidi City is too uneven.

And this is not the worst result of this wave of corpses, because this time the virus carried by the mutated corpse king is highly contagious, and nearly [-]% of the population of Baidi City died within a year. Ordinary humans who mutated due to infection with zombie viruses.

Lin Ye has always been curious about the mutation of the supernatural beings in the Heilou, what kind of zombie virus they are infected with, so that the supernatural beings are also powerless and become zombies. If he is Ao Baitian, in that kind of Under the circumstances, is it possible for a strong man to sever his wrist and burn down the entire black building to prevent the zombies turned into by the supernatural being from raging the entire Baidi City.

Where is the real base of the Zhushan League hidden? In the future, the Tianning League will compete with the four major urban areas of Baidi City. If the monitoring system in the Zhushan League is not destroyed, then no matter what the situation is The following are all mutant beasts raised by humans.

Lin Ye was alone, standing quietly under the electronic screen.Looking at the darkness above the light-sensing system, tonight.And no intruders.

The next day, everyone stood at the gate of the abandoned factory. Compared to the first time they entered the gate of the sky, this time they were well prepared. Even the entire thick fog that permeated the valley had already been bought by Gutian. The small objects are reasonably resolved.

Everyone had a storage bag hanging from their waists, and even put a pair on Mantou's feet. "Flying shoes" can be said to be armed from teeth to home.It would be even more perfect if there were no harsh requirements put forward by Lin Ye.

Gu Tian can be said to be the most excited person. When he thinks that these treasures of his will come in handy, he can't stop trembling slightly.But Jiang Xinyu didn't seem so happy, she was riding on the back of the steamed bun, holding a small cage in her hand, and covered it with a thick black cloth.From time to time, there were a few hoarse cries like a little mouse coming from inside.

In order not to consume too much power, and to save time on the road, everyone put on "flying shoes".Finally, Jiang Xinyu couldn't help but moved closer to Lin Ye and said. "Boss, these bat cubs can only flap their wings a few times. Whether they can fly is another matter. Wouldn't it be cruel to bring such a small one into the empty gate?"

Lin Ye lifted the black cloth, and the bat cubs inside quickly squeezed into a corner after seeing the light.They all screamed.

"They are not bats, they are mutant beasts!" Lin Ye said, staring straight into Jiang Xinyu's eyes.These mutant bats need to suck blood to survive. Although the cubs can be bred on the frozen pig, sheep and beef in the underground warehouse, the adult bat mutants really need blood to survive.

When everyone came to the vicinity of the abandoned factory, there was not a single living creature within a radius of ten miles.It is conceivable how many creatures were eaten by those mutant bats back then.

"Let them be familiar with the blood of zombies and other mutant beasts, so that they can be truly used by us!" Lin Ye slightly straightened Tu Long behind his shoulder, adjusted the "flying shoes" on his feet, and faced the empty space. cried the boundless wilderness. "Set off!!!"

When everyone heard Lin Ye's voice, they felt a lot of pride in their hearts. This time, everyone was wearing dense protective items. As a boss, Lin Ye had the confidence to let everyone not use the power of supernatural powers.Then there must be great confidence in this time.

Seven people and one beast were in the dense jungle, like a group of eagles hovering at low altitude. Although Gu Tian, ​​who had the weakest physical strength, was left behind by everyone, it was only a few seconds away.Lin Ye was upright and steady, like an experienced driver.Among the crowd, carefully observe the dangers that may occur around you.

Li Jie ran to the front alone.His feet almost didn't touch the ground, his long bangs were completely blown to the back, revealing a slightly bigger forehead, and the people behind Lin Ye fought together.His big head looks like he wants Lin Ye to wrap it in anytime and anywhere, but Lin Ye can always hold him steady.

(End of this chapter)

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